Agape and Personhood. David L. Goicoechea

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Agape and Personhood - David L. Goicoechea Postmodern Ethics

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Anxious Leaping into the Inclosing Reserve or Repose

      II.6.5 That Discloses Itself All of a Sudden or is Open to Disclosure

      II.6.6 Out of Boredom or in Faith’s Most Passionate Inwardness

      II.6.7 Loving Adam and Eve as More Important in Atonement

      II.6.8 Anxiety through Faith is Absolutely Educative

      II.6.9 Loving the God-Man in Body, Soul, and Spirit

      III. St. Paul

      III.4 Paul’s Second Love Letter to the Corinthians

      III.4.1 It Was God Who Reconciled Us

      III.4.2 To Himself through Christ

      III.4.3 And Gives Us the Work

      III.4.4 Of Handing on This Reconciliation

      III.4.5 Not According to Standards of the Flesh

      III.4.6 And Not in Accord with Christ in the Flesh

      III.4.7(a) But We Have Been Reconciled (Part One)

      III.4.7(b) But We Have Been Reconciled (Part Two)

      III.4.8 As Different Members of Christ’s Body

      III.4.9 That We Should Love Our Enemies

      III.5 Paul’s Love Letter to the Galatians

      III.5.1 Paul’s Ethics of Reconciliation

      III.5.2 Is Based on the Standards of Love

      III.5.3 Which Believes That We Have Been Freed

      III.5.4 From the Law and Self Indulgence

      III.5.5 In Order to Serve All Others

      III.5.6 Greeks as Well as Jews

      III.5.7 Women as Well as Men

      III.5.8 Slaves as Well as Masters

      III.5.9 While We Prepare for the Lord’s Coming

      III.6 Paul’s Love Letter to the Romans

      III.6.1 Paul’s Anthropology of Reconciliation

      III.6.2 Bridges the Gap between God and Humans

      III.6.3 Through a Gift of Faith Like Abraham’s

      III.6.4 Which Believes That Christ Died for Us Sinners

      III.6.5 Which Proves That God Loves Us

      III.6.6 Since before We Were Reconciled to God

      III.6.7 By the Death of the Son

      III.6.8 We Were Still Enemies

      III.6.9 And Our Joyful Trust Is Proof of Our Salvation

      IV. Personhood

      IV.4 To Defining Personhood as Three Persons in One God

      IV.4.1 The Person of the Father beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.4.2 The Work of the Father beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.4.3 The Person of the Son beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.4.4 The Work of the Son beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.4.5 The Person of the Spirit beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.4.6 The Work of the Spirit beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.4.7 Incarnational Origins beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.4.8 Incarnational Religion beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.4.9 Incarnational Eschatology beyond Judaism and Neo-Gnosticism

      IV.5 To Defining Personhood as Two Natures in One Person

      IV.5.1 The Son is Fully Divine against Arian Subordination

      IV.5.2 For the Three Persons Share One Nature (Homoousios)

      IV.5.3 And the Son has Two Natures (Hypostatic Union)

      IV.5.4 His Divine Nature is Absolutely Perfect

      IV.5.5 His Human Nature Suffers, Dies, and Rises

      IV.5.6 Same Person before and after Incarnation

      IV.5.7 The Western Contribution from Tertullian to Leo

      IV.5.8 From Leo’s Summary of the West to Chalcedon

      IV.5.9 Chalcedon’s Unique, Equal, Relational Persons

      IV.6 To Boethius and Defining Human Personhood

      IV.6.1 An Individual Substance of a Rational Nature

      IV.6.2 Defining Individuals (beyond Plato and Eutyches)

      IV.6.3 Distinguishing Substance (beyond Plotinus and Cyril)

      IV.6.4 Knowing Rational Souls (beyond Epicurus and Cyril)

      IV.6.5 A Natural History of Nature (beyond Stoics and Nestorius)

      IV.6.6 Autonomy of Natural Sciences (The Consolation of Philosophy)

      IV.6.7 Beyond Gnosticism (The Consolation of Philosophy)

      IV.6.8 Beyond Aristotle and Arius (with Lady Philosophia)

      IV.6.9 The Suffering Servant’s Serene, Peaceful Gentleness

      Part Three: Glorious Finishings

      I. Mother

      I.7 With Her Son, Clifford Scott, and Father Waldman

      I.7.1 Christmas is Everyday in Joyful Mystery Love

      I.7.2 In the Annunciation and the Hail Mary’s Five Parts

      I.7.3 In the Visitation and the Mystery’s Five Parts

      I.7.4 In the Nativity and Her Intention’s Five Parts

      I.7.5 In the Presentation and Her World’s Five Parts

      I.7.6 In the Temple Finding and God’s World’s Five Parts

      I.7.7 In the Johannine School’s Incarnational Joy

      I.7.8 In the Holy Joy of the Sacred Liturgy of the Word

      I.7.9 In the Holy Joy of the Sacred Liturgy of the Eucharist

      I.8 With Her Son, Tommy Joe, and Father Denardis


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