Love Skills. Linda Carroll

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Love Skills - Linda Carroll

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3.I need my own time sometimes; being around my partner can get on my nerves. ______ 4.I don’t tell my friends or family about my concerns with my partner, because I’m sure we’ll move past them soon. No need to alarm my loved ones. ______ 5.It’s time for me to reconnect with some of the friends I put on hold earlier in our relationship. ______ 6.Sometimes I really want to argue with my partner, but then I remember how happy we are, so I decide that whatever’s bugging me really isn’t that big of a deal. ______ 7.When my partner complains about something small, like a mess I’ve made or something I’ve forgotten to do, I tend to take it as a personal insult. I feel defensiveness creeping in. ______ 8.Some of the things my partner does are just silly. Why isn’t my partner more rational about things — like I am? ______ 9.I sometimes worry we disagree too much, but when I see other couples arguing, I feel a lot better. After all, we aren’t nearly as miserable as they are! ______ 10.Our sex life is decent, but I keep waiting to feel the kind of passion I once did. ______ 11.We aren’t “sexting” each other nearly as much as we used to. In fact, our texts aren’t even flirtatious. ______ 12.There are times I wonder if I chose the wrong partner. But I know that’s just me being overdramatic. ______ 13.Our communication isn’t working the way it used to. I feel like we need to “spell things out” to each other now rather than understand them intuitively. ______ 14.I think about being single more often — and sometimes even wish I were. ______ 15.I feel like our libidos are out of sync — either my partner wants more sex than I do or vice versa. ______ 16.I’m less likely to spend a lot of money on my partner just for fun; now I only do so on special occasions. ______ 17.I’m more likely to flirt with someone else now, just for fun and to see what else is out there. ______ 18.I find it hard to comfort my partner when they are upset over something I personally think is no big deal. ______ 19.I still think my partner is attractive, but no longer irresistible. ______ 20.I pretend to like things my partner is interested in, and I’m a bit worried I’ll never actually enjoy them, even if we do them together. ______ TOTAL SCORE ______

      Stage Three: Disillusionment

1.Premeditated romance is rare between us — date nights, random gifts, and other gestures of love aren’t things we do for each other anymore. ______
2.I seldom feel as though I’m the number-one priority for my partner. ______
3.Right now I just need to make sure that I’m emotionally safe and happy, with or without my partner. ______
4.Nothing new is happening in our relationship, and it’s driving me crazy! We’re tediously predictable in our interactions and routines. ______
5.I don’t do everything I promise my partner I’ll do, but it’s not that big a deal. My partner just takes it too personally. ______
6.Though I feel guilty about it, I think about cheating to get some novelty and zing in the bedroom — even if it’s just one time. ______
7.The only time sexual passion returns is after we fight. ______
8.I’ve secretly gone through my partner’s phone, laptop, social-media accounts, email, drawers, pockets, and the like to see if I find anything suspicious. ______
9.I am committed to my relationship, but the way we are together doesn’t work as it once did, and I don’t know how to change it. ______
10.I’m high-strung around my partner and feel I need to walk on eggshells. I feel as though I can’t do anything the way my partner wants me to. ______
11.We keep fighting about the same thing! We think we’ve finally settled the issue, and then — BAM! — it flares up again. ______
12.We are two very different people. I’m shocked I didn’t see it when we first got together. ______
13.I seldom hold back my criticism of my partner. ______
14.I don’t think my partner and I have the same moral standards, which makes me think less of my partner. ______
15.I’m starting to doubt we can last. ______
16.I think I still love my partner, but I’m not 100 percent certain. ______
17.I spend a lot of time in my life with people and activities that matter and don’t share much about them or include my partner in them. ______
18.My life is starting to become more separate from my partner’s; we make plans without considering each other, and the time we spend together is more convenient than intentional. ______
19.We don’t compliment each other anymore. I can’t recall the last time my partner called me smart, attractive, sexy, or funny. ______
20.Saying “I love you,” “I miss you,” and “I want you” have pretty much disappeared from our vocabulary. ______

      Stage Four: The Decision

1.I’m completely worn down from all of our fighting and bickering. ______
2.I barely recall why we fell in love. ______
3.I just can’t do this anymore; something has to change. ______
4.The only times I have strong emotions toward my partner are when we’re arguing or when I’m emotionally breaking down. ______
5.I speak critically of my partner to friends, family, and sometimes

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