Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó

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Turning 40 at 60 - Raimon Samsó

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a week lying in bed because only by getting up I lost my balance.

      Today would be different, but in the sixties in Spain there was not much technology or sophistication. The result of the test: negative, they found nothing. But my head hurt.

      Another useless test was to check my vision. I did not need glasses but it would have to be evaluated, one of the doctors said. This time the test, or torture, was to put a few drops in the eyes that would dilate my pupils. That was in the morning, and in the afternoon the doctor would examine me with an optical device for that purpose. After putting on the drops, the view became so blurred and out of focus that I needed help walking.

      Even if you do not believe it, that day they took me to school and then to the doctor; but it turned out that on that day, bad luck, the optician's apparatus had broken down to examine me. I spent a total of about 12 hours almost blindly, not at all. I remember that my mother, disconsolate, gave me a toy as a prize, with which I could not play because I simply could not see it clearly.

      More pain, more frustration, more loss of time and hope ... I can tell stories like this until I get bored. I know firsthand what it is like to feel a defective, limited, tare child.

      The good thing about the bad that I can recognize now is that the weakness made me very humble. He knew that he was coming from misfortune and that at any moment he could return to the most absolute misery. He knew where he came from and that he could go back there again. Within minutes I could declare a crisis that would knock me out for a whole day or more. That horizon does not allow you to make many plans and leads you to live in the here and now, and tomorrow you will see. That is why, when my crises were resolved, I was moved and cried with gratitude.

      I know, from a very young age, what it is to suffer an unbearable pain that pierces your head and lasts for hours and hours; and what is worse: for which he had no effective remedy. I was frustrated because I did not have a remedy. And if I felt bad, I can now imagine how my parents felt Impotence and despair. See how his little boy was consumed with pain in the bed without much to do except comfort him.

      I grew up with the "migraine monster" by my side. Knowing that at anytime my life as a child, as a young person, as a student and in my leisure activities ... I could enter a sudden standby, full of pain, with life postponed. Of greater would be equal always apologizing to others, always giving explanations that sometimes did not understand. And they interpreted as excuses. I do not blame them, when you have not gone through something similar it is impossible to get an idea of ​​what it means.

      It should be noted that headache is the third cause of school absenteeism, but some still believe that it is an excuse, unless it is migrainous. I guess whoever reads this, and something similar has happened, knows what I'm talking about.

      Someone told me that a child with migraine has all the odds of continuing to suffer as an adult (about 65 per cent of possibilities). What a panorama.

      With the passing of the years, on the one hand I was assuming that it was my nature, my genes, the DNA and all that roll. And that I would die with the "migraine monster" after accompanying me all my life. In fact, many times I thought that death should be something very good because I would get rid of the headache. The prospect of dying had a great advantage: to stop suffering.

      On the one hand, as I said, I was satisfied and accepted it. After all, many people suffered from the same and the world was still spinning. I investigated and saw that many of humanity's characters had suffered from headaches. I was one more, nothing to object.

      But on the other hand, I was reluctant to believe that suffering, and disease in general, are normal or even acceptable. So I explored alternative medicine, already disillusioned with conventional medicine.

      I tried almost everything: reiki, hypnosis, acupuncture, herbal medicine, osteopathy, massage, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, Bach flowers, reflexotherapy, EFT, biomagnetic pair, chiropractic, yoga, and various energy therapies that I can not remember. Imagine the money and time spent. I'm not saying they did not work, they did not do it with my problem.

      Some disciplines helped me on time, but they did not "cure" me. Others did not help me at all. I arrived at the absolute satiety after spending a lot of time and money without getting results in more frustration and despair.

      I read dozens and dozens of books on the subject of the headache but his approach was very mental or scientific, nothing to write home about. You end up knowing what happens but not why or how to solve it. Add it to the previous budget.

      A day when I was not expecting anything (acceptance is also a medicine, at least for the ego), a copy of the magazine Discovery Salud, a very transgressive publication, with an article that seemed to have nothing to do with it, fell into my hands with me: the gluten. But I did have although at that time I did not know it.

      Thanks to that article, today this book exists.

      Discovering that gluten could be linked to headache lit the bulb. My research took a year and led me to eliminate many of the foods that are generally considered healthy and, in reality, were creating serious problems in my digestive system. Once the digestive system is affected, the symptoms are noticed, for example, in the head as was my case.

      I was exploring a new line of research that was going to take me to solve the case. I was like Sherlock Holmes or Hercules Poirot trying to solve a mystery (nutritional).

      I also discovered that I had to improve my lifestyle (simplify and reduce stress) and, in addition, to supplement my cells lacking the essential nutrients that I did not obtain with food.

      Of all this I will speak to you in this book.

      The feeding was an unexplored terrain that now investigated. In fact, none of the doctors I consulted were very interested in what I ate or stopped eating. I understand that in medicine, food is not studied in depth and that doctors rely more on drugs than on food as medicine. But I find it hard to understand that they are not curious about it.

      One test led to another, a sign became a revelation. Then I discovered, by my own means, the focus of the fire that consumed my well-being:

       leaky gut syndrome

       gluten intolerance

       histamine intolerance

       Chronic inflammation

      At last, I had identified the suspects to cause my problem. And apparently, I suffered from that, all at once. Oh my God (OMG)

      It is as if the light entered a room that had been dark for fifty years.

      The magazine I mentioned (Discovery Salud, available online in spanish) based his article on the experience of a US doctor (Dr. David Perlmutter) and, since this doctor had several books published, I read them. Reading has always helped me in all aspects of life, and once again I was about to solve my biggest challenge.

      A book took me to another book. I read tirelessly about health, and the fruit of the experiences that these readings created in me is this book.

      In case you did not know, the "leaky gut" is a dysfunction of the layer that separates the digestive tract from the immune system. You get to that after a lot of gluten, many medicines that eliminate the good bacteria in the digestive system, and many inflammatory foods (the list is not exactly short). From there to develop an autoimmune disease there are a few steps. Fortunately, I have not developed any, but I take this whole thing as a priority.


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