The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission - Michael G. Reccia

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in who you are and you cannot be touched by illness or lack.

      [Smiling] I am shouting again. Has your question been answered?

      Cameron: It has, thank you.

      Joseph: Another question, please!

      Russell Evans: Joseph, if I may? My name is Russ... I would just like to ask one. Jesus was perhaps our greatest healer and the one talked and written about the most... what is your take on his skills …and did he have any siblings?

      Joseph: His skills – as he said – are your skills. Jesus came to say: ‘I do all this because you can do all this. I do all this to prove to you that it is possible,’ and to say: ‘What I do you can do better than I.’

      Jesus was a great healer because of his belief in God, because of his belief in a matrix of thought that was stronger than the Field and a belief and a connection to God that was stronger than the Field. Again – silly Field! ‘This is not the way it is …but this is the way it is: are healed are well have abundance.’ This was Jesus’s message and it is a message that is misunderstood by the religions that have formed around his teachings not understanding his teachings. His teachings are simple:

      You are God. You can do all this. You can heal yourself. You can heal others. You can put right the Field.

      Two thousand years ago: you can put right the Field!

      Have we put the Field right?

      Two thousand years ago!

      It is such a simple message and books have been written to explain the complexity of what Jesus said. ...What complexity? The message was simple, it is the same message, it is my message, it is the message of those who work with me, it should be your message to each other: ‘We are part of God – there is nothing to fear.’

      Jesus overlaid, in the case of someone who was diseased – considered themselves to be diseased – Jesus overlaid over that image of the person’s disease an image of the person’s perfection. In other words, he recognised within them the God, the Light within them, and such was his faith, such was his connection to God, that that image was stronger than the person’s belief in disease. And at that point that image became the person’s image of themselves and that person was healed.

      But remember that ‘dis-ease’ is a product of the Field. If you were to die of cancer today would your soul have cancer? Would you, as a spirit, have cancer? No, it is only your belief in the way that society presents things to you – your belief in dis-ease, your belief in the illness being stronger than health, your belief that illness has to be cured outside of yourself ...when, if you went inside yourself and looked at the sources of your disease, you would remove them. It is only your belief that stops you being healthy now because I tell you: you are healthy now; you are perfect now.

      Regarding siblings... there are questions I am asked and I have to ask if they are relevant? I could go now, if you like, and look at the records but it is not important. The message was important. You see, again the Field presents you with another angle: ‘Was Jesus married? Did he have a sister or a brother? Did he have children?’

      ...Is it important?

      ...What is important is what he said, and we surround ourselves with complexities – needless complexities. Keep it simple:

      You are healthy. You are part of God. Everything that Jesus did you can do now.

      You have to believe that then, I tell you, then the spirit, the Christos, will rest. Can you imagine what it is like seeing an Earth that you came to, to give a specific message to, that two thousand years after you gave it is not recognising that message?

      And yet thousands and thousands of people are saying: ‘Help me, Jesus! …Help me to do this! …Help me to win over this person! ...Help me to win over this disease! …Help me to convert this person into my way of thinking.’

      And all those thoughts go up into the spirit realms – not very high – but they pull at the consciousness of the Christos. Such bravery to incarnate knowing that that might be the outcome, that years later people may still not be following the message.

      Is that a sufficient answer?

      Russell: Yes, thank you Joseph.

      Joseph: Thank you.

      Ron: Could I just ask about the ‘Divine Feminine’ and the impact it will have on the Field?

      Joseph: In what respect?

      Ron: What impact the Divine Feminine energies returning to the Earth plane will have on the negative Field.

      Joseph: Are you talking about the imbalance at the moment?

      Ron: Absolutely!

      Joseph: Each of you is – and I am – a blend of masculine and feminine energies. Throughout my long existence, as you would measure it, I have sought to balance those two energies so that one is not dominant over the other. Those two energies – the masculine and the feminine, or the positive and the negative – are there as tools to enable me to become more God-like and to operate on higher spheres of consciousness create, in effect. Because that is your destiny, each of you. Your destiny is not to ‘sit at the right hand of God’ – your destiny is to become more God-like as you travel back towards Divinity, and masculine and feminine are the tools that will allow you to do that... your mastery over those two tools.

      At the moment there is a predominance of the feminine energy around the world but it is distorted. It is distorted, unfortunately, through many females. Many females (again, being affected by the Field into which they are pouring this dominant feminine energy) believe that they should be feminine but also should be masculine; believe that the way that they were born is wrong for them; believe that they should be dominant at all costs; believe that they should control at all costs ...yet still give into their urge to bring through the next generation, and then all but abandon that generation within the parental home because they seek to be masculine.

      This is a corruption of the feminine side, but the corruption of the feminine side is also leading to a corruption of the masculine side because the masculine side is saying: ‘I agree, I will succumb to your wishes. If that is what you want, that is what I will give to you.’ And the masculine side, ironically, is becoming more feminine, having exhibited more feminine traits because there is a confusion here.

      Many of the females at the moment think that it is wrong to be feminine and confuse being feminine with being subservient. And many of the males are saying: ‘Well, it is wrong to be masculine’ because they confuse being masculine with being dominant, not realising that they have been born into a specific body – either male or female – for a specific purpose and that the people that they will meet during their lifetime (either friends or family or eventual relationship partners) are an opposite charge to theirs so that when they come together in a relationship or in a friendship then the two people involved (or maybe more – the group of people involved) will work to balance masculine and feminine energies through the experiences that are brought to them as a result of coming together. That is part of the karmic plan – the karmic plan for the individual and the karmic plan for mankind as a whole ...and [smiling] I hope you will not be upset because I have said ‘mankind’

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