The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus. Gaius Valerius Catullus

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The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus - Gaius Valerius Catullus

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art come. Oh, winsome news come well!

      Now shall I see thee, safely hear thee tell

      Of sites Iberian, deeds and nations 'spied,

      (As be thy wont) and neck-a-neck applied

      I'll greet with kisses thy glad lips and eyne.


      Oh! Of all mortal men beatified

      Whose joy and gladness greater be than mine?

      Veranius, of all my friends standing in the front, owned I three hundred thousands of them, hast thou come home to thy Penates, thy longing brothers and thine aged mother? Thou hast come back. O joyful news to me! I may see thee safe and sound, and may hear thee speak of regions, deeds, and peoples Iberian, as is thy manner; and reclining o'er thy neck shall kiss thy jocund mouth and eyes. O all ye blissfullest of men, who more gladsome or more blissful is than I am?


      Varus me meus ad suos amores

      Visum duxerat e foro otiosum,

      Scortillum, ut mihi tum repente visumst,

      Non sane inlepidum neque invenustum.


      Huc ut venimus, incidere nobis

      Sermones varii, in quibus, quid esset

      Iam Bithynia, quo modo se haberet,

      Ecquonam mihi profuisset aere.

      Respondi id quod erat, nihil neque ipsis


      Nec praetoribus esse nec cohorti,

      Cur quisquam caput unctius referret,

      Praesertim quibus esset inrumator

      Praetor, non faciens pili cohortem.

      'At certe tamen, inquiunt, quod illic


      Natum dicitur esse, conparasti

      Ad lecticam homines.' ego, ut puellae

      Vnum me facerem beatiorem,

      'Non' inquam 'mihi tam fuit maligne,

      Vt, provincia quod mala incidisset,


      Non possem octo homines parare rectos.'

      At mi nullus erat nec hic neque illic,

      Fractum qui veteris pedem grabati

      In collo sibi collocare posset.

      Hic illa, ut decuit cinaediorem,


      'Quaeso' inquit 'mihi, mi Catulle, paulum

      Istos. commode enim volo ad Sarapim

      Deferri.' 'minime' inquii puellae;

      * * * *

      'Istud quod modo dixeram me habere,

      Fugit me ratio: meus sodalis


      Cinnast Gaius, is sibi paravit.

      Verum, utrum illius an mei, quid ad me?

      Vtor tam bene quam mihi pararim.

      Sed tu insulsa male ac molesta vivis,

      Per quam non licet esse negligentem.'


      He meets Varus and Mistress.

      Led me my Varus to his flame,

      As I from Forum idling came.

      Forthright some whorelet judged I it

      Nor lacking looks nor wanting wit,


      When hied we thither, mid us three

      Fell various talk, as how might be

      Bithynia now, and how it fared,

      And if some coin I made or spared.

      "There was no cause" (I soothly said)


      "The Prætors or the Cohort made

      Thence to return with oilier head;

      The more when ruled by——

      Prætor, as pile the Cohort rating."

      Quoth they, "But certès as 'twas there


      The custom rose, some men to bear

      Litter thou boughtest?" I to her

      To seem but richer, wealthier,

      Cry, "Nay, with me 'twas not so ill

      That, given the Province suffered, still


      Eight stiff-backed loons I could not buy.'

      (Withal none here nor there owned I

      Who broken leg of Couch outworn

      On nape of neck had ever borne!)

      Then she, as pathic piece became,


      "Prithee Catullus mine, those same

      Lend me, Serapis-wards I'd hie."

      * * * *

      "Easy, on no-wise, no," quoth I,

      "Whate'er was mine, I lately said

      Is some mistake, my camarade


      One Cinna—Gaius—bought the lot,

      But his or mine, it matters what?

      I use it freely as though bought,

      Yet thou, pert troubler, most absurd,

      None suffer'st speak an idle word."

      Varus drew me off to see his mistress as I was strolling from the Forum: a little

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