Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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to crepitate

      lạch n. canal, waterway

      lạch bạch v. to waddle, to toddle

      lạch cạch v. See lách cách

      lạch đạch v. to waddle

      lạch tạch v. See lách tách

      lai 1 adj. half-breed, crossbreed, hybrid: Tây lai Eurasian [person of mixed French and Vietnamese blood]; Tầu lai person of mixed Chinese and Vietnamese blood 2 n. turn-up, hemline

      lai căng adj. miscellaneous: cuộc sống lai căng foreign influent life

      lai giống v. to cross breed

      lai láng v. [of feeling] to be overflowing

      lai lịch n. background, curriculum vitae, past record

      lai rai adj. dragging on: làm việc lai rai dragging on work

      lai tỉnh v. to regain consciousness, to come to

      lai vãng v. to frequent [a place]

      lái v. to steer, to drive [ship, automobile, plane]: lái xe hơi to drive a car; tay lái steering wheel; bằng cầm lái driving license

      lái buôn n. merchant, dealer, trader: lái lợn pig seller; lái trâu buffalo seller

      lái đò n. boatman, bargeman

      lải nhải v. to mutter on and on

      lải n. tapeworm

      lãi n. profit, dividend, interest: lãi ba phân three percent interest

      lại 1 v. to come, to arrive: để lại to leave [behind]; to resell; ở lại to stay [behind]; tóm lại to sum up; in short; Lại đây! Come here!; trở lại to come back; đi đi lại lại to go back and forth, to move to and from 2 adv. again, back: trả lại to return; to give the change; đem lại to bring again; đi lại to come again, to go back and forth; to have relations; qua lại to go back and forth; to come and go, to frequent; quay lại to turn around; còn lại there remains;remaining;đánh lại to fight back, to hit back; trái lại on the contrary; ngược lại conversely; gói lại to wrap up; buộc lại to tie [package] up; trói lại to tie [person] up; lùi lại to step back; hoàn lại to return, to refund; lại ăn to eat again, to resume eating; lại nói to resume talking; lại làm to resume working

      lại sức v. to recover one’s strength

      lam adj. royal blue

      lam chướng n. miasma, noxious effluvium

      lam lũ adj. ragged and dirty

      lam nham adj. bungled

      làm v. to do, to make; to work; (= hành) to act; to be done

      làm ăn v. to make a living, to earn one’s living

      làm bạn v. to be a friend to; to get married to

      làm bằng v. to serve as evidence, to give evidence

      làm bộ v. to be arrogant, to be haughty

      làm cao v. to put on airs, to play hard to get

      làm cỏ v. to weed; to massacre

      làm công v. to work [for cho]: người làm công worker, employee

      làm chứng v. to be the witness

      làm dáng v. to be dandyish, to give undue attention to dress

      làm dịu v. to abate, to ease: làm dịu sự căng thẳng to ease the tension

      làm duyên v. to mince; to attract

      làm đỏm v. to be coquettish

      làm giả v. to counterfeit, to fake: làm giả nước hoa to produce counterfeit perfume

      làm giàu v. to get rich, to enrich

      làm gương v. to set an example: làm gương cho trẻ con to set an example for children

      làm hỏng v. to wreck, to spoil, to foul up

      làm khách v. to be formal, to stand on ceremony

      làm lành v. to make it up with

      làm lẽ v. to become someone’s concubine

      làm lễ v. to hold a ceremony: làm lễ cưới to hold a wedding ceremony

      làm loạn v. to rebel, to riot; to raise hell

      làm lông v. to pluck

      làm lơ v. to ignore, to turn a blind eye to

      làm lụng v. to work

      làm ma v. to hold burial rites for

      làm mai v. to act as a matchmaker

      làm mẫu v. to serve as a model

      làm ơn v. to do the favor

      làm phách v. to put on airs

      làm quen v. to make the acquaintance of

      làm reo v. to go on strike

      làm ruộng v. to do farming

      làm sao adv. why, how

      làm tàng v. to behave arrogantly

      làm thinh v. to keep silent

      làm thịt v. to kill for food: làm thịt heo đãi tiệc to kill a pig for a party

      làm tiền v. to make money

      làm tôi v. to serve as a servant

      làm trai v. to behave like a man

      làm trò v. to make fun, to perform funny antics, to clown

      làm tròn v. to fulfill:

      làm việc v. to work, to be busy at work

      lảm nhảm v. to mumble, to rave, to talk about trifles

      lạm v. to abuse [power, etc.], to do something in excess: tiêu lạm công quỹ to spend in excess of public funds

      lạm dụng v. to abuse, to take advantage of, to misuse: lạm dụng quyền hành to abuse power

      lạm phát v. to inflate, to issue too much [paper currency]: nạn lạm phát tiền tệ inflation


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