Above and Beyond. J.S. Dorian

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Above and Beyond - J.S. Dorian

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about its advent. To the contrary, loneliness almost always brings with it self-pity, depression, and despair.

      However, many of us are finding that we no longer have to feel alone, no matter what our circumstances. All it takes to restore a sense of connectedness is the willingness to reach out, especially to others who are similarly challenged.

      We are doing so in very practical ways, using telephone help-lines and attending support group meetings. We are also reaching out with our minds and hearts, reflecting on the reality that at this very moment, in places all over the world, there are other people in exactly the same situation with the very same feelings. We are not alone and need not feel alone ever again.


      I am not alone.

       February 26

      “Let not your mind run on what you lack as much as on what you have already.”


      When I was nine years old I decided to run away from home. Although I had no particular destination in mind, I spent several hours filling a cigar box with things I thought necessary for my survival, including a Boy Scout knife, matches, safety pins and rubber bands, bubble gum, some coins, and a pair of shoelaces.

      It hadn’t occurred to me to bring food, so I didn’t get very far. Perhaps that’s why, when I started traveling as an adult, I invariably prepared a lengthy packing list. My suitcases bulged not only with necessities, but also with items for every imaginable contingency.

      Over the years I’ve gradually been able to lighten my burden. I’ve learned that the most important thing I need, in any and all situations, can always be found deep within me. That is where I can find reassurance, courage, strength, and peace. That is where I can always find God.

      No matter where I go or what I do, and no matter what is occurring in my life, His limitless grace is always available. Whenever I choose, whenever I am willing, I focus on that inner reservoir. I breathe deeply and let the peace rise.


      I have everything I need.

       February 27

      “Look up, laugh loud, talk big, keep the color in your cheek and the fire in your eye, adorn your person, maintain your health, your beauty, and your animal spirits.”


      How long has it been since something struck you so funny that you laughed until your ribs ached and your eyes watered? Has it been far too long? Does it seem that nothing is even slightly amusing anymore?

      Perhaps, because you feel so fragile, you work hard to hold your emotions in check and are unwilling to become too sad or too glad. Perhaps, because of lingering illness, you frequently feel blue and it seems there is no place for humor in your life. Or perhaps, because of the way your loved ones are being affected by your illness, you think that laughter would be inappropriate.

      For now, let’s put all of that aside. Let’s forget about maintaining our composure and keeping a stiff upper lip. Let’s remember how wonderful it feels to release ourselves in uproarious laughter, to giggle, snort, and even bellow at the absurdity of our own foibles, malapropisms, and indelicacies. Let’s remember, above all, that few healing forces are more accessible or powerful than the sound and sensation of our own laughter.


      I’m laughing not just to keep from crying but also for pleasure and peace of mind.

       February 28

      “When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.”


      We’ve all been people-pleasers at one time or another in our lives. Some of us still have trouble standing up for ourselves. We fear disapproval from others; we don’t want to be out of step or look bad. In short, we’ve never learned to say no and then stick by our guns.

      In the past, the consequences were not always negative when we caved in to pressure from others. Now that we’re ill, however, we simply can’t afford to participate in activities that may not be in our best interest. So we’re putting our people-pleasing days behind us. We’re learning to say “no,” gracefully, but firmly.

      We’re aware that some people automatically take a no response as rejection and become hurt. That’s why, whenever possible, we’re honest about our reason for turning down an invitation or bowing out of a commitment. If it seems appropriate, we express our appreciation for the offer.

      Of course, it’s almost impossible to be appreciative (or even graceful) when someone puts on the pressure. On those occasions, it is especially important to stand our ground. The more often we’re able to say no and experience positive results, the easier it gets.


      Do I still hesitate to say no for fear of disapproval?


       March 1

      “Wonder and amazement inhabits here.”


      When I once asked a urologist to prescribe something for a minor bladder infection, he said he’d prefer to wait a few days. By way of explanation, he asked me if I knew where the world’s best pharmacy was located. When I shrugged, he smiled and said, “Inside your own body.”

      The doctor used the immune system as one example, extolling its miraculous ability to regulate the body and fight off infection and disease.

      On days when a lupus flare-up causes my own immune system to attack the body it is supposed to defend, I think back to that conversation about my “inner pharmacy.” I do so in order to transcend the pain and keep hope alive.

      I remember times in childhood when I’d be out running and playing just one day after a high fever had kept me in bed. I remember my recovery from an auto accident, and how well my bones knit and my wounds healed. I recall adrenaline rushes that saved my life; the reassuring sight of blood quickly coagulating; the endorphin rewards following exercise. I reflect on all of my body’s incredible capabilities and, as ever, I am awed and grateful.


      The miracle of self-healing is occurring at this very moment.

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