Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

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Periplus Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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initial consonant plus a vowel or vowel cluster with or without tone markers and a final consonant.Examples:cơm(cooked rice)thương(to love)soạn(to prepare)buồn(sad)

      The following chart is a summary of the structure formation of a single word/syllable:

      a. V (T) b. C1V (T) c. V (T) C2 d. C1V (T) C2


      V is a vowel or vowel cluster.

      T is a tone marker.

      C1 is an initial consonant.

      C2 is a final consonant.

      Compound words

      Two or more single words join together to form a compound word. There are three kinds of compound words according to semantic criteria.

      Conjunctive compound words

      A conjunctive compound word is formed by two different single words.


      Reduplication compound words

      A compound word may be formed by the reduplication of the entire stem, or by a part of it affixed to itself, or by a meaningful single word plus a meaningless structural element.

a. nhỏ nho nhỏ (slightly small)
xanh xanh xanh (slightly blue)
ngày ngày ngày (everyday)
b. nhỏ nhỏ-nhoi (unimportant)
nhanh nhanh-nhẹn (quickly)
vui vui-vẻ (pleasant)
c. mua mua-sắm (to buy)
khóc khóc-lóc (to cry)
xơ xác xơ-xơ xác-xác (all ragged)
ngày xưa ngày xửa ngày xưa (once upon a time)

      Free compound words

      A free compound word is formed by two or three single words, which do not follow the above formation. There are not many free compound words in Vietnamese.

cà-lăm (stammer)
bất thình lình (suddenly)
ấn loát (printing)
Important notes
1. Vietnamese words never change in number, gender, person or tense. Plurality in Vietnamese is expressed by a limited number of words called plural markers (number) which always precede the invariable names.
2. More than half of Vietnamese words are derived from Chinese. Therefore, there are often two words to designate the same thing, one coming from Chinese and the other being pure Vietnamese.
3. The Vietnamese words may be classified as follows: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, numeral, exclamation, adverbial particle.
4. Idioms are phrases with a fixed structure. They have a special formation with rhythms.
Tiền rừng bạc bể (very rich)
Ba chìm bảy nổi (up-and-down)
Một nắng hai sương (hardworking life)

      C. The Basic Sentence Structure

      A sentence is made up of one or more phrases. It provides a complete expression of meaning. It expresses a statement, a question, a command or an exclamation. In the written form it begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark. Sometimes a sentence may not have a subject or a verb.


      A phrase is a compound of two or more words which together make up a particular element of a sentence (e.g. the subject or the predicate). There are four types of phrases: noun phrases, verb phrases, adjectival phrases and adverbial phrases.


      Hai người thanh niên đang đẩy một chiếc xe hơi.

      Hai người thanh niên is a noun phrase.

      đang đẩy một chiếc xe hơi is a verb phrase.

      Simple sentences

      The simple sentence is made up of a subject and a predicate. The subject and the predicate can be simple words or phrases. A simple sentence normally consists of two main parts, a subject and a predicate.

Ông Namvui. (Mr Nam is happy.)
Xe tôichạy nhanh. (My car runs quicky.)
Bạn tôiđã mua sách. (My friend bought some books.)
Cô ấyhọc tiếng Việt không? (Does she learn Vietnamese?)
Tôi20 tuổi. (I’m 20 years old.)

      In a simple sentence, there may be more than one subject or predicate.

a. Ông Nam và tôi đã đi ăn cơm Việt Nam.
(Mr Nam and I have had a Vietnamese meal.) —2 subjects + a predicate
b. Sinh viên sẽ học nghe, nói, đọc, viết tiếng Việt.
(Students will learn to listen to, speak, read and write Vietnamese.) —a subject + 4 predicates


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