Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

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Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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      bagénda K n (=bagéndra) a person of princely birth.

      bagi intrans (magi trans) divide, share; H n portion, part, share (hedum L).

      ba-bagi-an n division.

      bagibagina pass was shared out, distributed.

      bagina pass be divided by someone.

      bagiyan n portion, share, part.

      bagiyang pass be caused to divided, be divided for someone.

      habagi n one part, one half.

      bagler intrans (=baglur) (magler trans) collide.

      baglug adj mad, insane.

      baglur intrans collide

      bagor n hind, roe-doe.

      bagoran n hind, roe-doe.

      bagu n the fibrous threads around some fruit stones, or inside tree bark.

      bagya L n (=bage, begya, begja) good fortune, happiness, luck (S bhagya); adj blessed, fortunate, well off (sadiya H); the word is used as a formula of greeting: ‘Hail! Welcome!’

      bagya teka welcome! (sadiya rahuh H).

      bagus adj beautiful, handsome (man) (=jegég for women); hida bagus a title of brahman men.

      bagusang pass be made beautiful.

      bah 1 (=hebah) intrans (ngebah trans) fall (of sth standing upright), fall down, fall over; remove from its place; bah bedég pass be smitten by an epidemic (a village).

      bah-an n being prostrate, having been felled.

      bahang pass be felled, be made to fall over.

      bahin pass be fallen on, lie under sth.

      bah 2 interj (expresses amazement).

      bäha 1 n a glowing coal, a coal fire.

      bäha 2 n (=hijas) a bunch of bananas (as opposed to a whole stalk with its rows of fruit).

      bahag 1 intrans (=bahak) attack as a band.

      bahag 2 L intrans (mamahag trans) be red (bahak H) bahag muha ‘be red in the face’ =be furious.

      bahag-an compar redder.

      bahah intrans be swollen and red, be inflamed (a wound).

      bahah-an compar more swollen and red.

      bahak intrans (mbahak, mahak, mamahak trans) rob, attack, go in a body to obtain sth; n robbery.

      bahan 1 L n board, plank (papan H); bahan tulis a writing board.

      bahan 2 L n origin, cause, reason, occasion (=krana); prep because of, as a result of, through, by (agent of a pass vb), by (instrument), with (instrument), of (material) (hantuk H); bahan cannot be used to indicate the agent of a pass vb if the sentence contains bahan used as a vb, being then replaced by tekén (similarly, hantuk H is replaced by ring).

      bahana by means of it; the prep usually has the form ban, when unstressed ben.

      bahané ‘the origin’ and bahanné ‘its origin’ often used for ‘as a result,’ hence the meaning ‘because’; this word is used extremely frequently and is very often contracted to ban or ben, and used in this form in all its meanings.

      bahan 3 intrans (mbahan, mahan trans) get, obtain (polih H).

      bahan pass 1ps&2ps is got, was got.

      bahana pass 3ps is got by him, was obtained by him.

      bahan 4 L used as an aux vb (bahana if the agent is 3ps) (mahan trans is similarly used but less frequently) (hantuk, hantuka H); it must be used in any sentence that begins with an adv (even sing ‘not’) or adverbially-used vb or n; the aux comes immediately after the adv, and has no meaning of its own, the real vb, in the N-form, coming later: tekek bahana ngisi ‘was-held-fast aux (he) held’ =firmly he held (it); sing bahan makat ngingetang ‘not aux (I) can (I) remember (it)’ =I can’t remember it. When the context makes obvious what the vb of the sentence must be, this vb is often omitted, the adv + bahan/hantuk then being the only vb of the sentence, e.g. kéné bahan ‘like-this (will be acted by me)’ =this is what I will do.

      bahan 5 (ban, bahané, bahanné) conj but (nanging, nanghing H); because, through (+gerund, e.g. bahanné tyang sakit ‘its cause (was) I (was) ill’ =through my being ill).

      bahang 1 intrans (mbahang, mahang trans) give (has a widely extended field: hand over (things), offer (thing to soneone), allow, permit, let off (debt, punishment) (hica H, hawéh C).

      bahanga pass be given (things) by someone, be permitted, be allowed (to do sth).

      bahangin pass have sth given to one.

      bahang 2 intrans feel hot, be too hot.

      bahangan compar too hot; hujan baangan caught in the rain and too hot.

      bahas L n grain, i.e. rice (the uncooked seeds. padi L, pantu H is the plant, esp the plant with ripe grain; jijih is pounded and dehusked bahas; nasi steamed/boiled rice, ready to eat); sometimes bahas (beras H) is used for husked and cooked rice.

      bahas pipis the stars; munyin bahas pipis the voice of the stars.

      bahat intrans (mbahat trans) be heavy, be weighty; L adj heavy, loaded; difficult, burdensome; important; bahat bulu n pregnancy; adj pregnant (habot H).

      bahat-an compar heavier; too heavy.

      bahatang pass be weighed, be made heavy.

      bahatin pass be made heavier.

      bahayah (=bayah) L n pay, payment (tahur H).

      bahbah 1 H intrans (mahbah trans) begin, make a beginning.

      bahbah 2 intrans (mahbah trans) shatter, scatter, fall to pieces.

      bahbahan n dispersion, scattering.

      bahbahang pass be scattered, dispersed.

      bahem R n molar, grinding tooth (panggal L).

      baheng (=beheng) adj hot, inflamed.

      bahés (=bahis) L n leg, foot (buntut M, cokor C).

      bahet (=behet) intrans throw, strike, hit.

      bahi adj stingy, mean.

      bahig adj with belly distended by eating.

      bahingin n the banyan tree, a kind of fig tree. punyan bahinginé the banyan.

      bahis (=batis) L n foot, leg (buntut M, cokor H). bahisin pass be provided with feet (mahis trans).

      bahita C n boat (prahu L).


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