Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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in these extended vocabulary items the symbol ~ is used to represent the English headword:

      pace 1 n. bước đi; dáng/cách đi; tốc độ, nhịp độ: to keep ~ with theo/ sánh kịp; to set the ~ nêu gương; to go at a walking ~ đi từng bước; to go the ~ đi nhanh; ăn chơi phóng đãng; to put someone through his/her ~s thử tài ai, thử sức ai; cho ai thi thố tài năng 2 v. đi từng bước, bước từng bước: to ~ up and down the corridors đi đi lại lại dọc theo hành lang

      For the Vietnamese–English section, the extended vocabulary items are separated by semi-colons:

      ra 1 v. [SV xuất] to exit, to go out, to come out; to go [out] into, to come [out] into; to look, to become; to issue [order lệnh], to give [signal hiệu, assignment bài]: ra bể to go to the sea; ra sân to go [out of the house] into the yard; ra đường to go out in the street; ra dáng … to look 2 adv. out, outside, forth: không ra gì, chẳng ra gì to amount to nothing; chẳng ra hồn to be worth nothing; bày ra to display, to show off; béo ra to get fat; đỏ ra to become red; nói ra to speak up; nhìn ra, nhận ra to recognize; nhớ ra to remember, to call forth; tìm ra, kiếm ra to find out; trở ra to be out; lối ra “Exit, do not enter.”; cửa ra vào door; ra vô thong thả admission is free.; hiện ra to appear; sinh ra, đẻ ra to be born, to give birth to; hoá ra to become; it turns out that; thành ra to come out; chia ra to divide up, to divide into

      5. There are a variety of terms used to address the first and second persons in Vietnamese. As shown by the following example:

      bà 1 n. [SV tổ mẫu] grandmother; female: bà ngoại maternal grandmother; bà nội paternal grandmother; đàn bà woman, women; Hai Bà Trưng the Trung sisters 2 pron. lady/you [used by grandchild to grandmother, first person pronoun being cháu]; I [used by grandmother to grandchild, second person pronoun being cháu]; you [used to refer to women of a certain age, first person pronoun being tôi]

      tôi is used for the first person and cháu for the second person. The reader can replace these terms with ông, bà, anh, chị, em, tau, mày... depending on age and relationship between the first and second persons.

      6. Vietnamese words that are loanwords have their Vietnamese pronunciation connected by hyphens (-), for example:

      a-xít n. acid

      ki-lô n. [Fr. kilogram] kilogram

      7. Abbreviations used in this Dictionary are as follows:

AbbreviationsFull wordVietnamese equivalent
adj.adjectivetính từ
adv.adverbphụ từ
conj.conjunctionkết từ
intj.interjectioncảm từ
n.noundanh từ
pl.pluralsố nhiểu
prep.prepositiongiới từ
pron.pronounđại từ
singsingularsố ít
v.verbđộng từ
num.numeralsố từ
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      A Guide to Vietnamese Pronunciation

      Vietnamese is a tonal language where no word is conjugated. The Vietnamese alphabet has 29 letters:

      a, ă, â, b, c, d, đ, e, ê, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, ô, ơ, p, q, r, s, t, u, ư, v, x, y.

      The Vietnamese consonants are written as single letters or a cluster of two or three letters, as follows:

      b, c, ch, d, đ, g, gh, gi, h, k, kh, l, m, n, ng, ngh, nh, p, ph, qu, r, s, t, th, tr, v, x.

      The vowels in Vietnamese are the following: a, ă, â, e, ê, i/y, o, ô, ơ, u, ư. Vowels can also be grouped together to form a cluster or a word.

      The following tables show the vowels and consonants in Vietnamese pronunciation with their English equivalents.


Vietnamese English Example Meaning
a father ba three
ă hat ăn to eat
â but âm sound
e bet em younger brother/sister
ê may đêm night
i/y me kim needle
o law lo to worry
ô no aunt
ơ fur butter
u too ngu stupid
ư uh-uh thư letter


Vietnamese English Example Meaning
b book bút pen
c, k, q can fish
kem ice-cream
quý precious
ch chore cho to give
d, gi zero da skin
đ do đi to go

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