The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission - Michael G. Reccia

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to access that speech (either at a refined level through going into the no-thing or at a denser level through the things that happen around you) but God is constantly speaking. And the no-thing – that no-state – is the best way to commune with Him and also to ask that all important question ...not, ‘How do I get rid of the pain?’ ...not, ‘Where is the new job or the new car?’ ...not, ‘Where is someone to love?’ ...but that all important question, ‘What would You like me to do?’

      Isn’t that a turn round in praying? ‘What would You like me to do? Is there anything I can do for You, Father? Is there anything I can say on Your behalf? Is there anyone You want me to visit? Is there anything I can do to help the people around me? What do You want me to do?’

      And sometimes God will say something, and sometimes God will say nothing, and sometimes God will simply say, ‘I love you’ and you will come out of the no-thing refreshed and able to take up the mantel of the physical life once again.

      Thank you. Another question, please!

      Female member of the audience: Joseph, in the book you tell us about us manifesting stuff all the time but never un-manifesting, and so we just grow layer, after layer, after layer and get denser and denser. And, if I remember rightly, you recommend that we should spend time just letting go of things that we have manifested – is that what you were talking about just then or is it something else?

      Joseph: It is an aspect of what we were talking about then. You begin to add layers to your physical existence from the moment you are born:

      ‘Ouch that slap was upsetting – I will remember that in case it happens again; I will carry around a record of it with me in case it happens again.’

      ‘Why does that person not like me in the playground? I will remember that and I will act accordingly in case I get hurt in the future by what I am carrying around with me from the past.’

      As you add to your experiences – remember that you are in a negatively-charged Field that adds to the intensity of those experiences that makes them seem real to you years after they have actually happened because that is what the Field wants. The Field wants to remain as it is and anything that you can contribute to the negativity of the Field helps the Field and slows you down.

      As you grow older your ability to exist on this level effectively is determined by the amount of baggage that you carry around with you within the physical Field. There is an exercise that you can do: you can sit and you can meditate and you can go back through the ‘files’ of your life. And you will know when you have hit a point of baggage because it will hurt you, because you will relive it, because you will say: ‘How could that person have done this to me? How could that person have acted in that way? How could I have been hurt? How could I have been so afraid? How can I have been in so much pain?’ And you will relive it.

      At that point let it go.

      Ask that someone come – a messenger from God come – and stand in front of you and to that messenger you can hand each of those painful points. But you have to really and truly want to let go, because another unfortunate effect of the Field is that we become used to the negative things in our life and they become a crutch: ‘I am in pain but I am used to that pain – I am frightened of what else there might be out there. I am in sorrow; I am in poverty but I am used to those things – they have become my perverted friends.’

      You do not need friends like that! You need to let go of those circumstances.

      You will find that, as you do so, when you come back to a physical level you will stand straighter, you will stand tall, you will find that certain of the physical ailments that assail you will disappear faster than they ever could through physical treatment or through pills and potions. You will find that you feel younger, more alive, more alert, more able to take notice of what is happening around you at this moment.

      And what is happening around you at this moment is vitally important because it determines, within your linear existence, what happens to you in the next moment ...and the next moment ...and the next moment.

      Letting go is very difficult for a great many people but it is so vital and people often bury their pains and say: ‘I couldn’t get rid of that because I couldn’t face it. I couldn’t face seeing that pain or experiencing that pain again.’ In those cases you have to be brave, in those cases you have to have to put your hand into God’s hand and say, ‘Father, off we go!’ And you will find that you can remove the baggage from your past and from your aura and from your dense vibrations without the pain that you expected to find there.

      It sounded as you were talking to me like you were saying that things got heavier, and heavier, and heavier. Well, they do in the normal course of things, but in this room we are not experiencing the normal course of things – we are experiencing the spiritual course of things. We are experiencing liberation and it is liberation that I want and the people who work with me want. This is not ‘I’ in the sense of ‘Joseph, the Great I’ – this is Joseph in the sense of Joseph the spokesperson that wants you to be free, wants you to be happy, wants you to be peaceful and wants you, more than anything, to come home. We don’t want you to be here – not for life ...after life ...after life ...after life. We want you to come home, and this is why I am speaking this evening and this is why I am using someone else’s physical facilities to get through to you. Have I answered your question?

      Questioner: Yes, thank you.

      Tony Clarkson: Can I ask a question further to that question?

      Joseph: Yes.

      Tony: This denseness and heaviness that accumulates, can it come from before life or can it come also from external sources like the Astral Plane?

      Joseph: That is an excellent question and it is a long answer. Consider this: if you drag with you baggage from one life and have not learned by the end of that life to let go of it, isn’t it reasonable to assume that you will also drag cumulative baggage that relates to the physical with you so that when you reincarnate it is waiting for you as a ‘nice present’? …But not from anyone else – from yourself! You have not yet decided that you have had enough of these circumstances and so you drag them around with you. It is inevitable if you come back into a physical body and you have not yet worked those things away from you that they come to visit you and to haunt you once again.

      As I explained earlier, there is also a problem with low vibrations. When you become low, when you become upset, when you become disturbed or in pain then you resonate at a certain low level. And, unfortunately, there are existing at a similar level various thought-forms, various entities, various spirits who have not learned, who find you a very attractive ‘snack’ indeed, who regard the vibrations that you are putting out as something that will draw them closer to the physical; and so they try to anchor onto you, to attach themselves to you and to maintain – and this is important – to maintain the low level of energy that you are putting out. They cannot absorb higher levels of energy but they can absorb your misery. And so you have people, do you not, who say: ‘I have been depressed for days and I don’t know why. I can’t seem to find any joy in life and I don’t know why.’

      There is something you can do …and the something you can do is to raise your vibrations above the level of those who would perpetuate your low-level vibrations. You can do it in several ways but meditation is the most effective way to go. You can see yourself travelling up an escalator, and at the bottom of the escalator you have grey, grey scenery and as you progress up the escalator it becomes increasingly light – increasingly light – until at the top

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