Империя хлопка. Всемирная история. Свен Беккерт
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Owen, Cotton and the Egyptian Economy, 28–29, 32, 47; Gliddon, A Memoir on the Cotton ofEgypt; “Commerce of Egypt,” in Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine and Commercial Review 8 (January 1843): 22; John Bowring, “Report on Egypt and Candia,” in Great Britain, Parliamentary Papers, 1840, vol. XXI, 19; Christos Hadziiossifm, “La Colonie Grecque en Egypte, 1833–1836” (PhD dissertation, Sorbonne, 1980), 111; John Bowring, “Report on Egypt and Candia (1840),” цит. по: Owen, Cotton and the Egyptian Economy, 318.
Owen, Cotton and the Egyptian Economy, 36–37, 40.
“Commerce of Egypt,” 22; Owen, Cotton and the Egyptian Economy, 34; Table 1, “Volume, Value, and Price of Egyptian Cotton Exports, 1821–1837,” 45; Table 5, “Volume, Value, and Price of Egyptian Cotton Exports, 1838–1859,” 73.
Примерно с 1823 до 1840 г. Robert Levy, Histoire economique de l’industrie coton-niere en Alsace: Etude de sociologie descriptive (Paris: F. Alcan, 1912), 58; Copy of a Memorial Respecting the Levant Trade to the Right Honourable the Board of Privy Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations, as copied in Proceedings of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, meeting of February 9, 1825, in M8/2/1, Proceedings of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 1821–27, Archives of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Manchester Archives and Local Studies, Manchester; The Proceedings of the Agricultural Convention of the State Agricultural Society of South Carolina, 323.
Bremer Handelsblatt (1853), цит. по: Ludwig Beutin, Von 3 Ballen zum Weltmarkt: Kleine Bremer Baumwollchronik, 1788–1872 (Bremen: Verlag Franz Leuwer, 1934), 25; Philip McMichael, “Slavery in Capitalism,” 327.
Thomas Ellison, A Hand-Book of the Cotton Trade, or, A Glance at the Past History, Present Condition, and the Future Prospects of the Cotton Commerce of the World (London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 1858), 96.
Albert Feuerwerker, “Handicraft and Manufactured Cotton Textiles in China, 1871–1910,” Journal ofEconomic History 30 (June 1970): 340; Kang Chao, The Development of Cotton Textile Production in China (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1977), 4–13; Robert Fortune, Three Years’ Wanderings in the Northern Provinces of China, Including a Visit to the Tea, Silk, and Cotton Countries, With an Account ofthe Agriculture and Horticulture ofthe Chinese, New Plants, etc. (London: John Murray, 1847), 275; Koh Sung Jae, Stages of Industrial Development in Asia: A Comparative History ofthe Cotton Industry in Japan, India, China and Korea (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1966), 28, 38, 45; William B. Hauser, Economic Institutional Change in Tokugawa Japan: Osaka and the Kinai Cotton Trade (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974), 59, 117–20; Hameeda Hossain, The Company of Weavers ofBengal: The East India Company and the Organization of Textile Production in Bengal, 1750–1813 (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1988), 28.
Karen Wigen, The Making of a Japanese Periphery, 1750–1920 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995); Tench Coxe, An Addition, of December 1818, to the Memoir, of February and August 1817, on the Subject of the Cotton Culture, the Cotton Commerce, and the Cotton Manufacture of the United States, etc. (Philadelphia: n. p., 1818), 3; Dunbar, officiating commissioner of revenue in the Dacca Division in 1844. См.: “Extracts and Abstract of a letter from W. Dunbar, Officiating Commissioner of Revenue in the Dacca Division, to Lord B. of? dated Dacca, May 2, 1844,” in MSS EUR F 78, 44, Wood Papers, Oriental and India Office Collection, British Library, London.
Биографическую информацию о Бёрке см.: National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, vol. 20 (New York: James T. White, 1929), 79. О Баранде см.: “Pedro Sainz de Baranda,” in Enciclopedia Yucatanense, vol. 7 (Ciudad de Mexico, D.F.: Edicion oficial del Gobierno de Yucatan, 1977), 51–67; John L. Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan, vol. 2 (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1843), 329.
См.: например: Ernst von Halle, Baumwollproduktion und Pflanzungswirtschaft in den Nordamerikanischen Sudstaaten, part 1, Die Sklavenzeit (Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker & Humblot, 1897), 16–17; Jay Treaty, Article XII; Thomas Ellison, The Cotton Trade of Great Britain (London: Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, 1886), 85; Chew, History of the Kingdom of Cotton, 45.
Gisela Muller, “Die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Wiesentaler Textilindus-trie bis zum Jahre 1945” (PhD dissertation, University of Basel, 1965), 35, 36; Richard Dietsche, “Die industrielle Entwicklung des Wiesentales bis zum Jahre 1870” (PhD dissertation, University of Basel, 1937), 16, 18, 30, 34, 37; Walter Bodmer, Die Entwicklung der schweizerischen Textilwirtschaft im Rahmen der ubrigen Industrien und Wirtschaftszweige (Zurich: Verlag Berichthaus, 1960), 226.
Dietsche, “Die industrielle Entwicklung,” 18, 20, 21, 34, 47, 48, 61, 76; Friedrich Deher, Staufen und der obere Breisgau: Chronik einer Landschaft (Karlsruhe: Verlag G. Braun, 1967), 191–92; Eberhard Gothein, Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Schwarzwaldes und der angrenzenden Landschaften (Strassburg: Karl J. Truebner, 1892), 754; Muller, “Die Entstehung und Entwicklung,” 33, 47; Hugo Ott, “Der Schwarzwald: Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung seit dem ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert,” in Franz Quarthal, ed., Zwischen Schwarzwald und Schwabischer Alb: Das Land am oberen Neckar (Sigmaringen: Thorbecke, 1984), 399.
Arthur L. Dunham, “The Development of the Cotton Industry in France and the Anglo-French Treaty of Commerce of 1860,” Economic History Review 1, no. 2 (January 1928): 282; Gerhard Adelmann, Die Baumwollgewebe Nordwestdeutschlands und der westlichen Nachbarlander beim Ubergang von der vorindustriellen zurfruhindustriellen Zeit, 1750–1815 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001), 76; R. M. R. Dehn, The German Cotton Industry (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1913), 3; J. K.J. Thomson, A Distinctive Industrialization: Cotton in Barcelona, 1728–1832 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 248; J. Dhondt, “The Cotton Industry at Ghent During the French Regime,” in F. Crouzet, W. H. Chaloner, and W. M. Stern, eds., Essays in European Economic History, 1789–1914 (London: Edward Arnold, 1969), 18; Georg Meerwein, “Die Entwicklung der Chemnitzer bezw. sachsischen Baumwollspinnerei von 1789–1879” (PhD dissertation, University of Heidelberg, 1914), 19; Rudolf Forberger, Die industrielle Revolution in Sachsen 1800–1861, Bd. 1, zweiter Halbband: Die Revolution der Produktirkrafte in Sachsen 1800–1830. Ubersichten zur Fabrikentwicklung (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1982), 14; Albert