Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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“That’s true! A real cool championship,” Stas agreed with Volodya.
“Don’t say it,” Victor smirked and nodded. “As they say, illusions of pleasures scheduled by the couch Ariman leave just a reality of total defeats…”
“Yes… and a lot of diseases, not to mention bruises,” in a plaintive voice uttered Eugene. And counting on fingers he started to enlist industriously, “First of all, indigestion, second, thoughts attack. And in general… total lowering of spirit under the ground! Third!”
Eugene interrupted himself with a loud laughter. In reply Sensei remarked with a grin, “These are typical symptoms for a person with hesitating nature who like a pendulum rushes between his Animal and Spiritual nature.”
Volodya nodded.
“Like in a joke «What makes the tattler and the pendulum similar to each other? Both are needed to be stopped from time to time”.”
“Need to be stopped?!” repeated Victor. “Hem, in our case you will get tired to push the brake and emergency brake.”
“Right!” confirmed Stas.
Sensei glanced at the guys and uttered, “Alright, stop criticize yourselves. That’s the human nature to make mistakes.”
“Yes,” agreed Eugene, “but it’s ill luck of my homo sapiens even-toed nature: I do it often and with pleasure!” On saying that the guy was surprised by his words himself. “Ah! That’s the place where my mean little gall-and-kidney stone is located and rubs outgoing tracts of my purest Conscience!”
These Eugene’s reasonings made our company sincerely laugh. Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich laughed louder than the others.
“Eugene! Gall-and-kidney stone doesn’t exist,” uttered Nikolai Andreevich wiping tears caused by laugh. “Gall-bladder and kidney are two different organs, therefore stones may be both in the gall-bladder and in kidneys, but separately.”
“Really?” Eugene was surprised but immediately found an “explanation” to his words. “But it’s with normal people so… which don’t possess conscience. However I’m fed up with this arimanic syndrome with its symptoms.”
Sensei and Nikolai Andreevich exchanges surprised gazes. And Eugene went on arguing. “Eh, life is life! Yesterday I have felt myself on my own back that sometimes it’s better to bit my tongue than later to bit other parts of my body escaping flies… in the head.”
Stas pretended to get surprised, “Have you seen that! Sensei, look, it’s a miracle! Eugene saw the light!”
The guys began to joke about that. Having laughed enough the company turned in the further conversation to discuss impressions received yesterday.
“We believed the fairy-tales of Ariman like little kids,” uttered Volodya.
In reply Nikolai Andreevich reacted with humour, “Well, but fairy-tales bring also a certain experience. What are fairy-tales in fact? They are scary stories which carefully prepare kids to read the modern press.”
“That’s true!” grinned Sensei.
“And he nicely described us “the society of equal opportunities”,” not without humour said Volodya.
“When people take everything from the life!” added Victor.
“It means, all are equal in their opportunities but some are more equal than the others,” summarized Stas.
“What did you want?” Volodya said again in a bass voice. “Ariman gave us a right of choice. His elections have the only motto: “The rich get the real power! The poor only arguments and facts!””
“Aha,” hemmed Stas. “And the only candidate during these elections is Ariman! Just try to vote against, you will immediately sing in falsetto voice.”
The guys laughed again but then gradually calmed down, probably thinking about something personal. Their jokes induced my thoughts about the duality structure of this world. But as soon as I deepened into them Victor again uttered with a sad smile, “I have thought that nobody and nothing may divert me from the spiritual way. But this case…”
“Ariman entrapped us so cunningly,” Stas agreed with him.
“How did I get entrapped, I can’t understand?!”
“Me, too,” Eugene assented to Victor. “I listened to him, it seemed that he takes care about our spiritual development. So I, the dunderhead, opened my mouth.”
“If you were the only dunderhead,” Stas said friendly, “then no problem. But now after Ariman there is a true jungle in my head.”
“Right,” Volodya nodded with a grin. “Impassable jungle!”
“So why do you need to neglect your thoughts till the state of impassable jungle?” half in jest said Sensei. “Take the instruments and change this jungle to the noble garden. Put your thoughts into order. Since that’s you who decide whether you will lose you way in impassable jungle like monkeys in search of bananas or you will pass the life like wisemen walking around the cultivated garden. Since this jungle only seem to be impassable as it’s your Animal nature presented it to you so, for whom Ariman is a Master, therefore he is a king of this jungle. But if you evaluate the events from the spiritual point of view bringing your thoughts to the order, you will reveal a very precious lesson in the yesterday’s visit, where the lecturer was the most merciless and hard-edged teacher. Only mature pure souls may overcome all his hinders, pass final exams and completely leave the circle of reincarnations if they are full of sincere stable desire to come back home.”
We quietened, thinking over the words of Sensei. Meanwhile Ruslan who together with Yura before didn’t take part in the conversation but just listened and laughed with all of us also made up his mind to speak out.
“On the one side that’s true… But I have also thought that Ariman takes care about our spiritual development. In the beginning he was also talking about achieving happiness, success, spiritual development. It’s the same what you, Sense, were talking to us about.”
“Never, it’s not the same,” Victor objected to him. “I have also thought about it yesterday. But then I fixed it out! There is a serious cheating!”
Sensei only smiled to the guy’s conversation and uttered, “And you get surprised why pure knowledge has been lost. This is a clear example for you how the pure knowledge is turned into religion, how its true sense is substituted, how the spiritual strives are changed by the wishes of the Animal nature.”
“It means that Ariman is guilty in all of this!” Ruslan made a conclusion declaring it with some inflection of aggression and discontent.
“What has Ariman to do with that?” said Volodya in a thoughtful way. “He has just done his job well. Ariman only advised us, he didn’t press on us. We listened to him deliberately and made our choice.”
Sensei nodded agreeing with his answer, “The problem is that people want what Ariman was talking about. They want to become significant in this material world in front of other people, to satisfy the ambitions of their Animal nature, but not to prove God that they are worth to be called Human, to strive to Him and to take care of their soul. They want to become here and now superrich, famous,