Dr Eve's Sex Book: A Guide for Young People. Marlene Wasserman

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Dr Eve's Sex Book: A Guide for Young People - Marlene Wasserman

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different vaginal juices, sweat pours from sweat glands and you lose your innocent, sweet baby smells. After a hot day, a good workout or a sudden flush of love and lust as your beloved walks by, people could smell you before they actually see you. Good hygiene is an essential confidence booster. Women love men who show respect toward their own bodies by practising good hygiene. This is no longer a “girl thing”, it’s a respect thing and should be part of a healthy lifestyle.


      Daily shampoo for guys and as often as necessary for girls. Hair is very sexy; it is a part of the body that people notice first. Keep it regularly trimmed, styled and glowing with health.


      Bad breath is often a result of teeth decay or constipation. Regular visits to the dentist and oral hygienist are necessary. Brushing and flossing twice a day give you that sweet-smelling breath and “Colgate smile”. Mouth fresheners are great to get rid of nasty food leftover tastes and smells and add sparkle to your smile.


      Shower or bath at least once a day. Sweat builds up on the body and no amount of perfume or deodorant will ‘beautify’ the smell after a long day. It is always great to put cream on your body after bathing or showering. Choose a cream that has a colour and smell that you love. Your choice of body cream will give you a skin smelling like mango, kiwi, butter, or whatever, make your skin glow with health, and take away rough edges. This daily process of caressing cream into your body is a sensual experience – it allows you to know how every part of your body feels. It gives you that all-important confidence. Loving your body will make it easier to allow someone else to love it when you feel ready for this sharing.


      Guys (and girls who don’t shave) need to take extra care in washing here, as that musky sweat smell stays stuck in underarm hairs. Use soap and water first and then deodorant. Stick antiperspirant deodorants work really well and topping up with a spray deodorant offers you double protection. Keep a small toiletry bag filled with soap, shampoo and deodorant in your school bag. Girls should go lightly on smellies as too many different perfumes and deodorants worn together can be yuch.


      Where there is hair there is sweat. Add to this the natural vaginal daily discharges in women, some pee not shaken completely off the penis in men, and you have potentially smelly genital areas. Regular soap and water are essential for genitals. Girls should never use perfumes and creams in their genitals. Girls should never place anything other than tampons, sex toys, fingers or a penis of their choice into their vaginas. Douching (cleaning out the vagina with a solution of water and vinegar or a preparation from the chemist) is not recommended – only if prescribed by your doctor. The vagina’s special self-cleansing mechanism will be disrupted, possibly resulting in really nasty smells and itches. Keeping genital hair trimmed (yes, you too, guys!) makes it hygienically easier to manage and aesthetically fun.


      It is your choice how long you wear your nails, and whether they are painted or unpainted, although mostly you need to consider the rules at your school and workplace. Clean and well looked after hands and nails make many a person’s heart go aflutter. Toenails need constant attention. Don’t think you can get away with looking pretty and then having long, jagged and uncared for toenails. It is a major turnoff.

      Hands and feet

      Soft, well-manicured and attractive hands and feet show that you are someone who takes care of yourself from top to toe. Imagine having someone’s cracked heels rubbing up and down your legs – not very sexy at all. Heels benefit from a weekly pumice stone scrub. Heel and foot cream is great to have in your “body drawer” at home, as is hand cream.

      Your body

      Nothing in the world provokes more discussion, discomfort and pleasure than your body.

      This is the time in your life when you are most aware of this wonderful, ever-changing, unique body of yours. You are confused, curious and at times just damn horny without really understanding the reasons why. Your body is on its way to becoming a sexually healthy and alive adult body.

      Help it along by understanding its magical mystery so that when you are done with puberty and adolescence, you are living confidently, respectfully and proudly as a young adult in your body.

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