Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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coâng v. to do one’s best

      gaéng göôïng v., adj. to act unwillingly; against one’s wishes

      gaéng söùc v. to work hard, to do one’s best

      gaép 1 v. to pick up with chop-sticks 2 n. skewer

      gaép thaêm v. to draw lots

      gaëp v. to meet, to encounter; to see, to run across

      gaëp dòp v. to have a favorable occasion, to be fortunate

      gaëp gôõ n., v. unexpected meeting; to meet, to encounter

      gaëp maët v. to be reunited, to meet

      gaëp nhau v. to meet one another

      gaëp phaûi v. to meet with

      gaëp thôøi v. to have a good opportunity, to meet with good fortune

      gaét adj., v. strong, violent, harsh; to grumble [at], to scold, to chide

      gaét gao adj. keen, desperate, intense

      gaét goûng adj., v. grouchy; to be in a temper; to lose one’s temper

      gaët v. to reap, to harvest: vuï gaët harvest; thôï gaët reaper

      gaám n. brocade and satin

      gaàm 1 v. to bow one’s head in shame or anger 2 n. space underneath [table, bed]; underpass

      gaàm theùt v. to bawl

      gaäm v. [of rodents] to gnaw

      gaân n. nerve; tendon; sinew; vein [as seen from outside]: laáy gaân to flex one’s muscles

      gaân coå v. to harden the neck

      gaân guoác adj. sinewy; rugged: maët gaân guoác rugged face

      gaàn adj., adv. near, close; about to [precedes main verb]; nearly, almost: hoï gaàn near relation, close relative; gaàn ñoù thereabouts

      gaàn guõi adv. side by side, alongside

      gaàn xa adv. everywhere, every place, far and wide: gaàn xa ñeàu bieát tieáng to be known everywhere

      gaáp 1 v. to fold, to close [a book] 2 adj. urgent; in a hurry: gôûi moät laù thö gaáp to send an urgent letter

      gaáp boäi adj. manifold, multiple

      gaáp ñoâi/hai adj. double

      gaáp ruùt adj. very urgent, pressing

      gaäp v. See gaëp

      gaäp gheành adj. uneven, broken, rough, bumpy: ñöôøng gaäp gheành rough road

      gaät v. to nod: nguû gaät to fall asleep while sitting or standing

      gaät gaø gaät guø v. See gaät guø

      gaät guø v. to nod repeatedly

      gaâu gaâu n. the barking of a dog, bow-wow

      gaáu 1 n. bear: aên nhö gaáu to eat gluttonously 2 n. hem, fringe [of dress]: gaáu quaàn cuffs of trousers

      gaãu adj. idle, aimless: noùi chuyeän gaãu to chat idly

      gaây 1 v. to bring about, to cause, to provoke 2 v. to quarrel

      gaây chieán v. to provoke a war

      gaây chuyeän v. to cause a quarrel

      gaây döïng v. to create, to constitute, to establish, to set up

      gaây gaõy v. to feel feverish

      gaây goã v. to pick a quarrel

      gaây haán v. to incite wars, to provoke hostilities

      gaây loaïn v. to incite a rebellion

      gaây oaùn v. to create enemies

      gaây söï v. to try to pick a quarrel

      gaây thuø v. to create enemies

      gaày adj. (= oám) skinny, emaciated, gaunt [opp. beùo, maäp]

      gaày coøm adj. very thin

      gaày goø adj. thin, skinny

      gaày moøn v., adj. growing thinner, losing flesh, weakened

      gaày nhom adj. skin and bones, gaunt, emaciated

      gaåy v. See gaûy

      gaãy v. See gaõy

      gaäy n. stick, cane

      gaäy goäc n. sticks

      ghe n. (= thuyeàn) junk, sampan, bark, craft, boat [CL chieác]

      ghe chaøi n. junk, fishing junk

      gheù v. to stop at; to come close, to call at, to drop in: gheù thaêm baïn to call at a friend’s place

      gheù maét v. to have a look at, to glue one’s eyes to

      gheù vai v. to share one’s responsibility

      gheø v. to break, to crush, to strike, to hit

      gheû 1 n. itch, scabies 2 adj. to be cold, indifferent: gheû laïnh indifferent; dì gheû, meï gheû stepmother

      gheû laïnh adj. indifferent

      gheû lôû n. itch, scabies

      gheï n., v. at the expense of; to sponge something: ñi gheï xe to get a ride with somebody

      gheùm n. salad, mixed [raw] vegetables

      ghen v., adj. jealous; envious

      ghen gheùt v. to be jealous, to covet; to hate

      ghen tuoâng v. to be jealous in love

      gheïo v. to tease; to bother

      gheùp v. to assemble, to join, to unite; to graft: gheùp caùc chöõ caùi ñeå thaønh moät töø to join letters to make a word; gheùp hai caây hoàng to graft two roses

      gheùt 1 n. dirt, filth [rubbed off body/skin] 2 v. to detest, to hate: yeâu cho voït, gheùt cho chôi to spare the rod and spoil the child

      gheùt boû v. to abandon because of hate

      gheùt cay gheùt ñaéng v. to hate someone’s guts

      gheâ v., adv. to be horrified [so as to tremble], to shiver, to

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