Essential Korean Vocabulary. Kyubyong Park

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Essential Korean Vocabulary - Kyubyong Park

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isseulji jeonhyeo jimjagi an ga. I have no idea where the remote might be.

      그럴듯하다 geu·reol·deu·ta·da plausible

      또 그럴듯한 핑계를 생각해 냈구나. tto geu­reoldeutan pinggyereul saenggakae naetguna. You came up with a plausible excuse again.

      예감 ye·gam hunch, premonition

      내 불길한 예감이 맞았어. nae bulgilhan yegami majasseo. My ominous feeling proved right.

      전망 jeon·mang view, prospect, outlook

      취업 전망이 여전히 어두워. chwieop jeonmangi yeojeonhi eoduwo. The outlook on employment remains gloomy.

      가정 | ~하다 ga·jeong | ~·ha·da supposition, speculation, hypothesis | to suppose, assume

      이건 어디까지나 가정이야. igeon eodikkajina gajeongiya. This is a mere hypothesis.

      유추 | ~하다 yu·chu | ~·ha·da inference | to infer

      이 자료로 유추할 수 있는 것은 무엇입니까? i jaryoro yuchuhal su inneun geoseun mueosimnikka? What can be inferred from this data?

      예측 | ~하다 ye·cheuk | ~·ha·da prediction, forecast | to predict, foresee

      사실 내일 날씨는 아무도 예측할 수 없다. sasil laeil lalssineun amudo yecheukal su eopda. Actually, no one can predict tomorrow’s weather.

      예상 | ~하다 ye·sang | ~·ha·da expectation, prediction | to expect, predict

      내가 예상했던 것보다 조금 쉬웠어. naega yesanghaetdeon geotboda jogeum swiwosseo. It was a little easier than I had expected.

      7.4 Researching

      연구 | ~하다 yeon·gu | ~·ha·da study, research | to study, research

      저희는 이 약의 효과에 대한 연구를 하고 있습니다. jeohuineun i yagui hyogwae daehan nyeongureul hago itseumnida. We are doing research on the effects of this medicine.

      탐구 | ~하다 tam·gu | ~·ha·da study, research | to study, research

      이 장에서는 종교와 문명의 관계를 탐구한다. i jangeseoneun jonggyowa munmyeongui gwangyereul tamguhanda. This chapter explores the relationship between religion and civilization.

      증명 | ~하다 jeung·myeong | ~·ha·da proof | to prove, verify

      자신이 한 말을 증명할 수 있나요? jasini han mareul jeungmyeonghal su innayo? Can you prove what you said?

      검증 | ~하다 geom·jeung | ~·ha·da verification | to verify

      그 이론은 아직 검증이 되지 않았다. geu ironeun ajik geomjeungi doeji anatda. The theory has not been verified yet.

      입증 | ~하다 ip·jeung | ~·ha·da proof | to prove, verify

      제가 어제 그곳에 있었다는 것을 입증할 수 있는 사진이 있습니다. jega eoje geugose i­sseotdaneun geoseul ipjeunghal su inneun sajini itseumnida. I have pictures to prove I was there yesterday.

      밝혀내다 bal·kyeo·nae·da to unearth, disclose

      경찰은 피해자의 사인을 밝혀내기 위해 부검을 실시했다. gyeongchareun pihaejaui saineul balkyeonaegi wihae bugeomeul silsihaetda. Investigators performed an autopsy to determine the cause of the victim’s death.

      규명 | ~하다 gyu·myeong | ~·ha·da identification | to identify, determine

      베토벤의 정확한 사인을 규명하기 위해 많은 사람들이 노력하고 있다. betobenui jeonghwakan saineul gyumyeonghagi wihae maneun sa­ramdeuri noryeokago itda. Many are trying to determine the exact cause of Beethoven’s death.

      조사 | ~하다 jo·sa | ~·ha·da investigation | to investigate

      저는 사건의 원인을 조사하고 있습니다. jeoneun sageonui wonineul josahago itseumnida. I am looking into the causes of the accident.

      알아보다 a·ra·bo·da to check, investigate

      제가 알아볼게요. jega arabolgeyo. Let me look into it.

      참고 | ~하다 cham·go | ~·ha·da reference | to refer, consult

      많은 도서관에서 참고 도서는 대출이 안 됩니다. maneun doseogwaneseo chamgo doseo­neun daechuri an doemnida. In many libraries, reference books are not allowed to be checked out.

      참조 | ~하다 cham·jo | ~·ha·da reference, consultation | to refer, consult

      자세한 사항은 홈페이지를 참조하세요. jasehan sahangeun hompeijireul chamjohaseyo. Refer to our homepage for details.

      창안하다 chang·an·ha·da to invent, originate

      그는 열일곱 살 때 이 이론을 창안했다. geuneun nyeorilgop sal ttae i ironeul changanhaetda. He came up with this theory at the age of 17.

      고안하다 go·an·ha·da to invent, originate

      그가 이 보안 시스템을 고안했습니다. geuga i boan siseutemeul goanhaetseumnida. He designed this security system.

      창의적 chang·ui·jeok creative, original


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