Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó

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Turning 40 at 60 - Raimon Samsó

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you should consult a good health professional or reference nutritionist.

      This book is my personal testimony, and it contains my particular opinions, which may be erroneous. Even so I share them because they have served me when everything else did not. I do not pretend to tell people what to do or not to do, what to eat or not to eat.

      I always tell people to listen to their body, since this one talks to us with the symptoms and they look for help like I have done. And above all that they inform themselves of sources that they respect. The body is wise and its only function is to keep us healthy, in its reactions there is a range of answers that we must learn to interpret.

      The references you make, as the author of this book, to different products must be considered in informative terms and should not be interpreted as endorsement or recommendation of said products, either by me as the author or the publisher.

      I admire the doctors for their work and I think they are true heroes and heroines for doing a lot with little. Doctors and health care lovingly took care of my parents when they died in the hospital and only for that reason I will be eternally grateful. We will all end up in your hands, and I trust your experience and I appreciate your care with love.

      I also believe that while medicines can be invaluable at any given time, the only thing that can heal us is our own body. Even allowing us to help, it is good not to forget that the body knows and does all the healing work. Receiving help from professionals, and benefiting from advances in medical technology, is a privilege and a necessity.

      If someone reading this book makes decisions about your diet, supplementation, or takes some of my statements as an instruction, I must remind you that what happens is your full responsibility.

      The material presented in this book is for informational purposes only and in no way replaces the recommendations and care of your doctor. Its content is very simplified since it is not a treaty or a scientific study. Sorry if I do not go into any topic of interest, in return I will provide you with bibliography at the end of the work that helped me.

      You will hear me talk about a chemical "nutritional war", and that is how I feel it. What we play is health and life, and consumers have everything to lose. The titles of the episodes recall the titles of the films in the Star Wars saga. I take this license and freedom to establish the simile of which we are involved in a war, which besides being planetary, is fought at any dining room or kitchen table.

      As with other regimens of weight loss or control, my nutritional decisions described in this book should be taken as a very personal testimony, not as a piece of advice. If someone decides to follow them, do so after learning very well and consulting a professional to make sure they are appropriate to their individual circumstances.

      Nutrition needs vary from person to person, depending on age, sex, health status and diet.

      The author and publisher are not responsible for any adverse effects that may occur as a result of the use or application of the information contained in this book.

      To all the people

      who have not been able to help me in my problems,

      because they have gotten me

      to assume that responsibility.


      50 Years Of Migraine

      Let me tell you a secret that I have never mentioned in my previous books: between the age of seven and eight, something unexplainable occurred in my state of health. Suddenly a "monster" came and sat next to me and stayed with me for fifty years.

      It was the "migraine monster."

      At that age, I started having episodes of severe migraines without apparent cause, which is known as migraine headaches (intense and lasting headache accompanied by other symptoms). The headache suddenly appeared in my life and without a known cause.

      At that time I could not, nor my parents, imagine that began a via crucis of pain that would last fifty years in search of a solution to that problem. It has been fifty years of suffering one of the most disabling ailments. Without having more response than ineffective analgesics that surely only worsened the problem (rebound headaches and other side effects).

      That was going to mark the rest of my life.

      My headaches were intense and completely incapacitated me, usually appeared after noon, gaining in intensity unstoppably and sending me to bed in the middle of the afternoon. Until the next day, they were almost always accompanied by vomiting, sensitivity to light and noise. For a child: the end of the world.

      Aspirin and other pain killers soon stopped working, each time I needed higher, more frequent doses, and their side effects took their toll. Gastritis, dizziness, eczema, vomiting, my body complained about these aggressions, now I know that I was attacking it chemically and that was not the way.

      Well-being is not achieved by declaring chemical warfare on your body. The only thing that ended with those migrainous episodes was a restful night (that when I was a child, after I was older, it was no longer the solution). Years later, not even rest one night would do me any good. Yes, as an adult, I went to bed with a headache and woke up with a headache after a bad night.

      Back then, after a night of rest, I remember that I woke up as new, euphoric, and grateful for living the end of the nightmare. The storm in a cup had stopped. The question was: how long?

      And as a person he was resurrected until the next episode, in which he succumbed again to pain. It went from bad to worse. And that was only going to get worse.

      I do not have to say that all the medicines to alleviate the symptoms did not help. I even took antidepressants (I was only a child!), Prescribed by one of my doctors, from the dozens of doctors I visited. And none could help me. When I travel through Barcelona today, I still remember, as I passed by, the portals of the buildings where I once visited a doctor with my mother.

      I was the youngest of three brothers, also the least physically strong. I guess when it was my turn, my mother did not have many resources or strength left. I was always the thinnest, the most vulnerable and the most sensitive to any influence of the environment. My parents had a hard time getting ahead.

      In fact, in my childhood, three times I was about to die for causes that do not come to mind. I suppose heaven wanted me to remain on earth. Since I was little I have always had the feeling of living on loan. That is why I am very grateful, everything that has come after has been a gift.

      My frequent headaches, one or more a week, led me to a pilgrimage through countless consultations of doctors of different specialties: general, neurologist, sight, psychologist, ear ... But none found the origin of my headaches.

      I remember that my after-school activity was going to the doctor, for me it was normal. After school my mother took me from one doctor to another. My doctors (in the plural) tried different medications with me: from the conventional to the more specific, but the migraines kept coming one after the other.

      Perhaps the most traumatic test I suffered was to rule out a brain tumor. When I was ten years old, I ended up at the operating room table to analyze my spinal cord and rule out a tumor. To verify, I was admitted to a hospital and under general anesthesia they extracted a sample from the spinal cord, a very delicate test. I remember that the headache I went through when I woke up from anesthesia was one of the hardest in my life. To recover from that test

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