Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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“And you can not even imagine how significant, in reality, was this “a little bit”!” – Sensei specified.
For a while we kept silence sitting around the table. It was Volodya who broke the silence.
“Well, it’s an interesting meditation. An intriguing formula… By the way, I recalled about formulas. Ariman has also mentioned about some golden formula which transform with a certain sound a thought through ezoosmos to reality. Supposedly it was used by the very Agapit. Is it true?”
“Yes, it’s true,” Sensei confirmed.
“And did Agapit bring the Grail to the world?”
“Yes, it was so, indeed.”
The guys became more vivid and started to talk all together.
“Oh! And why did Ariman say that the Grail is the power over the power?”
“Sensei, tell us!”
“Yes, about the Grail…”
“And what is that?”
Sensei looked at the arousen interest of the group to this issue and suggested, “Guys, let’s talk about it a bit later.”
Everybody calmed down. Only Ruslan said gladly, “It means that not everything what Ariman talked about was lie!”
In reply Sensei answered in a tired voice, “Ariman possess very serious knowledge, indeed. But taking in account the peculiarities of his work he gives this knowledge in the whole handful of tares. So only a pure mature soul can distinguish where truth or lie is, where spiritual or material is. The others who are obsessed by the matter, take everything on faith, and having eaten too much of tares get into an arimanic trap. But the true seekers, picking up even from his hands true grains, will be able to get saturated.”
Nevertheless Ruslan began to share excitedly his “remembrances” and to jabber non-stop, “Besides Ariman told us about some formula which, according to him, is used to destroy megapolises. It seems to me that it sounds like that, “IED SUEM SULAM”,” pronounced Ruslan with difficulties and added boastfully, “It seems to be an ancient one… the words are so difficult.”
Sensei grinned.
“You say, difficult? Turn this phrase vice versa.”
While Ruslan was making every effort to do it, Nikolai Andreevich easily fulfilled this task, “MALUS MEUS DEI?! It means in Latin, if I’m not wrong, “Devil is my god”.
“You aren’t wrong,” confirmed Sensei.
“How come it is… devil? And that’s all?” Ruslan uttered confused.
The guy had such a disappointed expression on his face that the other guys involuntarily began to laugh.
“What have you expected?!” hemmed Yura.
Victor offered Ruslan in a friendly manner, “That’s it, Ruslan-boy, you should learn Latin if you decided to plunge into antiquity.”
“Nice deal,” said Eugene, waving away flies again. “I’m not sure about this Latin but the very moment Ariman pronounced it, I was as if shaken from inside, as if the earth-quake happened in reality.”
“And, of course, he mentioned some real example,” said Sensei as if he knew this Ariman’s trick long before.
“Right, he told something about the Atlantic ocean,” recollected Eugene frowning. “And some city…”
“New Orly?” Yura interrupted him. “New Orleans!” And addressing already to Sensei he hurried to state his information. “And the main thing he explained in such details how it would happen, how everything would be destroyed there…”
“He spoke about Japan, too,” recollected Volodya. “I was surprised by the fact, that he mentioned not only the magnitude of the earthquake on the Richter scale, but also the precise date when it would happen.
“Well, I see,” uttered Sensei.
“What do you mean?” cautiously inquired Victor.
“If Ariman said so, then, it has already happened.”
“In which sense?” Ruslan didn’t get it. “How? It’s the future!”
Sensei only sighed heavily, obviously because of such a naivety of the guy and replied, “You see, those who possess the power perceive this world in a different way than ordinary people. What you felt the moment he was talking about it, it was the power put in this event. That is this event, though it is distanced by the future, it has already happened. Especially if it concerned the natural element.”
“How can it be?” the guys were surprised.
Sensei smiled sadly and said, “A thought is able to move planets, not just influence natural elements.” And in a while he added, “Well, if he said it, it means, the millions will get to know about that.”
“Sensei, I hear it from you not for the first time,” Nikolai Andreevich uttered with a smile. “How can these millions get to know if we don’t tell it anybody?”
“It’s doesn’t concern you, the main thing is that he uttered it aloud. Make no nevermind about the functioning of this mechanism. What is going to be, will be.”
“Right, the most difficult thing in this world is not to listen to Ariman,” Victor made his conclusions.
“The most difficult thing in this world for a human is not to fall under his Animal nature. And the most important is to win a victory over himself,” remarked Sensei.
“It seems, Ariman also spoke about that,” Ruslan expressed his bewilderment.
Sensei just shook his head and explained, “ ’A victory over yourself’ in interpretation of Ariman means to live for the sake of accumulation of material things, to give up everything for the sake of money, stepping over the lives of other people in order to get power and leadership. But this is a substitution, a deceit, an illusion of the welfare which turns to the total defeat of your soul. Since a human following the way of Ariman wants to be a king of this world. And he even doesn’t think of what is awaiting for him after death. For him the other world, the world of soul is somewhere there, he doesn’t know where. “Does that higher world exist at all?” due to Ariman’s attempts it turns to a big question for a human. And this material world, it’s right here, here and now. It seems to be real for him. And all this substitution happens as a human doesn’t remember the beauty of the higher world, the world of God. He can recollect it only reaching Nirvana, that is