Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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thảo v. to sketch, to outline, to draft [text]

      khởi thuỷ adv., adj. beginning, starting; original

      khởi tố v. to start a lawsuit

      khởi xướng v. to instigate, to take the initiative

      khớp n. articulation, joint: ăn khớp nhau to jibe, to agree with each other, to be in harmony with each other

      khớp xương n. joint

      khu 1 n. area, district, zone, section, sector: chiến khu war zone; đặc khu district; quân khu military district; liên khu interzone; phân khu sub area 2 n. bottom, buttocks

      khu biệt v. to distinguish, to discriminate

      khu bưu chính n. postal sector, army post code

      khu trục n. fighter plane

      khu trục hạm n. destroyer

      khu trừ v. to get rid of, to eradicate

      khu vực n. area, zone

      khú v. [of salted vegetables] to smell bad

      khù khờ adj. slow-witted

      khù khụ adv. [to cough] loudly

      khụ adj. very old and bent

      khua v. to stir up; to beat [drum gong] noisily, thump: khua môi to move lips, to talk too much; khua tay to throw arms up, to gesticulate

      khuân v. to carry [a heavy thing]: phu khuân vác porter

      khuất 1 v., adj. to hide, to be out of sight, hid- den: Khuất mặt cách lòng. Out of sight, out of mind. 2 v. to yield, to bow to

      khuất gió adj. sheltered from the wind

      khuất nẻo adj. remote, out of the way

      khuất núi adj. deceased

      khuất phục v. to submit oneself to, to surrender

      khuất tất v. to kneel down, to bow; to humble oneself

      khuây v. to become calm, to be relieved [from grief, nostalgia]

      khuây khoả adj. to be relieved [from grief, nostalgia]

      khuấy v. to stir up: khấy nồi cơm to stir the rice pot

      khúc n. section, portion: khúc cá a portion of a fish; khúc cây a section of a tree trunk; khúc nhạc a section of songs

      khúc chiết adj. coherent, clear, precise

      khúc khích v. to giggle: cười khúc khích to giggle

      khúc khuỷu adj. [of a road] winding, tortuous

      khúc xạ n. refraction, bending of rays

      khuê các n. woman’s apartment

      khuê nữ n. young feudal woman

      khuếch v. R to enlarge, to amplify

      khuếch đại v. to enlarge, to amplify

      khuếch khoác v. to boast, to brag

      khuếch tán v. to spread out, to scatter

      khuếch trương v. to expand, to develop: khuếch trương thương vụ to expand one’s business

      khui v. to open, to unpack: khui chai rượu to open a bottle of wine

      khum khum adj. arched, bent

      khúm núm v. to be too humble or ceremonious, to be obsequious

      khung n. frame, framework: đóng khung to frame a picture; [slang] to be dressed up

      khung cảnh n. context, scenery

      khung cửi n. loom

      khùng adj. furious, mad, crazy: phát/đâm khùng to become/to get mad or crazy

      khủng bố v. to terrorize: tên khủng bố terrorist

      khủng hoảng n. crisis: kinh tế khủng hoảng economic crisis, depression; khủng hoảng về tinh thần emotionally disturbed

      khủng khiếp adj. horrible, awful

      khuôn n. mold, model, pattern

      khuôn khổ n. shape and size; framework

      khuôn mặt n. [shape of] face

      khuôn mẫu n. model, example

      khuôn phép n. discipline, regulation

      khuy n. button: cài khuy to button

      khuy bấm n. snap [button]

      khuya adj. late [at night]: thức khuya to stay up late

      khuya khoắt adj. late [at night]

      khuya sớm n. night and day, morning and evening

      khuyên 1 v. to advise: lời khuyên advice 2 n. circle, earring: đôi khuyên a pair of earrings

      khuyên bảo v. to advise, to counsel, to recommend: khuyên bảo người nào to advise someone

      khuyên can v. to advise against something, to persuade someone

      khuyên giải v. to comfort, to explain

      khuyên ngăn v. to advise against something

      khuyên nhủ v. to advise, to counsel

      khuyên răn v. to admonish

      khuyến học v. to encourage learning: hội khuyến học association for the encouragement of learning

      khuyến khích v. to encourage, to stimulate

      khuyến nông v. to encourage agriculture

      khuyển n. dog (= chó): quân khuyển dog army

      khuyển mã n. beast

      khuyển nho adj. cynical

      khuyết 1 n. buttonhole, loop [used as a buttonhole] 2 adj. [of position] missing, vacant; [of moon] not full; dự khuyết alternate [officer]; khiếm khuyết shortcoming

      khuyết điểm n. shortcoming, defect, mistakes, error, negative points

      khuyết tịch adj. absent

      khuynh diệp n. eucalyptus:

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