The Reflective Workbook for Partners of Transgender People. D. M. Maynard

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The Reflective Workbook for Partners of Transgender People - D. M. Maynard

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of 1–10. In contrast to the Pie Graph graphic organizer, though both organizers enable the user to view the topics in comparison with the others, the bars of the Bar Graph do not need to add up to 100 or 100%.

      Box is a format for notes or can be used as a place to store information connected to one topic or subject, which compartmentalizes or assesses a situation. It is visually comprised of multiple boxes to create a framework.

      Pie Graph is a visual representation of percentage showing the comparison of various categories based on a single subject, question, or circumstance in the shape of a pie. Some think of it as a pizza pie with each slice standing for a different component of the topic. The total composition of all the parts is summed to 100 or 100%. Each part or section is assigned a percentage based on its user’s point of view. The goal is to exhibit a quick way to prioritize or place a value on every critical factor that affects the outcome of the subject, question, or circumstance in relation to the other topics.

      Splash should be imagined as if you took a liquid, such as water or paint, and splattered it on a blank canvas. It is intended to let your juices flow as you brainstorm with no judgment or organizational care. Respond to the statement or inquiry with a word or short phrase and quickly splatter your reply. By creatively splashing words and/or short phrases, attempt to express your responses randomly by scattering them on paper. When you have completed the graphic organizer, it should almost look as if you have created a canvas of words by squirting them on the page. It encourages you to elicit a reaction that is guttural and has a desire to be released on paper.

      T-Chart can be used to show different perspectives in relation to the same topic or question. There are many versions of this graphic organizer that can host two, three, or more columns. The two-column graphic usually lists or states two aspects of a problem, unknown, or dilemma. A three-column T-Chart format can assist the user in making a decision by comparing and contrasting the positive, negative, and equal/neutral (+/–/=) options in response to an inquiry, conflict, or situation. Another variation is KWL, which houses what a person “Knows,” “Wants to know or learn,” and then does “Learn.”

      Timeline is sequential and helps record the order or timing of a situation or event that has occurred. It assists in creating a tentative time frame to complete a future or current task that may be time sensitive with numerous factors or parts.

      Venn Diagram is a comparison graphic organizer that aids in comparing and contrasting a situation or an inquiry. Once a question is posed, one side of the connecting circles is filled in with one point of view. Then the other side of the diagram is completed with the other response in relation to the same question, showing the reply to the inquiry from a different point of view. The last step is to notice if any of the replies from the two sides overlap. If any are the same or very similar, that response is removed from both sides and placed in the center interlocking portion of the graphic organizer. The outcome is visually seeing where the two responses are in agreement and where they differ.

      Webs are often described as visually presenting a topic and its subtopics in the way that a spider’s web scatters branch-like patterns, which generate from a central source. Every part of the growing web is connected to an initial word or phrase. Once the beginning word or phrase is placed in the center position, the user’s associated words or phrases are placed in the outer connecting circles in response to the central statement. This pattern continues until the web is completed or the response to the question or statement is personally finished.

      4. Reflective Responses

      There are several ways you can partake in the questions posed in this workbook, but ultimately the hope is for you to use them in the manner that works best for your needs. Some individuals may only choose to write their responses to a select group of questions in each chapter, whereas others may reply to each and every question. You may even elect to repeat this process more than once throughout the transition process. Each chapter poses questions that are intended to help and assist you discover where you stand with regard to processing the transition and what is comfortable for you. Your responses may remain the same for a long period of time or they may evolve as you explore your options and have time to digest all that you are experiencing and feeling. Each and every path has its own value and purpose. I suggest that you are gentle with yourself as you journal and process all aspects of this part of the journey.

      5. Deserving De-Stress Delights

      Each chapter offers structured ways to release any stress from the transition and direct your energy towards de-stressing and rewarding yourself in a loving and tender manner. Intentionally allowing time to simply stop, breathe, and rest from journaling and processing is essential for your wellbeing. This section reminds you to carve out space to engage in activities that rejuvenate and honor you through self-care, which will help you feel pampered and nurtured.

      6. Empathy-Embracing Exercise

      This exercise is meant to help you gain an awareness of the importance of speaking your truth, regardless of the consequences. It is intended to aid in diminishing your own possible pain, confusion, or acceptance level, as your trans-identified partner transitions. Perhaps thinking of a private and difficult experience from your past or in the present will create a deeper understanding of the emotional journey your trans-identified partner may experience. Its presence in the workbook is purposed to evoke empathy for the journey your partner is on, by honoring your needs, and to better prepare you for the transition process.

      7. Sampler Share

      These samplers create a space where some partners shared their own response to questions posed in this workbook. All of the partners’ names have been changed to respect the privacy of both the trans partners and their transgender partners. The responses are included simply to open your mind to a variety of ways others have approached the writing based on their situation. Their replies are placed towards the end of the chapter, but please keep in mind that if these testimonials become intrusive or prevent your own process from evolving, feel free to refer to them at a later time or not at all. However, some partners have found the guidance of these “Sampler Shares” especially helpful when they had a block when journaling or were unsure that the question was one they wanted to answer. There are no absolutes when using this workbook, only offerings to help you gain a greater understanding of your own needs and wishes.

      8. Couple Communication Corner

      This exercise offers a list of questions trans partners will be given as a tool that supports communication with their trans-identified partner. You may even elect to create your own questions. It is suggested that you and/or your partner journal your individual responses prior to discussing it with each other as a tool to process your own thoughts. Partners are invited to initiate a discussion in relation to the transition, when they are comfortable, by sharing their thoughts and concerns with the person in transition through an open dialogue. The questions posed or produced by you for use in this section are intended to help start the conversation. Many couples find comfort in doing this exercise in a cozy corner of their home to engage in these private and personal talks.


      QUESTION #1

      Before you proceed to Chapter 2, I invite you to respond to the following question:

      What do you hope or expect to learn or gain from reading and journaling in this workbook?




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