The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission - Michael G. Reccia

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family unit is not being embraced. ...The family unit is not being embraced because the feminine side seeks also to be masculine and, therefore, abandons part of its purpose in being feminine: to nurture the next generation and to do the most important job of all – to instil in that generation moral responsibility and spiritual knowledge. And so you have the knock-on effect of generation to generation you see now, where there is an increasing abandonment of values, an abandonment of the ability to stay together and to work with each other. The moment there is friction the feminine side (or many females) say, ‘That’s it – I move on!’ And then they repeat the same process, the same pattern because, built into their feminine side, is the lesson that they are to embrace that feminine side.

      This is nothing to do with intelligence or ability or work capability; it is to do with their purpose in incarnating as a spirit. If you are masculine then there are certain challenges during this life that you have to face that rely for their outcome upon you being in a masculine body and having a masculine perspective. The same is true of the feminine aspect of creation.

      This is why there is great concern about the future. I can make the analogy of one half of the Earth being too heavy and the Earth tilting on its axis. It is only an analogy, but things are skewed and the Earth reacts by presenting back to you an image of what is happening and what is wrong around the globe. So, your natural disasters, your earthquakes, your floods, are an expression from the Earth of what is wrong with the input from the masculine and feminine side.

      Remember you are linked to the Earth – the Earth is part of you. If you were to say this to many people outside of this room, they would laugh or the words would slide off their minds but, nevertheless, the words are true. The concept is true and we are back to focussing Light at people, blessing them, not condemning them, not saying, ‘You are skewed; you should be acting in a different way,’ but sending Light to them and asking only that God remind them, as that Light envelops them, of who they are.

      It is a slow process. As I said earlier there are pinpoints of Light around the globe ...there need to be pinpoints and pinpoints and pinpoints that become brighter and brighter and brighter but that does not mean you give up.

      The power of one person thinking and sending out Light to another is more powerful than a thousand thinking their dark thoughts.

      You have to rectify and restore the balance – that is your duty as spiritually-minded people. You will not do it in church. You do it as you meet people, you do it by praying for people in the right way and you do it by sending out the Light.

      Is that sufficient?

      Ron: Yes.

      Joseph: Who would like to speak to me, please?

      Sergio Solazzo: Joseph, can you explain about ‘the Field’ that you have been referring to – what is the Field?

      Joseph: To explain the Field we have to explain what you are and why, originally, you were here.

      What are you?

      You are Light. Also you are angelic, if you understand that? You talk of angels and have books about angels, you revere angels, you pray to angels are angels.

      Originally as angelic beings you were given an ‘area’ (and that is an approximation in words for something that I cannot build in words) – you were given an area in which to experience yourself, in which to experience other aspects of yourself. At that time you were totally aware of who you were, totally aware of your connection to God and totally aware of your ability – as part of God, as God’s issuing, as God’s children, if you like – you were totally aware of your ability to create.

      And into this sphere, this realm of potential, you came ready to create, ready to have your ‘games’, ready to be actors and actresses in a ‘play’, ready to work out a million-and-one different scenarios that would bring you experience that you could take back to the Godhead. And if, for example, you thought that you needed a stick, that stick would manifest in front of you because you created... because you were an angelic being.

      Because of the Fall – which is something I have mentioned in the books thus far and which will be covered in greater detail at a later date ...if I can hold on to Michael and he doesn’t drop dead at my feet [Reference to the book on the Fall that was subsequently published in 2012] – because of the Field, because of the shift in judgment, you as angelic beings masked your connection to God. You forgot who you were, you forgot what you were capable of and yet – because you are God, part of God, a child of God – you still created. You still create, but you chose to put into this matrix of potential around you from that time onwards ...creations of fear ...creations of mistrust ...creations of violence ...creations of lack.

      And so all you see around you is your creation ultimately as a mass, as a group of souls inhabiting an area of reality. The Field is that matrix of potential and the Field is what needs to change in order for the Earth to become the wonderful, glorious, living playground that it once was.

      Every day you contribute, each of you, to the Field via your thoughts, second by second. What are your thoughts? If you review today, what have your thoughts been? Have they been thoughts of anxiety? ...They go out into the Field. Have they been thoughts of fear? ...They go out into the Field. Have they been thoughts of irritation? ...They go out into the Field and help to maintain that Field at its negative setting.

      Your mission, the reason (whether you are aware of it or not) that you are here tonight, is to reset yourself and the Field, to remember that you are part of God, to remember that you are angelic in origins and to remember most importantly that as you think, as you believe, so you create. You pour into the Field that which you believe to be true, and you have millions of souls who believe the Field – i.e. the ‘reality’ that you perceive around you – to be a terrible place. Minute by minute you say, ‘It’s a terrible place!’ ...and you maintain it as a terrible place.

      So, the Field is your – ‘plaything’ is the wrong word – the Field is yours to manipulate, it’s an extension of what you are; it is a Field of perceived ‘reality’ that is anything but, because that reality comes from within each of you. And that Field needs to change, and you and others like you are the ones who will change it. Is that sufficient?

      Sergio: Yes, thank you.

      Debra: Joseph, can I just follow up on one of those points that you just made there – that one person can overshadow the darkness of a thousand people by projecting Light? How many people would it take on the planet projecting Light to counteract the darkness?

      Joseph: Until there is a balance. There is a lot that you have to consider here (and I welcome this question, thank you) – because you are sending out Light to those souls who are already here you are affecting those souls with your Light who are already here, who have already incarnated. As part of your daily spiritual practice you should also send out Light to those souls who are about to incarnate.

      What a wonderful meditation, to take yourself into a quiet room and to see babies, who are about to be born, floating in the most glorious Light. And then to see yourself encapsulating each of those children in a bubble of Light that is impervious to anything less than its vibration: that cannot be touched by illness, that cannot be touched by the negativity of the Field, that cannot be touched by the upset that will be projected inevitably towards those children during their lives on Earth by other people. Then you begin to affect the future generation, you begin to prepare within the Field the conditions within which they can blossom, because the spirits come

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