Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft 365. Paul McFedries

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Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft 365 - Paul McFedries

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href="#fb3_img_img_cd325a85-df6c-5991-a26e-15561aee17ae.png" alt="001.eps"/> Click the tab containing the menu you want to use.

      dga.eps Many Ribbon buttons have two parts: The top part runs the standard command, and the bottom part displays the menu.


Click the button’s arrow (9781119893516-ma135).

      A menu of additional commands appears.

      dgb.eps Hover the mouse (9781119893516-ma030) over a command to see a tooltip that displays the command’s name.


Click the command you want to run.

      Choose an Item from a Gallery


Click the tab containing the gallery you want to display.


Click the gallery’s More button (9781119893516-ma022).


Click the gallery item you want to apply.

      dgc.eps When you hover the mouse (9781119893516-ma030) over a gallery item, the app displays a preview of the effect.

Snaspshot of launch a dialog box.

      Launch a Dialog Box


Click the tab containing the group you want to work with.


Click the group’s dialog box launcher (9781119893516-ma028).

      dgd.eps The app displays a dialog box containing additional settings related to the group.


      Why do some Ribbon tabs appear and disappear?

      Tabs that come and go on the Ribbon are known as contextual tabs. They are contextual in the sense that they appear only when you select an object in a document. For example, if you select a chart in Excel, the Chart Design and Format tabs appear. These contextual tabs contain commands related to working with charts. When you click outside the chart to deselect it, the contextual tabs disappear because you no longer need them.

      Can I make the Ribbon take up less room?

      Yes. Right-click any section of the Ribbon and then click Collapse the Ribbon. You now see just the Ribbon tabs. You can display the full Ribbon temporarily by clicking a tab.

      You can also reposition the Quick Access Toolbar so that it appears above the Ribbon, and you can configure it to show only the command icons.

      Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

Snapshot of display the quick access toolbar.

      Display the Quick Access Toolbar


Right-click the Ribbon.


Click Show Quick Access Toolbar.

      The app displays the Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon.

Snapshot of add commands to the quick access toolbar.

      Add Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar


On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the More button (9781119893516-ma022).

Click a command.

Snapshot of command to the quick access toolbar.

      dga.eps The app adds the command to the Quick Access Toolbar.


Repeat steps 1 and 2 in this subsection for each command you want to add.

Snapshot of customize the quick access toolbar.

      Customize the Quick Access Toolbar


On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the More button (9781119893516-ma022).

      dgb.eps You can click Show Above the Ribbon if you want to display the Quick Access Toolbar above the Ribbon.

      dgc.eps You can click Hide Command Labels to display just the command icons on the Quick Access Toolbar.

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