Essential Korean Vocabulary. Kyubyong Park

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Essential Korean Vocabulary - Kyubyong Park

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_1dd698dd-3b6b-598b-aa50-61d34bf0a6e5.jpg" alt=""/>화장품 hwa·jang·pum cosmetics

      화장품을 아낄 수 있는 여러 방법이 있어요. hwajangpumeul akkil su inneun nyeoreo bangbeobi isseoyo. There are lots of ways to save on cosmetics.

      거울 geo·ul mirror

      누나는 하루 종일 거울을 들여다봐요. nunaneun haru jongil geoureul deuryeodabwayo. My older sister looks into the mirror all day long.

      향수 hyang·su perfume, cologne

      한 여성 판매 직원이 제 팔목에 향수를 뿌렸어요. han nyeoseong panmae jigwoni je palmoge hyangsureul ppuryeosseoyo. A saleslady sprayed perfume on my wrist.

      팩 paek face pack

      스킨 seu·kin toner

      로션 ro·syeon lotion

      피부가 건조해지지 않도록 로션을 자주 바르세요. pibuga geonjohaejiji antorok rosyeoneul jaju bareuseyo. Apply lotion frequently to prevent dry skin.

      크림 keu·rim cream

      매니큐어 mae·ni·kyu·eo nail polish

      3.3 Chores, Housework

      집안일 ji·ban·nil household chores

      집안일에는 끝이 없다. jibanireneun kkeuchi eopda. There is no end to household chores.

      살림 | ~하다 sal·lim | ~·ha·da housekeeping | to housekeep

      저희 아빠는 집에서 살림을 하세요. jeohui a­ppaneun jibeseo sallimeul haseyo. My dad stays home and manages the household.

      빨래 | ~하다 ppal·lae | ~·ha·da laundry | to do the laundry

      빨래는 햇볕에서 더 빨리 마른다. ppallaeneun haetbyeoteseo deo ppalli mareunda. The laundry will dry faster in the sun.

      손빨래 | ~하다 son·ppal·lae | ~·ha·da hand-wash | to hand wash

      이 스웨터는 손빨래해야 합니다. i seuwe­teoneun sonppallaehaeya hamnida. This sweater must be hand washed.

      세탁 | ~하다 se·tak | ~·ha·da doing the laundry | to do the laundry

      와이셔츠 한 장 세탁하는 데 얼마예요? waisyeocheu han jang setakaneun de eolmayeyo? How much does it cost to dry-clean a dress shirt?

      빨다 ppal·da to wash, clean

      옷을 빨아 봤지만, 얼룩이 지워지지 않았다. oseul ppara bwatjiman, eollugi jiwojiji anatda. I tried washing it, but the stain won’t come out.

      담그다 dam·geu·da to soak, put sth in water

      그 드레스는 물에 담그지 마. geu deureseu­neun mure damgeuji ma. Don’t soak the dress in water.

      불리다 bul·li·da to soak, steep

      반 시간 정도 옷을 물에 불려라. ban sigan jeongdo oseul mure bullyeora. Soak the clothes in water for half an hour.

      헹구다 heng·gu·da to rinse

      따뜻한 물로 헹궈라. ttatteutan mullo henggwora. Rinse off with warm water.

      짜다 jja·da to wring out, squeeze

      옷을 짜면 안 되는 거 꼭 기억하세요. oseul jjamyeon an doeneun geo kkok gieokaseyo. Remember not to wring out the clothes.

      널다 neol·da to hang up

      빨래를 잘 짠 다음 널어라. ppallaereul jal jjan daeum neoreora. Wring out the laundry well and hang it out to dry.

      바싹 ba·ssak completely

      마르다 ma·reu·da to run dry

      빨래가 바싹 말랐어. ppallaega bassak mallaseo. The laundry has dried completely.

      말리다 mal·li·da to dry

      빨래를 그늘에서 말려라. ppallaereul geuneureseo mallyeora. Dry the laundry in the shade.

      젖다 jeot·da to get wet

      비에 옷이 다 젖었다. bie osi da jeojeotda. My clothes got wet in the rain.

      걷다 geot·da to gather (up), bring in

      비 온다! 빨래 걷어라. bi onda! ppallae geo­deora. It’s raining! Bring the laundry inside.

      개다 gae·da to fold

      빨래를 빨리, 그리고 잘 개는 요령을 알려 드릴게요. ppallaereul ppalli, geurigo jal gaeneun nyoryeongeul allyeo deurilgeyo. I’ll show you the quickest and most efficient way to fold laundry.

      때 ttae dirt


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