The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission - Michael G. Reccia

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you try telling that to the kids these days! People want to come back until they don’t and so, yes, the experience is there to teach you and, yes, it is beneficial but it is a long-cut. It is a painful way round when the quick journey, when the short-cut is to go within and experience the truths within and apply those truths to your life because they transform your life. And you look at things that before were so important to you and say, ‘They don’t matter anymore.’ Or you look at them and say, ‘I was tied to this situation, now I choose not to be.’

      So, yes, of course mankind is evolving but not quickly enough! The Earth is finite on a physical level; the Earth is tied into the Field and the two are in a worrying state at the moment, so we are trying to bring Light into individual consciousness to light up their existence so that they know from the heart, from within, why they are here, how long they should be here and where they want to go to next. And we are trying to bring Light to the globe too, to disperse the Field as it is and to return this world to the Utopia it once was.

      Have I answered that very complex question?

      John: Yes, thank you.

      Joseph: Thank you. God bless!

      OK. [Pause] Three more questions, please!

      Gale Sagar: I have a question. When Michael started talking [reference to his introduction] he said that you had worked with him a long time in other lives – have you done this kind of work with him before in another life, and when Michael’s life ends on this Earth plane what will you do then?

      Joseph: I will be joyous and also very sorry in equal measure. We have touched the group soul that Michael is a part of before, but ‘before’ is a relative term because time does not unfold itself quite for us as it does for you. And there has been preparation for people like Michael and groups of people who are working through this world now for a long time, because there first has to be the volition to return on behalf of the spirit – in this case Michael – who seeks to bring through the information. Remember what we have just been talking about – there comes a time when the spirit wants to move on and says, ‘Oh, gosh, do I really have to go back?’ And so there has to be a preparation process; there has to be a cutting-off process where the speaker does not have access to the layers of his (in this case) soul that would make this journey something that he would not undertake. Had he full knowledge of who he was on a soul level he would seek to step aside from this work and not go through his own personal evolution as a soul – because you have to remember that Michael is also evolving as a soul and Michael has trials and tribulations to go through.

      But the answer to your question is I have known him for a long time. He cannot remember that – he believes that I made contact with him around five years ago but that is not the case. I made physical contact with him then, with his physical mind and physical body, but I have been in contact with him since his moment of incarnation. It had to be so. The other guides that work with him are also connected to him in this way.

      I have my separate existence. I have my life which is rich and full and I enjoy it, and there are times when I need to retreat but I am always linked to Michael so that communication can take place when it is asked for. Mine is not the function of a guide who will speak to him through his intuition to help him through those creaky, difficult moments of his life. My function is to bring through communication. I am aware to a lesser or a greater degree, depending on how close to Michael’s sphere of influence I am at any given time, as to what is happening in his life but I am not allowed to interfere with anything that is happening in his life. Certain of his guides are allowed to advise him through his intuition (as your guides advise you through your intuition) but I am not allowed to do that (which is upsetting to me at times) because my sole function is purely to act as a communicator.

      Is that a suitable response?

      Gale: Yes, thank you.

      Joseph: Another question, please!

      Mary: Can I ask a question, Joseph? A lot of people have come forward to work for the Light – is that helping the Field and is that helping to lighten the load?

      Joseph: Any worker for the Light lightens the load. What you have to remember is that you have a global Field, you have a Field that is influenced by millions of souls and, as I am sure each of you in this room realises, whenever you work for the Light there is an equal pull to try and take you away from that work, and the harder you seem to work for the Light, the harder and tougher it seems to be to reach that Light.

      I do not want to discourage you (I have no business to discourage you) because every act of Light and Love does lift people up, but you are not yet at the stage where there is enough of a change of mind globally for there to be a permanent difference in the Field. Having said that, there are miracles on a daily basis and they are brought about through communication and through manipulation of people who are working for the Light – so do not be discouraged.

      Also understand that there is a plan to all this; that, as you say, there are many people now who are being born who are ready to work for the Light who have certain of their soul memories intact so that they can sweep aside the physicality of this world more quickly than most people can and start to make a difference... and it is the ‘ripples in a pond’ effect. Ripples in a pond – there is a ripple over there ...there is a ripple here ...there is a ripple in front of you ...there is a ripple behind you ...there is a ripple that you have caused ...ripples of Light going out into the Field. And the more ripples of Light, the more the Field becomes charged with Light and begins to change, which is the plan for it …but it is a long job in terms of physical time.

      It is a long job because the world is rooted in adoring materiality. It believes that happiness exists in the next car, or the next house, or the next DVD, or the next object... and when do those objects ever bring happiness? And those objects are being worshipped. God does not require your worship – He requires your attention so that His plan can work through you.

      You solidify the objects around you by adoring them, by giving them power. So, you see on a physical level a representation of what is happening on a soul level to your world – you see the fridges and the televisions piling up, you see the rubbish, you see the junk, and this is again God speaking to you and saying: ‘This is what is happening within the Field that you are a part of.’ Take your eyes off the materiality, withdraw from it. Use it, yes, but do not become a part of it. Do not buy into it to the extent that your soul suffers.

      ...A big job but many people are being born to change things. Within a couple of generations (please God, Father above and within, please God!) things will change more rapidly, more quickly. There have to be pioneers and you are a pioneer. Keep on!

      Have I answered your question?

      Mary: Yes, thank you.

      Joseph: I am going to have to give this body back in a moment.

      Joe Hellak: You mentioned the word ‘God’ many times, Joseph, which is a word that doesn’t sit comfortably with a lot of people. How should we conceive God or is that purely an individual thing?

      Joseph: You come from Divine Consciousness. You are Divine Consciousness. On a God-level there is nothing else but Divine Consciousness.

      It hurts us to realise that people are uncomfortable with the term ‘God’ but they are uncomfortable with the term ‘God’ either because they have approached God through religion and found Him wanting or because they look at the world with physical eyes and say: ‘There cannot be a God – if there was a God such things would

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