Kant´s Notion of a Transcendental Schema. Lara Scaglia

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Kant´s Notion of a Transcendental Schema - Lara Scaglia Studia philosophica et historica

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pp. 252–253; Lorini 2011, p. 282). In this interpretation of the concept of schema as a medium between the receptivity of the senses and the activity of the understanding, we can see Darjes anticipating an important aspect of Kant’s account. More specifically, Darjes describes here what Kant discusses when he considers concrete, empirical examples of schematising concepts.

      Besides this epistemic connotation, the use of ‘schema’ in the philosophical literature of the modern age is still linked to the arts of rhetoric and speech, as it is stated in the Encyclopedie, where ‘schemata’ are seen as instruments of the mnemotechnique, methods used to increase the capacities of memory.

      However, in order to better understand Tetens’s conception of schemata, whose importance for our purposes lies on his influence on Kant, a deeper inquiry of his doctrine of cognition is needed.

      In order to clarify the meaning of the notion of schema in Tetens’s Philosophische Versuche, it is important to focus on his account of the cognitive process.←34 | 35→

      In my analysis I will concentrate on three main aspects of his viewpoint: 1) the distinctions among three main faculties; 2) the activity and passivity as characteristics of the cognitive process; 3) the dualism between body and soul, which is expressed by two main claims, namely that there is a correlation between psychological and physical changes and that the soul has an independent and own activity.

      This capacity of being affected does not consist only in a mere passivity, but it is at the same time, a kind of activity similar to a reaction. As the body reacts ←35 | 36→to external stimuli, so does the soul as it receives impressions. Each impression modifies the soul, thus leaving a sort of trace, a representation, regarded as a sensible sign of the impressions of the objects affecting our senses:

      Since representations are based on impressions, the representational theory of Tetens does not part from the traditional, associative empiricism. However, the associative view of mental activity is only the starting point of his research. Primary sensations represent the objects in the way in which they are perceived (facultas percipiendi). Yet, the soul can exercise an activity through these first representations, since it can reproduce (fantasia) and combine them in new ways (facultas inventiva). Moreover, imagination owns a particular

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