Империя хлопка. Всемирная история. Свен Беккерт

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Империя хлопка. Всемирная история - Свен Беккерт

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the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester for the Year 1836 (Manchester: Henry Smith, 1837), 13; The Thirty-Sixth Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester for the Year 1856 (Manchester: James Collins, 1857), 34; см. также: The Seventeenth Annual Report of the Board ofDirectors of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchesterfor the Year 1836 (Manchester: Henry Smith, 1838), 17; Резолюция принята на заседании совета директоров Manchester Commercial Association 13 ноября 1845 г., M8, 7/1, Manchester Commercial Association Papers, Manchester Archives and Local Studies, Manchester. О дальнейшем давлении см.: копию письма John Peel, Manchester Commercial Association, to the Chairman of the Court of Directors of the Honourable East India Company, Manchester, March 1, 1848, in Home Department, Revenue Branch, October 28, 1849, Nos. 3/4, in National Archives of India, New Delhi; Thomas Bazley to Thomas Baring, Manchester, September 9, 1857, in House Correspondence, NP 6.3.1., Thomas Bazley, ING Baring Archive, London.


      Arthur W. Silver, Manchester Man and Indian Cotton, 1847–1872 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1966), 58; “Memorial of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, dated December 1838,” and “Memorial of the Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures Established by Royal Charter in the City of Glasgow, 15 December 1838,” in Official Papers Connected with the Improved Cultivation of Cotton, 6, 8, 10; Mann, The Cotton Trade of Great Britain, 62; Karl Marx, Karl Marx on Colonialism and Modernization (Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1968), 100–101.


      Silver, Manchester Man and Indian Cotton, 61.


      The Thirty-Sixth Annual Report of the Board ofDirectors, 13, 31–45; см.: The Thirty-Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchesterfor the Year 1858 (Manchester: James Collins, 1859), 14–43; The Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures at Manchester for the Year 1857 (Manchester: James Collins, 1858), 11–12. О Manchester Cotton Supply Association см.: Cotton Supply Association, Report of an Important Meeting Held at Manchester May 21, 1857 (Manchester: Galt, Kerruish, & Kirby, 1857), 2.


      См., например, Report from the Select Committee on the Growth of Cotton in India, House of Commons, iii; Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register, New Series, 30 (September – December 1839): 304; Mann, The Cotton Trade of Great Britain, 65; Committee of Commerce and Agriculture of the Royal Asiatic Society, On the Cultivation of Cotton in India, 17; Guha, “Raw Cotton of Western India,” 2.


      Silver, Manchester Man and Indian Cotton, 31, 34; Guha, “Raw Cotton of Western India,” 5, 33; Frederic Wakeman Jr., “The Canton Trade and the Opium War,” in John K. Fairbank, ed., The Cambridge History of China, vol. 10, part 1 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978), 171. В середине 1840-х гг. экспорт из Бомбея в Китай составлял около 40 млн фунтов; De Bow’s Review 1 (April 1846), pp. 295–96. См. также: Sucheta Mazumdar, Sugar and Society in China: Peasants, Technology and the World Market (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998), 105–6.


      См.: оценку Calcutta Review: “Bombay Cottons and Indian Railways,” Calcutta Review 26 (June 1850): 331; M. L. Dantwala, A Hundred Years of Indian Cotton (Bombay: East India Cotton Association, 1947), 45–46; См. также: K. L. Tuteja, “Agricultural Technology in Gujarat: A Study of Exotic Seed and Saw Gins, 1800–50,” Indian Historical Review 17, nos. 1–3 (1990–91): 136–51; J. G. Medicott, Cotton Hand-Bookfor Bengal (Calcutta: Savielle & Cranenburgh, 1862), 296; “Cotton in Southern Mahratta Country, Agency for the Purchase of Cotton Established,” Compilation Volume 27/355, 1831, Compilation No. 395, Revenue Department, Maharashtra State Archive, Mumbai; Minute by the Vice President, Metcalfe, March 3, 1831, in Revenue Department, Revenue Branch, “A,” July 1831, No. 69/74, Part B, in National Archives of India, New Delhi; Home Department, Revenue Branch, G.G. August 1839, No. 1/4, in National Archives of India, New Delhi; цит. по: Silver, Manchester Man and Indian Cotton, 74; о различных прочих мерах, предпринятых компанией для улучшения и повышения экспорта индийского хлопка, см.: Royle, On the Culture and Commerce of Cotton, 86–90.


      См., например: Territorial Department, Revenue— Cotton to Thomas Williamson, Secretary to Government, June 21, 1830, in 43/324/1830, Compilations, Revenue Department, Maharashtra State Archive, Mumbai; “Abstract of the Replies of Local Authorities to the Board’s Circular of 21st February 1848 Calling for Certain Information Relative to the Cultivation of Cotton in India and Required by the Honourable Court of Directors,” in Home Department, Revenue Branch, December 2, 1848, Nos. 10–18, in National Archives of India, New Delhi; см. также: “Prospects of Cotton Cultivation in the Saugor and Narbadda Territories in the Nizam’s Dominions,” August 12, 1848, No. 3–11, National Archives of India, New Delhi; “Capabilities of the Bombay Presidency for Supplying Cotton in the Event of an Increased Demand from Europe,” March 1, 1850, Revenue Branch, Home Department, National Archives of India, New Delhi; Revenue Department, Compilation Volume 6/413, 1832, Compilation No. 62, Cotton Experimental Farm., Guzerat, Maharashtra State Archive; см.: Revenue Department, Compilation Volume 10/478, 1833, Compilation No. 5, Cotton Experimental Farm., Guzerat, Maharashtra State Archive, Mumbai; Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register New Series, 21 (September – December 1836): 220; 22 (January— April 1837): 234; and 38 (1842): 371; Tuteja, “Agricultural Technology in Gujarat”: 137; Committee of Commerce and Agriculture of the Royal Asiatic Society, On the Cultivation of Cotton in India, 15.


      См., например, “Cotton Cultivation Under the Superintendence of the American Cotton Planters in N.W. Provinces, Bombay and Madras,” January 17, 1842, No. 13–17, Revenue Department, Home Department, National Archives of India, W. W. Wood to East India Company, New Orleans, June 10, 1842, New Delhi; John MacFarquhar to East India Company, New Orleans, January 13, 1842, MSS EUR C157. Два письма, датированных 13 января и 10 июня директорам Ост-Индской компании, в: Oriental and India Office Collection, British Library, London; Home Department, Revenue Branch, G. G. August 1839, No. 1/4, in National Archives of India, New Delhi; см. также: Resolution dated September 21, 1841 by the Revenue Branch of the Government of India, Revenue Department, Revenue Branch, 21st September 1840, No. 1/3, National Archives of India; Letter by? to T. H. Maddok, Territorial Department Revenue, Bombay, 10 February 1842, in Revenue and Agriculture Department, Revenue Branch, February 28, 1842, Nos. 2–5, National Archives of India, New Delhi; Medicott, Cotton Hand-Book for Bengal, 305; Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register 36 (New Series) (September – December 1841): 343.


      Silver, Manchester Man and Indian Cotton, 37–39; Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register,

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