Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Nikolai Andreevich looked at Sensei as if he intended to ask him something obviously connected with his last statement. But he refrained from that and kept silence.
“Eh,” Victor sighed. “That’s right. You should be always vigilant regarding your thoughts and be careful in choosing your wishes.”
“Well, I agree, it’s good when you are just vigilant and careful,” uttered Stas. “But if you are attacked by such slogans as “freedom” and “equal opportunities”, if you are suggested by that from all sides, but in fact you are just used as a slave?”
Sensei replied, “‘Freedom’ and ‘equality’ are the most seducing trap words of Ariman, since a person reacts on them depending on his spiritual needs but then due to the shrewd interpretation of the Ariman’s ‘democracy’…”
“…He steps into the full… material,” Volodya added with a grin.
“Right you are.”
“Is it something like ‘the democracy is the way to choose you slave owner?’” joked Victor.
“Something like that,” nodded Sensei. “As Ariman manipulating with a word ‘freedom’ leads a human to the understanding that he can achieve it only through money, when he has enough of it. Richness and power is the main weapon of managing the consciousness of people. But the true freedom is when a human becomes higher than this world, higher than material wishes, when a human lives each day, each hour for the sake of his soul, enriching its treasury with good doings, thoughts, help to surrounding people. When a human doesn’t live for the sake of his egoism and significance, but for the sake of other people, in the name of God.
“These are golden words!” Eugene nodded seriously. “I’m, for example, with all my hands and other extremities “pro” good doings, and thoughts, and help. But what can I do if I can’t manage my thoughts? Frankly speaking, I’m fed up with them! I can’t bear all of that.
The guy was saying this so sincerely that I even felt sorry for him. In certain sense he got it in the neck by Ariman more than most of us. And nevertheless taking into account his internal struggle and sufferings about it, he behaved worthy of respect, didn’t complain or show aggression towards others as some of us because of the internal conflict, he even didn’t complain about the physical pain, though the day before he got a lot of serious grazes in sparrings. But it was obvious that the guy was on the verge and let splash out his “indignation” only through the prism of his endless humour, as they say, without detriment to other people.
Looking at him I sincerely offered, “Eugene, try a new meditation of Lotus flower. I’ve done it today. It’s so nice! My bad thoughts disappeared and my mood became perfect!”
In reply Eugene said, “I’ve tried this method not once.” And already addressing to Sensei he asked, “By the way, Sensei, I don’t understand what is the matter? However hard I tried with this meditation it doesn’t work and that’s al. Everything stays at the level of bare imagination.”
“It’s really a complicated meditation,” Sensei replied to him. “And in order to achieve much success in it, you should be persistent, hard-working and have a special state of will. Then your “resistance” will disappear and you will see a completely different reality.”
“It’s a bright perspective,” smiled the guy. “But I seem to have a growth problem. All my attempts don’t let me achieve another level, I have only after-effects caused by excessive pressure. Maybe there is some complementary additional “device” for such dummies like me?” As always, Eugene could avoid humour even in such delicate issues. Having heavily sighed the guy added with a supplication in his voice, “Sensei, throw me to this ocean of turbulent elements of my Animal nature a little straw to catch! As my Buyan isle was washed away together with a palace and a squirrel with golden nuts. I don’t care about the palace, but Sensei, help to save at least a squirrel!”
We couldn’t stop laughing hearing this sincere confession of the guy. Sensei uttered with a smile, “Well, I feel pity about the animal. Alright, let’s help it. We will throw it a straw, maybe it will become a Human with the time.” And having considered for a while, he uttered slowly, “You say, a straw… There is one.” And he added more seriously, “this meditation also belongs to the Lotus ones. It’s very helpful and effective in such cases. And the main thing, it’s easy for every “drowning” man in the ocean of the Animal nature. It’s like this. First, as usual, you concentrate on the solar plexus, show there a lotus flower and concentrate all your love on its growing, that is, you practice the meditation of Lotus flower. When you more or less calm down your thoughts and concentrate on positive side, you start imagining that your body consists of many little balls, or atoms, or cells, in general, as many as you have imagination. It’s very important to see the structure of your body, to visualize each cell. Having seen all this conglomeration of cells you take each ball or cell, as you wish, and visually write on it, as if writing carefully each letter, a very strong spiritual formula which consists of two simple words, “Love and Gratitude”. The language, you are writing these words on, does not matter, because that’s the essence which is important. This formula works the same way as the Grail. Since Love and Gratitude are the only two things that a human being is able to give God.
Thus during this meditation, you gradually fill billions of your cells with these inscriptions, and as a result your thoughts are concentrated on this powerful formula and improve both your physical and spiritual health. The cell, on which you leave such an inscription, will forever stay under the protection of this effective and strong formula, like under protection of a talisman or tamga. When you fill yourself with this formula, you don’t only cleanse yourself from the dirt of negative thoughts, but you also reveal the inner light coming from these cells. It’s as if you light up a lot of tiny light bulbs, and it becomes so bright inside of you that even shadows disappear… It’s important also that you concentrate during this meditation only on these words and switch off all the other, irrelevant thoughts.
“Irrelevant?!” Ruslan said, either answering himself, or asking Sensei… though, Sensei was talking directly to Eugene.
“Of course. When we are just thinking about something, even then a few thoughts simultaneously teem in us, jumping from one subject to another. During the meditation this process is surely decelerated but we all are different. Sometimes, because of poor concentration, it happens that uncontrolled thoughts emerge in the background. So, while meditating, you can unwittingly switch to thinking about something else. But, exactly in this meditation it is extremely important to purposefully concentrate, without any needless thoughts.”
“Got it,” said Eugene contentedly. “So, I have simply to properly concentrate and imagine.”
Ruslan shrugged his shoulders, probably being not fully able to catch the essence of the meditation, “Hmmm… Is everything so simple? Use your imagination, that’s all?”
Sensei replied, “Though, at first glance, this meditation may seem too simple and kind of naïve, as Ruslan says “use your imagination, that’s all”, but… it is far from being simple… Because apart from the influence of this powerful formula, a person also involves the power of his thought. And, the power of the thought serves as a stimulus to realize the program defined by an individual. Results of this program are later reflected both in his physical and spiritual health. As the majority of people are constantly tuned to the wave of their animal nature, a large quantity of their both psychological and physical problems are, first of all, the results of their negative thoughts. This meditation is good not only for those people who want to establish an internal