Agape and Personhood. David L. Goicoechea

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Agape and Personhood - David L. Goicoechea Postmodern Ethics

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Mormon Father

      I.2.1 In the Logic of the Triad

      I.2.2 In the Logic of the Quadrad

      I.2.3 In the Logic of the Quadratic Weaning

      I.2.4 In the First Deceptive Weaning

      I.2.5 In the Third Weaning of Mutual Mourning

      I.2.6 In the Fourth Weaning or Providing Sustenance

      I.2.7 Pauline Universalism—Johannine Exclusivism

      I.2.8 Dyadic Johannine Glory

      I.2.9 Pauline Triadic Glory

      I.3 With Her Catholic Husband

      I.3.1 The Holy Ideal and the Justice of Peace

      I.3.2 Holy Child

      I.3.3 Sacred Priest—Sacred Baptism—Sacred Matrimony

      I.3.4 The Holy, the Sacred, and the Profane

      I.3.5 Holy War—Holy Pregnancy—Holy Daughter

      I.3.6 The Holy and the Sacred

      I.3.7 Paul and John Becoming Mark

      I.3.8 Communicating in Sacred Silence

      I.3.9 Third Holy Child and Sacred Community

      II. Søren Kierkegaard

      II.1 Reconciling the God-Man and Socrates

      II.1.1 The Paradoxical Logic of Erotic Inspiration

      II.1.2 The Logic of Socratic Irony

      II.1.3 The Logic of Skeptical Irony

      II.1.4 The Logic of Agapeic Reconciliation

      II.1.5 The Logic of Personal Growth

      II.1.6 The Logic of The Both-And

      II.1.7 Loving Socrates as More Important

      II.1.8 The Noble Socratic Return

      II.1.9 Loving the God-Man as More Important

      II.2 Reconciling the God-Man and Abraham

      II.2.1 The Absurd Contingency of the Single Individual

      II.2.2 The Absurd Contingency of Postmodern Doubting

      II.2.3 The Absurd Contingency of Unlimited Voices

      II.2.4 The Absurd Contingency of Abraham’s Faith in the Promise

      II.2.5 The Absurd Contingency of Double Movement Leaping

      II.2.6 The Absurdity of Ethically Suspending the Teleological

      II.2.7 Loving Abraham as More Important

      II.2.8 The Abrahamic Blessing for All Peoples

      II.2.9 Loving the God-Man as More Important

      II.3 Reconciling the God-Man and Job

      II.3.1 Repetition’s Reconciliation Is the Only Happy Love

      II.3.2 Beyond Platonic Recollection to a New Future

      II.3.3 Beyond Hegelian Mediation to a New Past

      II.3.4 Repetition as the Ethical Task of Freedom

      II.3.5 Metaphysic’s Interest on Which Metaphysics Founders

      II.3.6 The Single Individual and the Posthorn

      II.3.7 Loving Job as More Important

      II.3.8 Job’s Faithful Love That Justifies the Exception

      II.3.9 Loving the God-Man as More Important

      III. St. Paul

      III.1 Conversion to Reconciliation

      III.1.1 The New Agape

      III.1.2 The New Personal Agape

      III.1.3 The New Universal Agape

      III.1.4 A New Apocalyptic Universalism

      III.1.5 The New Agapeic Logic of Suffering

      III.1.6 Paul’s Logic of Mixed Opposites

      III.1.7 The New Logic of the Body of Christ

      III.1.8 The Logic of the Communal Person

      III.1.9 The Logic of Individual Persons

      III.2 Paul’s Love Letter to the Thessalonians

      III.2.1 Motivating Thessalonians to Universal Love

      III.2.2 Bonds Them in Familial Affection

      III.2.3 So That He Constantly Loves Them in Prayer

      III.2.4 To the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

      III.2.5 But There Is the Problem Of Death

      III.2.6 Set in the Context of Christ’s Resurrection

      III.2.7 And His Second Coming in Our Lifetime

      III.2.8 Which Gives Urgency to our Ethical Task

      III.2.9 As We Abide in the Grace, Peace, and Joy of Jesus

      III.3 Paul’s Love Letter to the Corinthians

      III.3.1 No Gift of Worth but Love

      III.3.2 Which Gives Worth to Suffering

      III.3.3 And to God’s Foolishness and Ours

      III.3.4 And to God’s Weakness and Ours

      III.3.5 In a Logic of the Cross

      III.3.6 That Can Reconcile Factions

      III.3.7 As well as Marital Alienation

      III.3.8 In the Lord’s Supper

      III.3.9 Of Christ’s Resurrected Body

      IV. Personhood

      IV.1 From Shamanic Humans in Relation

      IV.1.1 Shamanic Humans

      IV.1.2 Pelvis Healers and Porter Physicians

      IV.1.3 Erotic Artists and Lector Teachers

      IV.1.4 Liver Cleansers and Exorcist Deliverers

      IV.1.5 From Sorcerer

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