Империя хлопка. Всемирная история. Свен Беккерт

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Империя хлопка. Всемирная история - Свен Беккерт

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Dubose and Frederick A. Porcher, A Contribution to the History of the Huguenots ofSouth Carolina (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1887), 19, 21; Edwards, The Growth of the British Cotton Trade, 91; Coclanis and Ford, “The South Carolina Economy Reconstructed and Reconsidered,” 97; Cobb, The Most Southern Place on Earth, 10; Daniel W.Jordan to Emily Jordan, Plymouth, August 3, 1833, in Daniel W.Jordan Papers, Special Collections Department, Perkins Library, Duke University.


      Philo-Colonus, A Letter to S. Perceval on the Expediency of Imposing a Duty on Cotton Wool of Foreign Growth, Imported into Great Britain (London: J. Cawthorn, 1812), 9; Lowell Joseph Ragatz, Statistics for the Study of British Caribbean Economic History, 1763–1833 (London: Bryan Edwards Press, 1927), 16; Planters’ and Merchants’ Resolution Concerning Import of Cotton Wool from the United States, 1813, in Official Papers of First Earl of Liverpool, Add. Mss. 38 252, f. 78, Manuscript Collections, Liverpool Papers, British Library; John Gladstone, Letters Addressed to the Right Honourable The Earl of Clancarty, President of the Board of Trade, on the Inexpediency of Permitting the Importation of Cotton Woolfrom the United States During the Present War (London: J. M. Richardson, 1813), 7. В одной западной Индии в 1850 г. хлопок выращивался на 4 млн акров, и в других частях Индии хлопком было занято значительно больше земли. В США в 1850 г. под хлопком находилось около 7 млн акров. Amalendu Guha, “Raw Cotton of Western India: 1750–1850,” Indian Economic and Social History Review 9 (January 1972): 25.


      U.S. Treasury Department Report, 1836, p. 16, цит. по: Barbosa, “Cotton in 19th Century Brazil,” 150; см. также: Rothman, “The Expansion of Slavery in the Deep South,” 15. О важности промышленной революции для развития рабовладения в США см. также: Barbara Jeanne Fields, “The Advent of Capitalist Agriculture: The New South in a Bourgeois World,” in Thavolia Glymph, ed., Essays on the Postbellum Southern Economy (Arlington: Texas A&M University Press, 1985), 77; Wright, The Political Economy of the Cotton South, 13; Scherer, Cotton as a World Power, 150; The Proceedings of the Agricultural Convention of the State Agricultural Society ofSouth Carolina: From 1839 to 1845— Inclusive (Columbia, SC: Summer & Carroll, 1846), 322; Rohit T. Aggarwala, “Domestic Networks as a Basis for New York City’s Rise to Pre-eminence, 1780–1812” (unpublished paper, представленная на Business History Conference, Le Creusot, France, June 19, 2004), 21; Michael Hovland, “The Cotton Ginnings Reports Program at the Bureau of the Census,” Agricultural History 68 (Spring 1994): 147; Bruchey, Cotton and the Growth of the American Economy, 2.


      Halle, Baumwollproduktion und Pflanzungswirtschaft, viii; Organization of the Cotton Power: Communication of the President (Macon, GA: Lewis B. Andrews Book and Job Printer, 1858), 7; American Cotton Planter 1 (January 1853): 11.


      Экономическая важность местоположения южных плантаций часто опускается историками американского Юга. См.: Immanuel Wallerstein, “American Slavery and the Capitalist World-Economy,” American Journal of Sociology 81 (March 1976): 1208; Francis Carnac Brown, Free Trade and the Cotton Question with Reference to India (London: Effingham Wilson, 1848), 43; Копия Memorial Respecting the Levant Trade to the Right Honourable the Board of Privy Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations, воспроизведенная в Proceedings of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, meeting of February 9, 1825, in M8/2/1, Proceedings of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 1821–27, Archives of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Manchester Archives and Local Studies, Manchester; The Proceedings of the Agricultural Convention of the State Agricultural Society of South Carolina, 323.


      Letter by [illegible] to “My Dear Sir” (a former president of the Board of Trade), Liverpool, June 16, 1828, in Document f255, Huskisson Papers, Manuscript Collections, British Library, London; “Memorial of the Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures Established by Royal Charter in the City of Glasgow, 15 December 1838,” in Official Papers Connected with the Improved Cultivation of Cotton (Calcutta: G. H. Huttmann, 1839), 6, 8; A Cotton Spinner, India Our Hope; Or, Remarks Upon our Supply of Cotton (Manchester: J. Clarke, 1844), 13; Mann, The Cotton Trade of Great Britain, 56; Mac Culloch, Цит. по: Bremer Handelsblatt 1 (1851): 5.


      A Cotton Spinner, India Our Hope, 5; J. G. Collins, An Essay in Favour of the Colonialization of the North and North-West Provinces of India, with Regard to the Question of Increased Cotton Supply and its Bearing on the Slave Trade (London: W. H. Allen & Cº, n. d., c. 1859), 35; John Gunn Collins, Scinde & The Punjab: The Gems ofIndia in Respect to Their Past and Unparalleled Capabilities ofSupplanting the Slave States of America in the Cotton Markets of the World, or, An Appeal to the English Nation on Behafl ofIts Great Cotton Interest, Threatened with Inadequate Supplies of the Raw Material (Manchester: A. Ireland, 1858), 10; эти рассуждения обобщены в Bremer Handelsblatt, August 8, 1857, 281.


      Baring Brothers Liverpool to Baring Brothers London, Liverpool, October 22, 1835, in HC3.35,2, House Correspondence, ING Baring Archive, London; по этому поводу также см.: Schoen, The Fragile Fabric of Union, 1–10.


      A Cotton Spinner, The Safety of Britain and the Suppression of Slavery: A Letter to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel on the Importance of an Improved Supply of Cotton from India (London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1845), 3, 4; A Cotton Spinner, India Our Hope, 6; Brown, Free Trade and the Cotton Question, 44; Collins, Scinde & The Punjab, 5; Anonymous, The Cotton Trade of India: Quaere: Can India Not Supply England with Cotton? (London: Spottiswoode, 1839); Committee of Commerce and Agriculture of the Royal Asiatic Society, On the Cultivation of Cotton in India (London: Harrison & Cº, 1840); John Forbes Royle, Essay on the Productive Resources ofIndia (London: Wm. H. Allen, 1840); Tench Coxe to Robert Livingston, June 10, 1802, in Papers of Tench Coxe, Correspondence and General Papers, June 1802, Film A 201, reel 74, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.


      См., например, Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies to the Secretaire d’Etat de l’Interieur, Paris, January 27, 1819; Societe d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie Nationale to Secretaire d’Etat de l’Interieur, Paris, October 17, 1821, in F12–2196, “Machine a egrainer le coton,” Archives Nationales, Paris; A Cotton Spinner, India Our Hope, 15; An Indian Civil Servant, Usurers and Ryots, Being an Answer to the Question “Why Does Not India Produce More Cotton?” (London: Smith, Elder & Cº, 1856); Collins, Scinde & The Punjab, 5; Anonymous, The Cotton Trade ofIndia; Committee of Commerce and Agriculture of the Royal Asiatic Society, On the Cultivation of Cotton in India; Royle, Essay on the Productive Resources

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