The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Gaius Valerius Catullus

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The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus - Gaius Valerius Catullus

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(my Lesbia!) or be enough or more?

      I say what mighty sum of Lybian-sands

      Confine Cyrene's Laserpitium-lands


      'Twixt Oracle of Jove the Swelterer

      And olden Battus' holy Sepulchre,

      Or stars innumerate through night-stillness ken

      The stolen Love-delights of mortal men,

      For that to kiss thee with unending kisses


      For mad Catullus enough and more be this,

      Kisses nor curious wight shall count their tale,

      Nor to bewitch us evil tongue avail.

      Thou askest, how many kisses of thine, Lesbia, may be enough and to spare for me. As the countless Libyan sands which strew the spicy strand of Cyrene 'twixt the oracle of swelt'ring Jove and the sacred sepulchre of ancient Battus, or as the thronging stars which in the hush of darkness witness the furtive loves of mortals, to kiss thee with kisses of so great a number is enough and to spare for passion-driven Catullus: so many that prying eyes may not avail to number, nor ill tongues to ensorcel.


      Miser Catulle, desinas ineptire,

      Et quod vides perisse perditum ducas.

      Fulsere quondam candidi tibi soles,

      Cum ventitabas quo puella ducebat


      Amata nobis quantum amabitur nulla.

      Ibi illa multa tum iocosa fiebant,

      Quae tu volebas nec puella nolebat.

      Fulsere vere candidi tibi soles.

      Nunc iam illa non vult: tu quoque, inpotens, noli


      Nec quae fugit sectare, nec miser vive,

      Sed obstinata mente perfer, obdura.

      Vale, puella. iam Catullus obdurat,

      Nec te requiret nec rogabit invitam:

      At tu dolebis, cum rogaberis nulla.


      Scelesta, vae te! quae tibi manet vita!

      Quis nunc te adibit? cui videberis bella?

      Quem nunc amabis? cuius esse diceris?

      Quem basiabis? cui labella mordebis?

      At tu, Catulle, destinatus obdura.


      To Himself recounting Lesbia's Inconstancy.

      Woe-full Catullus! cease to play the fool

      And what thou seest dead as dead regard!

      Whilòme the sheeniest suns for thee did shine

      When oft-a-tripping whither led the girl


      By us belovèd, as shall none be loved.

      There all so merry doings then were done

      After thy liking, nor the girl was loath.

      Then certès sheeniest suns for thee did shine.

      Now she's unwilling: thou too (hapless!) will


      Her flight to follow, and sad life to live:

      Endure with stubborn soul and still obdure.

      Damsel, adieu! Catullus obdurate grown

      Nor seeks thee, neither asks of thine unwill;

      Yet shalt thou sorrow when none woos thee more;


      Reprobate! Woe to thee! What life remains?

      Who now shall love thee? Who'll think thee fair?

      Whom now shalt ever love? Whose wilt be called?

      To whom shalt kisses give? whose liplets nip?

      But thou (Catullus!) destiny-doomed obdure.

      Unhappy Catullus, cease thy trifling and what thou seest lost know to be lost. Once bright days used to shine on thee when thou wert wont to haste whither thy girl didst lead thee, loved by us as never girl will e'er be loved. There those many joys were joyed which thou didst wish, nor was the girl unwilling. In truth bright days used once to shine on thee. Now she no longer wishes: thou too, powerless to avail, must be unwilling, nor pursue the retreating one, nor live unhappy, but with firm-set mind endure, steel thyself. Farewell, girl, now Catullus steels himself, seeks thee not, nor entreats thy acquiescence. But thou wilt pine, when thou hast no entreaty proffered. Faithless, go thy way! what manner of life remaineth to thee? who now will visit thee? who find thee beautiful? whom wilt thou love now? whose girl wilt thou be called? whom wilt thou kiss? whose lips wilt thou bite? But thou, Catullus, remain hardened as steel.


      Verani, omnibus e meis amicis

      Antistans mihi milibus trecentis,

      Venistine domum ad tuos Penates

      Fratresque unanimos anumque matrem?


      Venisti. o mihi nuntii beati!

      Visam te incolumem audiamque Hiberum

      Narrantem loca, facta, nationes,

      Vt mos est tuus, adplicansque collum

      Iocundum os oculosque suaviabor.


      O quantumst hominum beatiorum,

      Quid me laetius est beatiusve?


      To Veranius returned from Travel.

      Veranius! over every friend of me

      Forestanding, owned I hundred thousands three,

      Home to Penates and to single-soul'd

      Brethren, returned art thou and mother old?



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