Kingitud maitsed. Evelin Ilves

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Kingitud maitsed - Evelin Ilves

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the salt and sugar into the flour in a bowl. Add a third of the milk and the eggs. Stir thoroughly (you can also use a food processor). Add the remaining milk, cream, melted butter and seasoning. Set aside, in the refrigerator, for an hour.

      Grease the pan with butter and heat it up. Using a ladle put the batter on the pan and tilt the pan with a circular motion to cover the entire bottom of the pan with a paper-thin layer of batter. It is time to flip it when the entire crepe is covered with small air bubbles – this takes 1 or 2 minutes. Hopp! You can send your delicacy toward the ceiling like Pippi Longstockings. But, those who prefer to stay closer to earth can just flip the crepes over with a wide spatula. Stack the crepes on a hot plate, which can be heated by placing it on a pot of hot water.

      Serve with jam, maple syrup, creamed cottage cheese or cream cheese. Mmm!

      ⇒ Prepare the pancake batter the night before and put it in a cool place. The flour will have risen perfectly by the morning.

      ⇒Add a drop of a liqueur, like Grand Marnier or Vana Tallinn to the batter before cooking – this intensifies the good aromas and everyone will understand why your pancakes are especially appetizing.


      Gelée de pétales de roses elik roosiželee

      Jalutasime kord saadikuproua Anne’iga Ärma talu aias ja jõudsime rooside juurde. Oli päikeseline südasuvine päev ning roosad pinnakatteroosid ’Palmengarten Frankfurt’ olid just saavutanud oma ilu täiuse. Igal varrel kiikus kümneid täidisõisi, ning kui silmad vidukile tõmmata ning mõtte uitama lasta, võiksid niisugusel hetkel olla hoopis… Lõuna-Prantsusmaal. Anne noppis ühe õie, nuusutas ja küsis äkki: „Kas sa roosiželeed oled kunagi teinud?” Muidugi mitte! Mulle polnud see pähegi tulnud. Pritsimata roosiõied on söödavad, seda teadsin küll ning kooke olin nendega sageli kaunistanud. „Siis peaksid proovima – praegu on neid õisi nii tohutu palju, et väike harvendamine teeks peenrale ainult head!”

      Ja ta kinkiski mulle järjekordse unistama paneva aroomiga mesise hõrgutise retsepti.



      1 L VETT

      1 KG SUHKRUT


      Nopi päikeselisel päeval terved roosiõied. Haruta kroonlehe haaval lahti ja lõika teravate kääridega lehe alumine valge osa ära (see on kibe). Loputa õielehed külma vee all ning keeda vees umbes 20 minutit. Vesi läheb punaseks. Lase jahtuda ning pigista seejärel roosiõitest kogu värviline ja lõhnav aines välja. Jäta mõned lehekesed vette – need näevad pärast purgis ilusad välja.

      800 g roosimahla kohta võta 1 kg suhkrut. Tarretisesuhkru puhul on vaja keeta umbes 7 minutit, tavalise puhul rohkem. Kõige lõpus lisa värskelt pressitud sidrunimahl.

      Seejärel kalla želee kiiresti väikestesse kuumadesse purkidesse ning aseta lauale jahtuma, põhi ülespoole. Keera neid vahepeal ringi, et roosilehed jaotuksid purgis ühtlaselt. Säilita külmas.

      Roosiželee on imehea marjade ja puuviljadega, sobib kookidega, aga ka valge kalaga. Naudi!

      ⇒ Kõige parema tulemuse saab spetsiaalse tarretisesuhkruga, mis sisaldab tarretavat ainet. Kui seda pole, sobib ka tavaline suhkur, kuid keeta võiks siis kauem, paksenemiseni. Proovi moosisuhkrut!

      ⇒ Roosiželees võid keeta õunu, saad toreda roosa õunamoosi.


      Gelée de pétales de roses


      Gelée de pétales de roses

      Gelée de pétales de roses or rose petal jelly

      We were walking with Anne, the ambassador’s wife, in the garden of Ärma Farm when we arrived at the roses. It was a sunny mid-summer day, and the pink Palmengarten Frankfurt roses had just achieved their full beauty. There were dozens of full blossoms on each branch, and if you squinted your eyes, and let your thoughts wander, for a moment, you could actually be in … the South of France. Anne picked a blossom, sniffed it and suddenly asked, “Have you ever made rose jelly?” It had never even occurred to me. I knew that unsprayed rose blossoms were edible and I had often used them to decorate cakes. “Then we should try – there are so many blossoms right now that a little thinning would only be good for the flowerbed!”

      Thus, she made me a gift of another recipe for a honey-like delicacy with a dreamy fragrance.






      Ona sunny day, pick some undamaged rose blossoms. Spread out the petals, and with a sharp pair of scissors, cut off the lower white part (this is bitter). Rinse the petals in cold water and boil in water for about 20 minutes. The water will turn red. Let it cool. Squeeze all the colour and fragrance out of each rose petal. Leave a few petals in the water – they will look nice in the jar afterwards.

      You will need 1 kg of sugar for 800 g of rose juice. If you are using special jam sugar, cook about 7 minutes, longer if you are using ordinary sugar. At the end, add the freshly squeezed lemon juice.

      Thereafter, quickly pour the jelly into small heated jars and place them, bottom up, on a table. After awhile, turn them right side up, so the rose petals become evenly distributed in the jar. Store in the refrigerator, or in another cold place.

      Rose jelly is wonderful with berries and fruit, and with cake. But it can also be served with any white fish. Enjoy!

      ⇒ It is best to use special jam sugar that contains a gelling agent. If it is not available, you can use ordinary sugar, but you will have to cook the jelly longer to get it to thicken. But try jam sugar!

      ⇒ Add some apples when you are cooking the rose jelly. You will get a wonderful pink apple jam.


      Mille-feuille elik tuhandekihiline kook elik Napoleoni kook

      Kui korraldataks kookide olümpia, seisaks see kook pjedestaalil – ma ei kahtle selles hetkegi. Ent hõrguks teevad selle lihtsaimast lihtsad asjad: päris või, ehtne piim ja koor, veskikivide vahelt tulnud jahu ning süda ja käed. Need kõik on Prantsuse küpsetistes ja kookides alati aukohal. See, et kondiitrid kasutavad väikestes veskites jahvatatud jahu, on tavaline, mitte peen, ning või asendamist margariiniga seal isegi ei arutata. Prantsusmaal teatakse – ei pea sööma palju, ent kui võtad kas või ainult killu, peab see olema parim. Nii head mille-feuille’i, kui pakuti Pariisi Place de la Concorde’il asuvas L’Obélisque’i restoranis, polnud ma kunagi saanud. Kulus

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