The Mills & Boon Sparkling Christmas Collection. Kate Hardy

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The Mills & Boon Sparkling Christmas Collection - Kate Hardy Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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think what he’s trying to say is you need a bit of looking after yourself,’ Heather told her. ‘I’ll stay here and get Jamie sorted and then I’m going to stay the night.’

      ‘You can’t do that,’ Eva protested.

      ‘I’ve already arranged everything with Douglas. I’ll look after Jamie and be here for the guests if they need anything. I’ll take the third guest room – it’ll be like a mini-break for me.’ She smiled but her expression left no room for disagreement.

      ‘Jamie, will you be okay? I won’t be long.’ Eva’s eyes rested on her son.

      ‘Don’t worry about me, Mum.’ He came over looking a bit sheepish and cuddled into her.

      ‘I must look bad to get a hug,’ she joked feebly.

      Heather ushered Jamie upstairs as Ben helped Eva with her jacket. She was aware how tender he was being but somehow that made her feel worse. She longed to let him wrap his arms around her but something stopped her and she felt herself tense as his arm guided her out to the car.

      The drive to the hospital took longer because of the rain. Eva glanced over to Ben, his hands gripping the wheel as he concentrated on driving. His jaw was shadowed by stubble and he looked tired. Eva didn’t know why Ben had gone to London but it didn’t seem to matter any more. She surrendered herself to the warmth and comfort of the car, almost disappointed when they finally arrived at the hospital car park. Ben swung the car into a space, pulling hard on the handbrake.

      The rain still fell as they crossed the tarmac and walked through the sliding doors into the brightly lit, sterile hospital world of the hospital. Eva gave her details to the receptionist and they made their way to the waiting room. As Eva sat on one of the plastic chairs Ben went over to the drinks machine and dug in his pocket for change. He brought over a polystyrene cup and handed it to Eva.

      ‘Try and drink this – it’s sweet tea.’


      He sat down close beside her and Eva fought the urge to lean in to him. Longing and apprehension fought within her and fear won.

      ‘Are you okay?’ he asked, taking her hand in his.

      She nodded. ‘Just a bit groggy.’

      ‘Sounds like you’ve had an eventful few days.’

      ‘Yeah, you could say that.’ The morning she’d woken with him now felt like a lifetime away. ‘I’m sorry … for all of this.’ She waved a hand distractedly in the air.

      He frowned. ‘You don’t need to apologize, Eva.’ They both stared absently at the television screen mounted on the wall, and Eva felt restless, impatient to get home.

      ‘I hope this doesn’t take long. I need to get back for Jamie and the guests.’

      ‘Try to relax. Heather’s with Jamie and I’m here for you. I can help you with anything –’

      ‘I don’t need anyone’s help.’ Her words sounded harsher than she meant but his concern was confusing her, making her feel defensive. ‘I’m sorry – I just mean I can manage on my own.’ Ben turned to her, his hand tightening over hers.

      ‘You got my text? I didn’t have time to contact you again –’

      ‘You don’t have to tell me your movements,’ she said, ignoring the hurt look in his eyes. Despite everything she felt for Ben, right now she felt vulnerable and hated it. Not knowing where Jamie had been had brought so many fears to the surface. She was tired and her finger throbbed. ‘I’m sorry, I … I’m tired, that’s all,’ she apologized just as a nurse appeared and called her name.

       Chapter Fourteen

      ‘Well, that was hard work,’ puffed Heather, collapsing dramatically onto Ben’s leather sofa. ‘I thought for a moment there, we weren’t going to do it.’

      ‘I’m not sure how we did but thanks for helping me.’ Eva was perched on the opposite sofa, catching her breath. Somehow, they had managed to lift Ben’s two sofas from the hall, angling them back and forth through the doorway until finally they were back in the living room. The process had involved a fair amount of sweating and swearing.

      ‘How’s your finger now?’

      Eva held it up. ‘Dissolving. Well, the stitches are anyway.’ Eva had been given two stitches at the hospital and Ben had driven her home, a horrible silence settling over them. In one way there was so much to say but the air between them felt so tense, neither of them seemed capable of finding the right thing to say. Ben had driven with a grim determination as if sensing Eva’s need to get home to Jamie. She had thanked him and said goodnight and found Heather waiting for her.

      Eva had gone straight to see Jamie and had sat watching him sleeping until she could hardly keep her own eyes open. After a good night’s sleep and a couple of strong painkillers Eva was feeling better by the next morning and well enough to attend to her guests. Everything had gone smoothly with their stay and they had checked out on Wednesday morning seemingly none the wiser to the drama that had unfolded on Monday night. Even Dr Hargreaves bid farewell with a smile.

      ‘Is Jamie okay after his ordeal?’ Heather asked now.

      ‘He’s right as rain – you know what kids are like. I don’t know what I would have done without you that night.’

      ‘It wasn’t only me.’ Heather shot her a meaningful look, which Eva ignored. ‘Have you seen Ben?’

      ‘Er, not since that night,’ Eva answered lightly.

      ‘I hope you’re not avoiding him.’

      ‘Why would I do that?’

      ‘You tell me. I sense you’re holding back in some way and I can only imagine what’s going on inside that head of yours.’

      ‘I’ve been busy, that’s all. I wanted to get this room finished.’

      Heather stood up casting her a sceptical look. ‘And it looks wonderful, it really does, but you should speak to him. And soon.’

      ‘I will.’

      ‘Good because he really is heavenly,’ Heather gushed. ‘Did you see the way he looked at you?’

      Eva smiled despite herself. ‘An incurable romantic, aren’t you?’

      ‘All the time I’ve known you, you’ve worked so hard, Eva. I just think it’s time you did something for yourself. It is all right for you to have a life you know,’ Heather said picking up her bag. ‘Talk to him, that’s all I’m saying. Now, I need to go and collect some children from somewhere.’

      Eva shook her head in wonder. ‘I don’t know how you keep track.’

      Eva waved Heather off and Ben’s house fell silent. Eva was alone with her thoughts. Did she have a chance of real happiness? She didn’t think so, because now she knew there could be no future for her and Ben.

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