Leg over Leg. Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

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Leg over Leg - Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq Library of Arabic Literature

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or fatakh, “flaccidity of the joints, or broadness and length of the hand and foot” or nuffākh, “the eruption of a swelling as the result of the occurrence of a disease” or jarad, “hairlessness” or darad, “toothlessness” or riddah, “recession of the chin” or suwād, “a disease resulting from drinking water” or qawad, “elongation of the neck and back” or kubād, “pain in the liver” or lahd, “a disease in people’s legs and thighs”


والاَدَر الآدر والمادور من ينفتق صفاقه فيقع قُصبُه فى صَفْنه الخ وفعله كفرح *
والبَجَر خروج السرّة وعظم البطن *
والبَخَر النتن فى الفم *
والباسور م ج بواسير *
والحَثَر البثور وحثرت العين خرج فى اجفانها حبّ احمر *
والحَدْرة قرحة تخرج ببياض الجفن *
والحُصْر والحَصَر الحصر احتباس ذى البطن وبالتحريك ضيق الصدر والبخل والعىّ فى المنطق *
والحَفَر سُلاق فى اصول الاسنان *
والحُمرة ورم من جنس الطواعين *
والمُحنجَر دآء فى البطن *
or adar, “the ādir [active participle], or the maʾdūr [passive participle], is he whose peritoneum bursts, causing his gut to fall into his scrotum . . . ; the verb is adira
or bajar, “protuberance of the navel and broadness of the belly”
or bakhar, “foulness in the mouth”
or bāsūr, “too well-known to require definition, plural bawāsīr” [“piles”]
or ḥathar, “pustules; ḥathirat al-ʿayn means ‘red pimples appeared on its lids’”
or ḥadrah, “an ulcer that appears on the white of the eyelid”
or ḥuṣr or ḥaṣar, ḥuṣr is constipation of the bowels; ḥaṣar is dejection, or miserliness, or stammering”
or ḥafar, “scaling at the roots of the teeth”
or ḥumrah, “swellings of the bubonic type”
or muḥanjar, “a disease of the belly”


والاُخَيضر دآء فى العين *
والذَهَر اسوداد الاسنان ومثله التذيير *
والزَحِير استطلاق البطن *
والزَعَر تفريق الشعر وقلته *
والزَوَر عِوَج الزور والازور من به ذلك والناظر بموخر عينيه *
والشَتَر انقلاب الجفن من اعلى واسفل وانشقاقه او استرخآ اسفله *
والصَعَر صغر الراس *
والصَفَر دآء فى البطن يصفّر الوجه *
والظَفَر دآء فى العين *
والظَهَر دآء الظهر *
or ukhayḍir, “a disease of the eye”
or dhahar, “blackening of the teeth; synonym tadhyīr
or zaḥīr, “looseness of the bowels”
or zaʿar, “scantiness and thinness of the hair”
or zawar, “twisting of the throat; the azwar is one who suffers from this . . . and one who looks from the outer corners of his eyes”
or shatar, “the inversion and cracking of the eyelids, upper and lower, or flaccidity of the lower”
or ṣaʿar, “smallness of the head”
or ṣafar, “a disease of the belly that makes the face turn yellow”
or ẓafar, “a disease of the eye”
or ẓahar, “a disease of the back”


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والعَوَر معروف *
والتقطير عدم استمساك البول *