The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Gaius Valerius Catullus

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The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus - Gaius Valerius Catullus

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as it seemed to me at the first glance, neither inelegant nor lacking good looks. When we came in, we fell to discussing various subjects, amongst which, how was Bithynia now, how things had gone there, and whether I had made any money there. I replied, what was true, that neither ourselves nor the praetors nor their suite had brought away anything whereby to flaunt a better-scented poll, especially as our praetor, the irrumating beast, cared not a single hair for his suite. "But surely," she said, "you got some men to bear your litter, for they are said to grow there?" I, to make myself appear to the girl as one of the fortunate, "Nay," I say, "it did not go that badly with me, ill as the province turned out, that I could not procure eight strapping knaves to bear me." (But not a single one was mine either here or there who the fractured foot of my old bedstead could hoist on his neck.) And she, like a pathic girl, "I pray thee," says she, "lend me, my Catullus, those bearers for a short time, for I wish to be borne to the shrine of Serapis." "Stay," quoth I to the girl, "when I said I had this, my tongue slipped; my friend, Cinna Gaius, he provided himself with these. In truth, whether his or mine—what do I trouble? I use them as though I had paid for them. But thou, in ill manner with foolish teasing dost not allow me to be heedless."


      Furi et Aureli, comites Catulli,

      Sive in extremos penetrabit Indos,

      Litus ut longe resonante Eoa

      Tunditur unda,


      Sive in Hyrcanos Arabesve molles,

      Seu Sacas sagittiferosve Parthos,

      Sive qua septemgeminus colorat

      Aequora Nilus,

      Sive trans altas gradietur Alpes,


      Caesaris visens monimenta magni,

      Gallicum Rhenum, horribile aequor ulti-

      mosque Britannos,

      Omnia haec, quaecumque feret voluntas

      Caelitum, temptare simul parati,


      Pauca nuntiate meae puellae

      Non bona dicta.

      Cum suis vivat valeatque moechis,

      Quos simul conplexa tenet trecentos,

      Nullum amans vere, sed identidem omnium


      Ilia rumpens:

      Nec meum respectet, ut ante, amorem,

      Qui illius culpa cecidit velut prati

      Vltimi flos, praeter eunte postquam

      Tactus aratrost.


      A Parting Insult to Lesbia.

      Furius and Aurelius, Catullus' friends,

      Whether extremest Indian shore he brave,

      Strands where far-resounding billow rends

      The shattered wave,


      Or 'mid Hyrcanians dwell he, Arabs soft and wild,

      Sacæ and Parthians of the arrow fain,

      Or where the Seven-mouth'd Nilus mud-defiled

      Tinges the Main,

      Or climb he lofty Alpine Crest and note


      Works monumental, Cæsar's grandeur telling,

      Rhine Gallic, horrid Ocean and remote

      Britons low-dwelling;

      All these (whatever shall the will design

      Of Heaven-homed Gods) Oh ye prepared to tempt;


      Announce your briefest to that damsel mine

      In words unkempt:—

      Live she and love she wenchers several,

      Embrace three hundred wi' the like requitals,

      None truly loving and withal of all


      Bursting the vitals:

      My love regard she not, my love of yore,

      Which fell through fault of her, as falls the fair

      Last meadow-floret whenas passed it o'er

      Touch of the share.

      Furius and Aurelius, comrades of Catullus, whether he penetrate to furthest Ind where the strand is lashed by the far-echoing Eoan surge, or whether 'midst the Hyrcans or soft Arabs, or whether the Sacians or quiver-bearing Parthians, or where the seven-mouthed Nile encolours the sea, or whether he traverse the lofty Alps, gazing at the monuments of mighty Caesar, the gallic Rhine, the dismal and remotest Britons, all these, whatever the Heavens' Will may bear, prepared at once to attempt—bear ye to my girl this brief message of no fair speech. May she live and flourish with her swivers, of whom may she hold at once embraced the full three hundred, loving not one in real truth, but bursting again and again the flanks of all: nor may she look upon my love as before, she whose own guile slew it, e'en as a flower on the greensward's verge, after the touch of the passing plough.


      Marrucine Asini, manu sinistra

      Non belle uteris in ioco atque vino:

      Tollis lintea neglegentiorum.

      Hoc salsum esse putas? fugit te, inepte:


      Quamvis sordida res et invenustast.

      Non credis mihi? crede Polioni

      Fratri, qui tua furta vel talento

      Mutari velit: est enim leporum

      Disertus puer ac facetiarum.


      Quare aut hendecasyllabos trecentos

      Expecta aut mihi linteum remitte,

      Quod me non movet aestimatione,

      Verumst mnemosynum mei sodalis.

      Nam sudaria Saetaba ex Hibereis



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