The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission. Michael G. Reccia

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The Joseph Communications: Trance Mission - Michael G. Reccia

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can and then bring yourself out of your meditation by returning to this level of consciousness, and you will help to rid yourself of the things that you pick up on a daily basis.

      It sounds terrible doesn’t it? It sounds like the Earth is such a dangerous place.

      Well, I have news for you – it is!

      It is and, just as angels minister to you, there are darker aspects of mankind that would also communicate with you in a ruinous way if they got the opportunity. This is not a reason to be afraid; this is another reason to understand the mechanics of spirituality and the physics of spirituality. Once you understand something then it loses its power over you. And, please, if you wake up on a certain morning and think, ‘I am depressed and I don’t know why’ – begin to separate yourself from that depression ...begin to say, ‘This is not me!’ ...begin to say, ‘Where is this coming from?’ ...begin to say, ‘Thank you very much but I want no more of this – you can have back that gift!’ ...begin to meditate and lift your vibrations and see how quickly you will be on top form again and how much better you will feel.

      Have I answered your question?

      Tony: Absolutely excellent, thank you.

      Joseph: I will just say a little bit about some of the people who work with me. You would not imagine, would you, that we, as spirits, grow anxious? But we do grow anxious for mankind and we grow impatient, and we have to take ourselves away and we have to meditate and we have to say: ‘Enough of this, Joseph, this is not the way to do it! You have to become calm or you will be of no use to the people on Earth.’

      We are anxious because we can see what you cannot see because we can see the other layers of consciousness that operate around you that try to influence you and we can see the Field. Oh, dear me, the Field! Oh, dear me, the thickness, the heaviness, the stickiness of the Field of mankind that always expects the worst …and so creates the worst! And so we become anxious and so we try to imprint orbs onto photographs, we try to make a difference to make you aware wherever we can. And it is a privilege to be able to talk to you this evening and it is a privilege we want to expand. It is a privilege that we want to see operating all over the place – not with me as a speaker – but with similar speakers, a similar group-consciousness bringing these points of Light around the globe so that they network, so that they join up and give us less anxiety and give you the lives that you deserve.

      You deserve!

      I want to get that through to you tonight: you deserve a good life; you deserve to be healthy; you deserve to create and be happy in your creativity. You deserve all of these things because you are an outpouring of God and God deserves to create; God deserves to have Love. You deserve these things and, unfortunately, the Field ingrains you with a sense of being inadequate from the time that you are born: ‘You don’t really deserve this. You don’t really deserve the riches. You don’t really deserve the health. You don’t really deserve the Love. You don’t really deserve the peace.’

      Of course you do!

      This is one of the things that you must take away and let go of, ‘I am not worthy!’ Yes, you are! Whilst you say, ‘I am not worthy’ you are not worthy because you create the unworthiness. You have to say, ‘I deserve the best!’ Remember that your religions often tell you that you do not and it is good to be poor. Is God poor? Does God at the end of the week have to look for loose change to make ends meet? Of course not! You do not have to be poor! There is nothing worthy about being poor and being poor comes from being poor in spirit – from not understanding the mechanics of the physical universe that you are a part of for a short time.

      Is there another question, please?

      John Hill: Can I ask a question? A little while ago you mentioned reincarnation. Well, if we have reincarnated several times from a distant past to where we are today, we must be higher up the ladder from where we started, presumably. And, if it is so, if we are in a kind of trouble before we arrive on this Earth and if all the people we meet at that point [are too] surely we must be having to meet people because of lessons we have not learned. So, all this going forward can only be done if you have met people that add to those problems, which have met you on the way back. If you cannot advance further on this ladder without having problems – I hear you talking about how to get rid of your problems – but if it is a logical progression from a long time ago to where we are today, and if it is a structural ladder surely we need the knocks, we need the experiences from all these people? And someone might come for about two minutes to say, ‘Good morning’ and you feel wonderful but it doesn’t mean to say you have spend twelve weeks with them or anything. Everyone who is a partner – you are spending some time with someone and you are actually spending a lifetime but somebody you meet on the bus you are spending half an hour with and so for that person to get to meet you, if you get a lesson from that meeting and if it is a bad lesson you have to meet it so someone is helping you – is it an intricate way of going up the ladder that is leading towards a spiritual solution?

      Joseph: Gosh, that’s a busy question!

      [Audience laughter]

      There is a spiritual ladder but for a number of people they keep revolving around the same rung, and we have to bring into the answer to your question, the question of free will. If you do not as a soul – and remember only part of your consciousness is on the surface, as it were – if you do not as a soul wish to leave this plane, I cannot make you leave, God cannot make you leave, the people who are part of your spiritual family on that side cannot make you leave because you are exercising your free will.

      The only way that you can eventually decide to stop spinning around that rung and take a step up is through God speaking to you (as I mentioned before) via the things, as you rightly say, that happen to you in life. And the things that happen to you in life, if you consider your life, are a series of letting-goes, of saying: ‘I have had that experience – I don’t need it. I have touched the fire – I don’t want to do that again. I have sat for a thousand years on a rock contemplating mankind – I don’t need to do that again.’ ...until eventually, through your own volition and no one else’s (because God has given you ultimate free will), you decide that you have had enough of the physical existence and want to explore elsewhere.

      Of course there are good spirits (there are no other kinds of spirit), of course the people that you meet on the bus or at work or wherever you meet them... of course they are good spirits. It is only a degree: you have a good spirit or a positive spirit or an evolving spirit and you have a spirit that is also evolving that is mired in the stickiness of the Field – we talk about ‘good’ and ‘evil’ in the book [reference to Revelation] and about how those are misnomers.

      But your reincarnations do not have to be nose-to-tail; they do not have to be this helter-skelter of coming back …and coming back …and coming back …and coming back because [smiling], like everything else in your world, there is some queuing involved. And so you do return to a very pleasant place and are allowed to live in that place and are allowed to look at your options, but ultimately there are still many spirits who feel that they have unfinished business on Earth and that unfinished business needs to be taken care of in one lifetime or in a dozen lifetimes. And so given the option (I know this sounds strange to you on a physical level) of moving on or returning to address what they see – not what God sees, not what the advisors who sit around them and try to help them see – what they see as being imperative in the growth of their soul, they come back mistakenly to repeat what has happened before or to terminate, as they see it, unfinished business by bringing it, as they see it, to a conclusion.

      There is no ‘unfinished’ business – there is only experience and the

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