The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission - Michael G. Reccia

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such things would not exist if we all changed our minds – nothing to do with God. Not God’s fault! Not God’s fault!

      And many religions build, around their image of God, rules:

      Do this or God will be upset! ...Don’t do this and God will reward you! ...Do not talk to these people! ...Do not embrace those people! ...Do not think outside of our rules!

      And those who are brainwashed by such religions look at God and think: ‘What a terrible God! How can God be like this?’ God is not like this.

      GOD IS. YOU ARE. That is all there is to Creation.

      That is all there is to everything:

      GOD IS.

      YOU ARE.

      You exist to experience on behalf of yourself and on behalf of God. Everything else is where it gets muddy; everything else is where it goes wrong. We have to bring back to mankind the concept of there being an ‘Issuer’ – a Father that brought us forth but a Father that is also us. We have to bring that concept back because with Godlessness you have the society that you see in front of you. But it is a difficult task because, in connecting people with God in the right way, you have to strip away their misconceptions, their preconceptions and their disbeliefs.

       ‘I cannot see God!’ say the atheists …and they see nothing but God in front of them and within themselves, and they will continue to exist when they pass from this life despite themselves.

      What a shock – and so much work that needs to be done in order to bring them around to the concept that:

      1) They are still alive.

      2) God exists and is part of them … is them.

      When we deny God we deny ourselves, we deny what we are and there is so much fear of being more than the individual on this level of consciousness, of being anything more than one point. As I stand talking to you, I am also viewing myself talking to you through your eyes. As I stand talking to you I also sit at home in my level – on my illusion that I can collapse at any time and go into the ‘no-thing’. I cannot hurt you. I cannot call you. I cannot judge you because I am you and I am God and you are God.

      God is not the property of priests. God is not the property of elite religions. God is you and you are part of each other for ever and ever and ever and ever. Amen.

      Have I answered your question?

      Joe: Yes, thank you.

      Joseph: I am reminded of cars with boosters on them where you can just boost to get a little more fuel out and, with Michael’s permission, that is what I intend to do because there is still energy for communication. I may have to exit at some point and, if I do so, thank you in advance for listening to me but does anyone else have anything they would like to ask?

      Male member of the audience: I have a question... you talk about time and that time is different for you. Is time set linearly or can you go forwards and backwards as you wish?

      Joseph: You experience your outside world, your physical world on this level as a linear existence ...point …to point …to point …to point moving forwards, but isn’t it also true that within yourself you experience movements in time backwards and forwards? You relive things that happened to you seemingly years ago. You go forwards and extrapolate as to what will happen to you in the future. The nature of time can be dismissed by presenting good mediumship as an argument because, through your good mediums, the future (as you see it) can be seen. What is actually been revealed to the medium, through communication with higher levels of being, are the consequences of what happens to a person extrapolated into their future experiences...

      Sorry let me re-group that – I am losing the communication. I am sorry but I will try to answer the question.

      Yes, we can re-experience, on our level, things that have happened to us ‘before’ (as you would understand it) – we can revisit those lives and relive those lives. And at a certain point in your future you will do the same thing because you will revisit the life that you are living now, and not just revisit it and review it, but relive parts of it so that you can understand the experiences that you have gone through.

      Time does not exist but in order for you to experience a physical existence it has to have an order; it has to have a linearity. But that linearity, if you step back from it, is a circle, and your experience of your life is a point at any given time within and upon a circle that leads you back to the spirit world so that you can start out on another cycle of experience.

      So, your perception of time is, in reality, a cycle of experience and not time at all.

      You experience decay on a physical level and you measure time through decay – someone is getting older, that building is falling apart. Decay and time are two different things. You attribute something to decay that does not actually exist. And have you noticed how you can travel backwards and forwards in time dependent on how you are enjoying or being upset by an experience? If you are in a bubble of delight over something that you love doing the available time seems to go very quickly. If you are sad or upset or bored through something that you are having to experience – that time seems to go very slowly. An hour of joyous time goes quickly; an hour of sad time goes slowly …but in both cases, isn’t it an hour?

      You have the ability to travel backwards and forwards in time now. You do so at night because at night you leave your physical body and you reunite with the people that you know on the spirit level – with your guides, with your spiritual family, with your group soul – and you are outside of time. You may see – or mediums see – spirits who come to them at different points in their incarnations so the same spirit can visit a medium once and [the medium can] see him as a child and another time see him as an old person or even a different person because it is all to do with the internal clock – with the clock of experience.

      I am sorry, I am going to have to terminate the communication because I have tired the instrument beyond the point that I should do so. I should know better, I do know better …but I will do it again!

      [Audience laughter]

      Chapter Three

      Joseph Trance Demonstration – 19th June, 2009

      The Sanctuary of Healing, Lancashire, UK

      Spiritual topics discussed:

      How to raise the collective consciousness of the planet.

      Global pandemics.


      Balancing masculine and feminine energies.

      The Field and the Fall.

      Sending out the Light to help save the world.


      Living spiritually and tuning into the heart-centre.

      God and spiritual hierarchy.

      Who meets us

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