The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission - Michael G. Reccia

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more upset. Isn’t it so difficult when you are down to get up again?

      When you lift your spirits, when you lift your mood, you operate on a totally different level. Your vibrations quicken and, because they quicken, they have access spiritually, psychically and intuitively to a whole new world – a world where people are happy, a world where you can tune into your intuition and can discover what to do next with ease, a world where you can bring joy to others because your vibrations have lifted. They are still your vibrations but they are operating at a quicker rate so you are at the top of the wave.

      What we would ask of you is to try and keep those vibrations up for longer each day. If you feel despondent say: ‘Well, this accomplishes nothing and it doesn’t matter! What is the worst that could happen to me? I am letting go of this!’ And by letting go of it and aiming for a higher vibration you lift your vibration, you bring in the sunshine and the Light that you want to feel better.

      It is a little like hypnotising yourself at the beginning. It is a little like saying: ‘No matter what is in front of my eyes – I am happy. No matter what is in front of my eyes – I know what to do next. No matter what is in front of my eyes – I know that my connection with God can never be broken so everything is alright. If I lose my physical life it doesn’t matter – I cannot lose my soul; I cannot lose my connection to God. If I lose my job it doesn’t matter – there is another one because God is taking care of me.’ And by changing your attitude you change the rate of your vibrations and you bring to you that which you desire, and you bring to mankind that which you desire for mankind.

      Do you see?

      Adam: Yes, thanks.

      Joseph: Thank you. Who else, please?

      Phil Kubilius: Joseph, can I ask you a question? There is a Gnostic society that some of my family have got involved with called the C.E.A. and it was founded by a man called Samuel Aun Weor who lived in Venezuela and the current leader is called Ernesto Baron. I wondered if any of those names resonate with you and if you could tell me anything?

      Joseph: They mean nothing to me.

      If you have read the book, you will know that religion is one of the problems of today’s society and that groups are one of the problems of today’s society. People tend to want to label themselves, ‘I belong to this. I belong to that.’ …and it is not always healthy because, in belonging to a group, you tend to want to operate within the parameters of that group and cut yourself off from possibilities outside the parameters of that group.

      Labels at any level of life are dangerous. Labels cut off the ability to think outside of the box, to expand thought and to let concepts in that do not agree with the concepts you have by attaching yourself to a particular label. I would always in any group say: ‘As your measure of what that group is doing, does that group enhance mankind? Does that group enhance its members? Is that group loving? Is that group patient? Is that group peaceful? Does that group love those who are not in the group or does that group become fearful when there are those around who do not believe what the group believe?’

      There is truth, and Light, and creativity, and the ability to access God within each of us and at the basis of many religions and organisations there is truth, and Light, and the ability to contact and work with God. But then we see in macrocosm what happens outside. We see that people become polluted by the very rules that perhaps once were meaningful and perhaps once were helpful …and the group becomes solidified as a consciousness and then it cannot move on and is useless to the cause of furthering the evolution of mankind.

      My only concern with any group is – is that group capable of furthering the spiritual evolution of mankind?

      And these are difficult questions, particularly for those who are attached to such groups. If you are worried by that association, you must put Light into the group. You must put Light into those members of the group that you are associated with. You must pray that the God within them talks to them – and sooner rather than later the God-within shall talk to them by bringing to them circumstances that will make them think, that will check them in their step and allow them to look at things with spiritual eyes. I do not wish to condemn religion – I wish to condemn that part of religion that imprisons people and that part of religion that stifles the soul.

      Do you see?

      Phil: Yes, good answer – thanks!

      Joseph: Someone else, please!

      [Long pause]

      Someone else, please!

      John O’Brien: Joseph, I would like you to speak about the ‘no-thing’ that you wrote about in your book [reference to Revelation], about the field of energy that has no substance but can be shaped into substance and bring about form, as part of God’s Creation and a gift to us to use.

      Joseph [laughing]: Yes! Yes is the answer to that. Yes, yes, yes – that is exactly right!

      Minute by minute, second by second, we are bringing things out of the no-thing now. Each of you is bringing things out of the no-thing and I, on my level, am bringing things out of the no-thing. But you see it as normal; you see it as a physical thing; you see it as circumstances that you are at the mercy of ...when in fact you, individually and creatively, are contributing to those circumstances and are creating those circumstances from the no-thing.

      It is refreshing at times to go back to the no-thing and live within that potential, to say: ‘I will be back soon (and I am talking about my level and other levels). I need to go and contemplate my potential, other potentials, your potential, and to exist without form as energy (which itself is only a term for nothing – no-thing) and to contemplate and to be delighted in what could be, what might be, what will be – dependent on what I choose, what those around me choose, what the group souls choose and what God chooses through us as His will.’

      The no-thing is a wonderful, peaceful experience and it would be of benefit to each of you in here to visit the no-thing in your imaginations sit in God’s Love and in God’s Light and to slowly erase all of the things around you in your everyday lives until you are left just with you – not as a physical body – but you as a consciousness and you in the Light.

      What a glorious thing to do!

      What a restorative thing to do because – as you address the no-thing, as you rub out the physical concepts around you – you can rub out the illness; you can rub out the worry; you can rub out the animosity you feel for someone (and really know you shouldn’t); you can rub out yesterday; you can rub out the effects of yesterday on today just for a little while and you can exist in the no-thing, and commune with yourself and with your God.

      I would recommend that exercise for a few moments, for a few minutes or for as long as you feel comfortable with it each day, and in doing that you reset the clock, you reset the stopwatch. And when you come out of the no-thing you are starting again with opportunities that you have brought to yourself by being in that contemplative state: ‘The illness belongs to before the no-thing; the pain belongs to before the no-thing – they are gone. There is only what I choose to bring though now and when I am tired and when I am weary I can go into the no-thing with my God and simply be.’

      Just simply be!

      You have so much to do – so much to do every day of your lives that you do not seem to have the time to be. When you simply be God speaks to you. If you

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