La narración de Arthur Gordon Pym . Edgard Allan Poe
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Kennedy, J. Gerald (ed.), A Historical Guide to Edgar Allan Poe, Nueva York, Oxford University Press, 2001.
Ketterer, David, Edgar Allan Poe: Life, Work and Criticism, York, York University Press, 1989.
Lenning, Walter, E. A. Poe, traducción de Juan Conesa, Barcelona, Salvat, 1988.
Meyers, Jeffrey, Edgar Allan Poe. His Life and Legacy, Londres, John Murray Publishers, 2000 (1992).
Miller, John C., Building Poe Biography, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, 1977.
Ocker, J. W., Poe-Land: The Hallowed Haunts of Edgar Allan Poe, Vermont, Countryman Press, 2014.
Ostrom, John (ed.), The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1948.
Peeples, Scott y Van Parys, Michelle, The Man of the Crowd: Edgar Allan Poe and the City, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2020.
Phillips, Mary Elizabeth, Edgar Allan Poe, the Man, Chicago, John C. Wiston, 1926.
Poe, Edgar Allan, Cartas de un poeta (1826-1849), Bárbara Lanati (ed.), traducción de Miguel Martínez Lage, Barcelona, Grijalbo-Mondadori.
Quinn, Arthur Hobson, Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998 (1941).
Silverman, Kenneth, Edgar Allan Poe: Mournful and Neverending Remembrance, Londres, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008 (1992).
Symons, Julian, The Tell-Tale Heart: The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Toronto, Sutherland House, 2020 (1978).
Thomas, Dwight y Jackson, David K., The Poe Log: A Documentary Life of Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849, Boston, G. K. Hall, 1987.
Wagenknecht, Edward, Edgar Allan Poe: The Man Behind the Legend, Nueva York, Oxford University Press, 1963.
Walter, Georges, Poe, traducción del francés de Alberto Clavería, Madrid, Anaya & Mario Muchnik, 1995.
Estudios críticos y obras literarias citadas
Ballesteros González, Antonio, «Un cierto sentido de la irrealidad: Poe y sus dobles», en Beatriz González Moreno y Margarita Rigal (eds.), 2010b, 49-77.
—, Narciso y el doble en la literatura fantástica victoriana, Cuenca, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 1998.
Baudelaire, Charles, Edgar Allan Poe, Barcelona, Fontamara, 1981.
Beaver, Harold (ed.), The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe, Londres, Penguin, 1976.
Bloom, Harold (ed.), Edgar Allan Poe, Nueva York, Chelsea House, 2006 (1985).
Buranelli, Vincent, Edgar Allan Poe, Boston, Twayne, 1977.
Burduck, Michael L., Grim Phantasms: Fear in Poe’s Fiction, Nueva York, Garland, 1992.
Cantaluppo, Barbara (ed.), Poe’s Pervasive Influence, Lehigh Valley, Lehigh University Press, 2012.
—(ed.), The Edgar Allan Poe Review, Fall, X.2. Número dedicado a Poe en España, 2009.
Carlson, Eric W., A Companion to Poe Studies, Nueva York, Greenwood Press, 1996.
Conrad, Joseph, El corazón de las tinieblas, Antonio Ballesteros González (ed.), traducción de Amado Diéguez, Madrid, Santillana, 1999.
Cook, Jennifer Carol, «“A Book that Does Not Permit Itself to Be Read”: Poe’s Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket and the Problem of Epistemology», en Beatriz González Moreno y Margarita Rigal (eds.), 2010b, 121-29.
Davidson, Edward S., Poe: A Critical Study, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1957.
Dayan, Joan, Fables of Mind: An Inquiry into Poe’s Fiction, Nueva York, Oxford University Press, 1987.
Elmer, Jonathan, Reading at the Social Limit: Affect, Mass Culture, and Edgar Allan Poe, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1995.
Farrell, Grace, «The Quest of Author Gordon Pym», Southern Literary Journal 4, 1972, 22-33.
Freud, Sigmund, Lo siniestro (con El hombre de la arena, de E. T. A. Hoffmann), Madrid, Archivos Vola, 2020.
Fusco, Richard, Fin de Millénaire: Poe’s Legacy for the Detective Story, Baltimore, The Edgar Allan Poe Society, 1993.
Galván, Fernando, «Poe versus Dickens: An Ambiguous Relationship», en Beatriz González Moreno y Margarita Rigal Aragón (eds.), 2010a, 3-24
González Moreno, Beatriz y Rigal Aragón, Margarita (eds.), A Descent into Edgar Allan Poe and His Works: The Bicentennial, Berna, Peter Lang, 2010a.
— (eds.), Edgar Allan Poe, doscientos años después, Cuenca, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2010b.
Halliburton, David, E. A. Poe. A Phenomenological View, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1973.
Hammond, J. R., An Edgar Allan Poe Companion, Londres, Macmillan, 1981.
Harvey, Ronald, The Critical History of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym: A Dialogue with Unreason, Nueva York, Garland, 1998.
Hayes, Kevin J., Edgar Allan Poe in Context, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
— (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Edgar Allan Poe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Hoffman, D., Poe, Poe, Poe, Poe, Poe, Poe, Poe, Nueva York, Paragon House, 1990 (1972).
Hutchinson, James, Poe, Jackson, University Press of Mississippi, 2005.
Irwin, John T., The Mystery to a Solution. Poe, Borges, and the Analytic Detective Story, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
Kennedy, J. G., The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym and the Abyss of Interpretation, Nueva York, Twayne, 1995.
—, Poe, Death, and the Life of Writing, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1987.
— y Peeples, Scott (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Edgar Allan Poe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018.
Kopley, Richard, Edgar Allan Poe and the Dupin Mysteries, Nueva York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
— (ed.), Poe’s Pym: Critical Explorations, Durham, Duke University Press, 1992.
Levin, Harry, The Power of Blackness: Hawthorne, Poe, Melville, Nueva York, Alfred Knopf, 1958.
Levine, Stuart, Edgar Allan Poe: Seer and Craftsman, Deland, Florida, Everett-Edwards.
Lombardo, Patrizia, Edgar Poe et la modernité: Breton, Barthes, Derrida, Blanchot, Birmingham, Summa Publications, 1985.
Martín, Félix (ed.), «Introducción», Relatos de Edgar Allan Poe, Madrid, Cátedra, 1977, 9-117.