Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó

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Turning 40 at 60 - Raimon Samsó

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principle is the same: the cereal, certain medicines ... damage the walls of the intestine, and at the same time destroys the balance of the intestinal flora (microbiota, to be exact), and from there intolerances, allergies and autoimmune diseases they are the following.

      I've been lucky, I'm not a celiac (which is the most extreme form of gluten intolerance). You see, with everything I feel lucky, it could have been much worse.

      In my case, probably, so many years of taking analgesics for the headache had decimated my microbiota, creating additional problems such as leaky gut and hypersensitivity to gluten and lectins, which ended up creating more and more migraines ... and so on. An endless loop, a more analgesic, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, which I took tons, worse intestinal health, more complications in the digestive tract, worse health ... and my headaches still did not disappear. Quite the opposite: they were chronicled.

      From what is revealed the uselessness of my procedure: if my head hurt, I went to the pharmacy to get an analgesic. I did what the doctors had told me. I was obedient. This is the mistake that most people make, they listen to others without listening to themselves. There are no guilty parties, only unconsciousness. In defense of all, I will say that medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have trained us all to behave in this way.

      What happens if the organism becomes inflamed? In case of not stopping the inflammation, the risk of suffering a serious autoimmune disease, or a neurological disease, is high. And yes, we are all intolerant to gluten and modern cereal, to a greater or lesser degree, and it all ends up affecting us in some way in the long term. 99% of those affected do not discover it, they do not have symptoms, until the big problem appears.

      Again I think I have been lucky: the symptoms may have saved me from greater evils and even life.

      What happens if the intestine is damaged? Naturally, you will realize that nothing good. If the intestines are permeable, you submit to your body certain substances that should not have penetrated the digestive tract. They just should not have reached your bloodstream because they are toxic. I do not want to anticipate what I will reveal in the next chapters. Follow me and you will understand the magnitude of the problem that affects all people with symptoms or without them.

      I had found the cause. Now it was time to apply the solution and believe me it is not easy at all. But you already know me, I love the difficult so I turned in body and soul.

      One day of total despair, I promised myself that if I came up with the headache remedy I would write a book to help people as desperate as I am. This book is my promise fulfilled. If I was only born to suffer first and to help others later, my life will be glorious.

      Reader, you can lend this book to the people you want, because I did not write it for my benefit, but for the poor people who like me know too well what the headache means. Make it run from hand to hand. This book is a vow, a penance, a promise fulfilled, a debt settled. It is a promise to God.

      I did not do all the way alone but only one part.

      I found a medical center of "integrative medicine" that combines conventional medicine with complementary therapies scientifically validated and I kept moving forward. I also started to visit regularly, as a preventive therapy, an Ayurvedic medicine center. I let myself be helped by loving hands who took care of me.

      And I also had the wisdom of the authors, doctors of a new medicine, which I read relentlessly for three years. I thank all of them, they are my guardian angels.

      And here is the book, promise fulfilled, debt paid.

      What follows is what I discovered in my research during these three years -five years after the problem began- and that my migraine has resolved. Reader, there have been fifty years of pain, incessant search, frustration, and finally of discovery. It was worth not giving up.

      I owed it to my inner child because one day I, the adult that I am, promised him that I would take care of him and that he would not allow anything to harm him. I whispered in his ear that I loved him, I hugged him in silence and promised him I would solve that problem. I went to the future, healed myself and went back to the past to show him that I would be fine. I have not failed you. If you have a problem in life, commit to your inner child and solve the problem. He is only a boy and he only has you. Do not fail him.

      If you wonder if I still have a crisis, I will say yes but very few and very mild, they are not incapacitating. Now I know why they occur, I identify the cause in a punctual indulgence. But they are low intensity and I can reverse them and control them with extreme ease. There have been many years of research, proving in myself the unimaginable.

      I used to live 100% of my time in pre-migraine or migraine. Now I experience a spectacular mental clarity that allows me to live at 100% intensity from a level of energy and well-being that I did not know (or had forgotten).

      No one gave it to me, nobody healed me, I got it with my unshakeable will to get it; and above all, with my decision never to give up. Unfortunately, today my parents do not live to tell and celebrate together.

      I will share with you the changes in my diet, in my lifestyle, and in my supplementation that made a huge difference in my condition. I still find it hard to believe, but my level of well-being and energy have skyrocketed to the unimaginable. I want everyone to benefit from it. I do not know if what I discovered is also for you, I am neither a doctor nor a therapist, but I share it with you anyway.

      My wish is that you benefit from what I learned in my process to end the brain storm of migraine. If the headache is not your problem, congratulations (you do not know what you have been spared), but keep reading because this book contains information equally good for anyone who wants vibrant health and radiant youth.

      What you will discover in this book not only saved me from headaches, but it led me to a state of health never before known to me; and to rejuvenate my physical appearance. Many people around me ask me what is my secret of health and abundant youth, they confess that they see me younger, better than ever. I will reveal everything in this book.

      When they ask me that they know my age, they are always surprised. In the year of publication of this book I am 60 years old. The photo on the cover is now, now 59 years old. I'm supposed to be fifteen years younger (now you'll understand the title of this book). And the extraordinary thing is that I feel better than at any time in my life before. Better than in my 10's, 20's, 30's, 40's, and 50's.

      Imagine that at the age of fifty or sixty there is an abyss between biological age and chronological age ... this is what this book is about, hacking the code of well-being and youth.

      Are you ready?

      Let's go for it.

Part I


      The Big Problem

      In every country in the world, there are millions of people suffering from migraine (severe and throbbing headache that affects, generally, on one side or a part of it and often accompanied by photophobia and vomiting) and different types of headaches. In my country, Spain, about 5 million people are affected by the headache. In the United States there are more than 30 million affected. And Mexico is the Latin country with the highest incidence of the continent, there are some 20 million affected. They are following him on the continent: Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia ...

      Can you imagine how much suffering is suffered every day in the world because of this?

      In general, it is

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