Essential Korean Vocabulary. Kyubyong Park

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Essential Korean Vocabulary - Kyubyong Park

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아주 조용한 동네에 살았었어요. jeo­neun aju joyonghan dongnee sarasseosseoyo. I used to live in a very quiet neighborhood.

      고요하다 go·yo·ha·da quiet, tranquil, calm

      숲은 사방이 고요했다. supeun sabangi go­yohaetda. The forest was completely silent.

      소란 | ~스럽다 so·ran | ~·seu·reop·da disturbance, fuss | noisy, loud

      왜 이렇게 소란스러워? wae ireoke soranseureowo? What’s all this commotion?

      시끄럽다 si·kkeu·reop·da noisy, loud

      주변이 너무 시끄러워요. jubyeoni neomu si­kkeureowoyo. It’s too noisy around here.

      미각 mi·gak (sense of) taste

      맛 mat taste, flavor

      커피 맛이 어때? keopi masi eottae? How does the coffee taste?

      단맛 dan·mat sweet taste

      이 사과는 단맛이 난다. i sagwaneun danmasi nanda. This apple has a sweet taste.

      쓴맛 sseun·mat bitter taste

      사탕을 먹어 봐. 쓴맛이 좀 덜할 거야. satang­eul meogeo bwa. sseunmasi jom deolhal geoya. Eat some candy. It will help you get rid of the bitter taste.

      매운맛 mae·un·mat spicy taste

      짠맛 jjan·mat salty taste

      입맛 = 밥맛 = 식욕 im·mat = bam·mat = si·gyok appetite

      오늘은 입맛이/밥맛이/식욕이 없다. oneu­reun immasi/bammasi/sigyogi eopda. I have no appetite today.

      맛있다 ma·sit·da delicious

      이 집에서 뭐가 제일 맛있어요? i jibeseo mwoga jeil masisseoyo? What’s your best dish?

      맛없다 ma·deop·da to taste bad

      악! 정말 맛없다! ak! jeongmal madeopda! Ugh! It tastes terrible!

      싱겁다 sing·geop·da bland

      국이 좀 싱거워요. gugi jom singgeowoyo. The soup is a little bland.

      짜다 jja·da salty

      생선이 너무 짠데. saengseoni neomu jjande. The fish is too salty.

      달다 dal·da sweet, sugary

      차가 너무 달아요. chaga neomu darayo. The tea is too sugary.

      달콤하다 dal·kom·ha·da sweet

      갑자기 달콤한 게 먹고 싶어요. gapjagi dalkomhan ge meokgo sipeoyo. Suddenly, I feel like eating something sweet.

      맵다 maep·da hot, spicy

      한국의 어떤 양념들은 정말 매워요. hangugui eotteon nyangnyeomdeureun jeongmal maewoyo. Some Korean seasonings are very spicy.

      매콤하다 mae·kom·ha·da hot, spicy

      오늘 저녁에는 뭔가 매콤한 걸 먹고 싶어요. oneul jeonyeogeneun mwonga maekomhan geol meokgo sipeoyo. I feel like having something spicy for dinner tonight.

      시다 si·da sour

      레몬이 신 것은 산 때문이다. remoni sin geoseun san ttaemunida. A lemon is sour because of its citric acid.

      새콤하다 sae·kom·ha·da sour

      새콤한 맛을 좋아하신다면 레몬즙을 한 스푼 넣으셔도 됩니다. saekomhan maseul joahasindamyeon lemonjeubeul han seupun neo­eu­syeodo doemnida. If you like it sour, you may add a spoon of lemon juice.

      상큼하다 sang·keum·ha·da fresh, refreshing

      상큼한 주스가 마시고 싶다. sangkeumhan juseuga masigo sipda. I feel like drinking some fresh juice.

      떫다 tteol·da bitter, sour, astringent

      왜 감은 떫은 건가요? wae gameun tteolbeun geongayo? Why are persimmons astringent?

      쓰다 sseu·da bitter

      몸에 좋은 약은 입에 쓰다. mome joeun nyageun ibe sseuda. Good medicine tastes bitter.

      고소하다 go·so·ha·da (to taste) like sesame

      과자가 참 고소하네요. gwajaga cham gosohaneyo. The cookies are really nutty.

      느끼하다 neu·kki·ha·da greasy

      이 피자는 너무 느끼해. i pijaneun neomu neukkihae. The pizza is too greasy.

      비리다 bi·ri·da fishy

      나는 비린 생선들을 좋아하지 않는다. naneun birin saengseondeureul joahaji anneunda. I don’t like fish with strong fishy smell.

      담백하다 dam·bae·ka·da light, clean

      음식을 담백하게 드세요. eumsigeul dambae­kage deuseyo. Eat lightly.


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