only 1 her. a.g.
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never apologize for your aura coming off "too strong"
some can't handle it
some will get intimidated by your confidence
it's okay to unlearn some things to learn the right things
there's nothing wrong with reprogramming
sometimes it's necessary
-it's all a learning process
but also a beautiful journey.
punani makes the world go round
your femininity and confidence will always intimidate
fragile, insecure, narcissistic, and misogynistic men
-don't retaliate, they are sick.
wish them well and continue to slay.
be still
in solitude one can feel most lonely
but in solitude is where you grow
no distractions, no outsiders
just you and God
in solitude there is empowerment
you find strength
you find yourself
your vision becomes clearer
you start loving yourself more
you realize your worth
you become aligned
you become wiser
you learn patience
it is peace
it is sacred
-do not be afraid of it,
fall in love with it.
genesis 12:1-3 /my calling
i was comfortable
i was happy
i was living
then i had to leave everything i knew
to live in a whole new world
it never made sense to me
i was alone
i was scared
i was in survival mode
i used to ask God, “why me?”
now i know why it had to be me
i was called
i was marked
it lead me to my purpose
-sometimes we may not understand why it had to happen the way it did. we sometimes may feel like we lost it all, but it was the very thing that causes you to soon have better. you may not see it now, but love, it will all make sense and you will be thankful you went through that season to receive that garden.
i gave you life without having to go half on a baby
i gave you life without having to touch you
i spoke love into your heart
i planted a home in you
with the shovel and seed you gave me
i shared wisdom through the guarded wall that i let down for you
without saying a word
we shared God's plan together as 1
it is deeper than what the naked eye can see
it is realer than what the perishable and sinful flesh can feel
use your soul's spirit to listen
because i'm where it wants to be
nowadays.. things are different
the air is different
the season is different
i think different
i speak different
my goals are different
my circle is different
my views are different
my vision is different
topic of conversations are different
life is different when you wake up
aligned to your inner self and purpose
nowadays.. we may not relate anymore
and i'm okay with that
lost and found
we kept living life trying to find each other in others
but we couldn't
you told me we were each other's puzzle piece
we still are
her tears were the rain
that watered her own seeds
under concrete
little did she know each tear drop
represented a new home
of self love
little did she know