The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission - Michael G. Reccia

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contribution of animals to the Field.

      Infant mortality.

      The significance of seeing spiritual lights.

      Joseph: Some of you have come a long way this evening and I thank you for doing so. I have come a slightly longer way but it is a delight to be here and to be able to serve you.

      Michael often feels he can second-guess how I am going to open proceedings but he can’t and that frustrates him. He likes to be in control, and what a strange life he lives as control is taken away from him at times like this and he has no conscious memory of what he has done or what he is going to say.

      My reason for coming back – my reason for contacting the Earth plane again – is a simple one: I CARE. Hundreds, thousands, millions like me care and we are worried. We are worried about the state of the planet; we are worried about the state of the human condition; we are worried about people’s minds, people’s actions; we are worried about the ‘thick tar’ of physical reality that surrounds people, that prevents them from seeing through to their spiritual core and acting always from that spiritual core.

      Ladies and Gentlemen, things are bad!

      Things are getting worse!

      There are pinpoints of Light around your globe but we need to nourish those pinpoints of Light. We need to expand those pinpoints of Light into earthly reality to banish the darkness, to banish the violence, to banish the upset, the pain, the lack of understanding ...and this is why I return.

      Communication is difficult; it is difficult at best because you are surrounded by the thoughts of millions who do not want to believe or accept or look at the things that you are looking at this evening. Nevertheless they are true, which is why I come back. As I said at the last demonstration this is not about me; it is about the information that I – and the millions on the spirit side of life in the spirit spheres – can offer you at times like this, for which we are incredibly, wonderfully grateful. Thank you so much.

      I would like to invite your questions... who wants to talk to me?

      Debra: I would, please. I am Debra. If you were to advise us of the one thing that would have the biggest impact on raising consciousness on this planet, what would it be?

      Joseph: Light! The one thing that will raise consciousness on this planet is Light – to see the Light that you have within yourself but, not only that, to see the Light that everyone else has within themselves, to recognise the Light, to ignore the darkness. In doing that you draw the Light out of others; you remind them of who they are; you set alight that soul-path that is constantly calling to them but they cannot usually hear it.

      You might say that the one factor that is missing from this world is Love. The two are interchangeable; the two are the same thing: Light is Love – Love is Light.

      For you to wake up in a morning and have a day of Light – to project Light into your workday, to project Light into your dealings with your friends, with your family, with your workmates, and also – and particularly – with those you do not like... to project Light to those you do not like; to project Light to those you see on your news programmes that cause you so much pain. Ignore the surface! Ignore the darkness! Reach in and project the Light from yourself to the Light within them. Ignite that Light and the planet will begin to reassert itself as the Eden it once was; you as souls will begin to reassert yourselves as God’s children in full knowledge of that fact.

      And the incredible, the wonderful, the joyful thing about Light is that Light changes now!

      People say: ‘What can I do?’ Everything! You can do everything by wielding, by using, by directing Light. You may not see the results of your actions instantly but they are there. You are nurturing the seed within the people that you direct the Light to, when at the moment you nurture the darkness. You say: ‘What a terrible person! What a terrible act! I would lock them away and throw away the key. I despise what they are doing – therefore, I despise them.’ ...And in doing that you add not Light, but darkness, confusion, heaviness... the ‘tar’ that I spoke of earlier.

      Forgive me becoming agitated but you asked the question, Debra. Does that answer the question?

      Debra: Yes, thank you.

      Joseph: Who is next, please?

      Cameron Collinge: I would like to ask a question, Joseph. I am Cameron. It’s about something that we are all under threat of at the moment – a global pandemic [reference to the bird flu scare in 2009]. Is there any spiritual reason why we are going to be experiencing something like that?

      Joseph: I do not believe in global pandemics! I want you to examine that sentence: ‘I do not believe in global pandemics’ – and there is your answer. If you were not to believe in a global pandemic there would be no global pandemic.

      You are told what to believe and what to think. You are manipulated by the Field – the Field of energy that you exist within on this physical level, and the Field is always trying to maintain itself as a negative state. So, the Field – which is sentient because you contribute to this as a race, as a species around the globe, second by second – the Field wishes you to be upset, wishes you to rely on it, wishes you to be enveloped in it as it is. And so those who are susceptible to the Field (more susceptible than the spiritually-minded) are prompted by the Field to deliver false information, to make you believe that black is white and white is black: ‘You are going to die from this …You should be worried about that …Everything is terrible…You are reliant on those around you.’

      You are reliant on the God-within.

      You are a perfect being, a perfect human being. It is only the pressure of the Field and your lack of resistance to it – because you become worn down by it – that allows in the beliefs and the misdirection of the Field, and so you are told there is a pandemic …and there is.

      What if you were told that today is going to be a perfect spiritual day when everyone gets on with everyone else and where there is only love, and harmony, and peace and health? But you are not told these things. Were you told these things by those in authority – those that you look to for answers – and believed that today would be a perfect day …then today would indeed be a perfect day.

      The best barrier, the best defence you have against the suggestions of the Field, is laughter: ‘It doesn’t exist. I am not worried about that. That’s nonsense. It’s nothing to do with me. You believe what you want to believe – I know I cannot be harmed.’

      Remember that you are a child of God, that you are part of God. Is God worried about ‘flu? Is God worried about hair-loss, or growing old or lack of funds? Of course not! God has everything that He needs now and, therefore, so do you. It is just a matter of turning your belief around, ignoring the Field and saying: ‘Go away you silly Field, you make me laugh! You don’t make me angry (because that is what the Field wants), you make me laugh. You are a nonsense. Away with you! I am healthy. I am happy. I have sufficient each day – more than sufficient – I have abundance because I am part of God and God knows nothing of lack, of illness, or of upset.’

      It is a matter of changing your thinking, which of course is part of the reason that I come back – to say to people, ‘You can do whatever you want to do.’ Unfortunately, on a subconscious level, many of you want to be ill, want to believe in these things, want to be upset, want to be in pain,

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