Пособие по теории и практике перевода. Е. Б. Кириллова

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Пособие по теории и практике перевода - Е. Б. Кириллова

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относятся слова, которые вводят в заблуждение из-за своего внешнего сходства: complement – дополнение, комплект и compliment – похвала; now – сейчас и new – новый; rich – богатый и reach – достигать, добиваться.

      Переводчик должен быть очень внимателен при переводе таких слов. Невнимание к буквенной форме слова приводит к неправильному переводу.

      Задание 1.

      Прочитайте вслух выделенные слова сначала по буквам английского алфавита, а затем полностью. Запомните их написание.

      winner (победитель) – winter (зима)

      word (слово) – world (мир)

      team (команда) – time (время, раз)

      faculties (факультеты) – facilities (сооружения)

      new (новый) – now (сейчас)

      many (много) – main (главный)

      pupil (ученик) – people (народ, люди)

      weak (слабый) – week (неделя)

      meat (мясо) – meet (встречать, встреча)

      feature (основная черта) – future (будущее)

      athletes (атлеты, спортсмены) – athletics (атлетика)

      gymnasts (гимнасты) – gymnastics (гимнастика)

      rich (богатый) – reach (достигать, добиваться)

      some (несколько) – same (тот же самый)

      very (очень) – vary (изменяться, разниться)

      think (думать) – thing (вещь, вещество)

      include (включать) – conclude (завершать)

      host (хозяин) – hoist (поднимать)

      heart (сердце) – hard (тяжело, упорно)

      Задание 2.

      Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

      1. I became a winner at the last winter championships.

      2. The word “world” means a planet.

      3. Our team won the titles at the Olympic Games many times.

      4. Our academy has three faculties and many sports facilities.

      5. A new world record in swimming is being set now.

      6. Gymnasts take up gymnastics in the gymnasia.

      7. Athletes take up athletics at the stadium.

      8. There are many sporting awards but the main one is the Olympic title.

      9. Stop training hard to prevent heart disease!

      10. The patient was very weak last two weeks.

      Задание 3.

      Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

      1. He began to make a list of different activities he was to take part in.

      2. Through modern technology, water therapy is found to be the most natural way of promoting food health and longevity in the 21st century.

      3. The main focus of Yoga exercise is to achieve a better harmonization and synergy between individual body systems and functions.

      4. Therapeutic exercise in a pool is done as a group exercise and it uses the relaxing effect of warm water in combination with movement therapy, which is due to the ease of floating in water.

      5. The water environment is very suitable for treatment of static impairments and incorrect body position.

      6. Bowls is a precision sport where the goal is to roll slightly radially asymmetrical balls (called bowls) closer to a smaller white ball (the "jack" or "kitty") than one's opponent is able to do.

      7. The effect of respiratory physiotherapy depends on the cooperation of the patient, the technique and the degree of severity of bronchiolar stenosis.

      8. At a major competition, classifiers watch athletes training and competing and may use the observations together with other data to decide whether or not an athlete needs to be re-classified.

      9. Bicycles, Tricycles, Tandems and Handcycles must conform to the technical regulations of the International Cycling Union (UCI) and IPC Cycling Rules.

      10. Race distances vary according to athlete classification.


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