What 'Isa ibn Hisham Told Us. Muhammad al-Muwaylihi
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Playboy Steady on! You won’t miss a thing. I didn’t realize that these gardens would have been reduced to such a state of desolation. But then I’ve just asked a servant who happened to be passing by. I’ve learned that the government apparently has nothing else to do; the only way it can find to serve the people is by restricting access to these gardens as reformers demand. Such reforms involve preventing girls with veils and shawls from entering the gardens. With that in mind, I can only quote the newspapers’ phrase when grumbling about government action: «We count on God, and good is the trustee!»8
Merchant In that case, gone are the days when this garden used to be a delight for the observer, a promenade for beauties, a playground for gorgeous maidens, and a sweet resort for those in quest of wine and beauty. I’ve often come in here by myself and have never left without ensnaring two, three or four hundred lovely little antelopes.
ʿUmdah God knows, nowadays Cairo’s turned into a place where you should only stay long enough to complete your business and then head back immediately to your hometown. If only things were restricted to these gardens; on this visit I’m feeling totally deprived. I spent last night in the company of X the government employee in such-and-such office. My plan was to take him around and give him a good time as usual so that I could achieve my purpose. But—curse him!—he dragged me to any number of places in the Ezbekiyyah that he likes to frequent, but, as you know, I didn’t find anything I liked in a single one of them. I came out with an aching head from the wine and empty pockets from the gambling. This wretch wasn’t content to involve himself alone, but dragged his friends in as well, all of whom clustered around me. I had to pay for everything. Every time he noticed me turning away from one of them, he told me that the person was Y, someone who was able to deal with my needs.
التاجر ولمَ هذا الإنفاق وهذا الانقياد وحاجتك لم تكن إلا عند شخص واحد.
العمدة يحق لك أن تعترض فقد أخلاك الله وأراحك من متاعبنا، فإنّ أشغال التجارة في المدن لا تقتضي ما تقتضيه أشغال الفلاحة في الأرياف من وجوب المداراة والمواراة والمراعاة وقراءة العواقب، فإنّ كلمة واحدة من موظف صغير تكفي لتعطيل عمل كبير، وما يدريك أنّ من تزدريه العين وتحتقره النفس ممّن تراهم الليلة في الأزبكية ربما أصبح عندنا غدًا حاكما في المحكمة أو المديرية.
الخليع إذا كانت الليلة الماضية قد انقضت على غير هواك فلنا عنها عوض من ليلتنا هذه.
العمدة أنصدقك في وجود العوض وأنت لم تصدق في ما دعوتنا إليه في هذه الحديقة؟
الخليع صدقني فإني ما كنت أعلم بما أصاب الحديقة من أمر الحكومة، لأنني كنت مقيمًا في حلوان مدة طويلة وجئت وأنا أحسبها على ما كانت عليهعلى أني والحمد لله قد رتبت لنا الآن سهرة تفوق في الحسن كل سهرة مضت، ولا تحسبني في ارتياد الملاهي مثل صديقك أمس فإني عثرت على من دلّني في هذه الأيام على بيضة خدر من بيت فلان باشا، فهلمّ بنا نخرج وعليَّ أن أبذل جهدي، وأسعى بما في وسعي في استمالتها إلى مقابلتي هذه الليلة كاتمًا عنها أمركما، ومتى وافتني في المكان الذي أعينه لها أرسلت إليكما من يحضركما إلينا فتدخلا على حين غفلة فلا تستطيع منكما اختفاء، وحينئذ يدور بنا المجلس دورة الأنس والسرور، ثمّ لا أكتمكما أنّ ما معي في هذه الليلة من الدراهم لا يكفي لإتمام معدّات هذا المجلس، وبودّي لو أذهب إلى البيت فأحضر ما يلزم على أنني أخشى إذا ذهبت إليه أنّ من فيه يمنعني عن الرجوع إليكما.
العمدة لا عليك فمعي من الدراهم ما يكفي وزيادة
Merchant But why did you spend so much and go along with his scheme, when you only needed one person?
ʿUmdah You’ve every right to object. God has relieved you from the irksome problems we face. Your commercial business in the cities doesn’t require the kind of fawning, dissimulation, compliance, and cautious strategizing that agriculture does in the provinces. A single word from a junior official can often bring about the failure of a big transaction. How are you to know that the person you disregard and ignore in the Ezbekiyyah one night will not turn out the very next morning to be a judge in court or provincial offices?
Playboy If things last night weren’t to your liking, then we’ll make amends tonight.
ʿUmdah Are we supposed to believe your story about amends when you weren’t telling us the truth in inviting us to these gardens!
Playboy Believe me! I’d no idea of the effect government regulations have had on these gardens. I’ve been spending a lot of time in Ḥulwān and came here assuming it was the way it used to be. But—God be thanked!—I’ve arranged a little soirée that will surpass all previous occasions. When it comes to frequenting night clubs, don’t assume I’m like your friend of yesterday. I’ve come across someone who has shown me how to get to a cloistered maiden in B Pāshā’s house. Come on, let’s leave now! I’m going to have to make an effort to persuade her to receive me tonight. I’ll keep you two a