Primary Care for COMLEX Level 1. Dr. Jahan Eftekar

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Primary Care for COMLEX Level 1 - Dr. Jahan Eftekar

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      •Increased LDH

      •Intracellular yeasts

      •Pulmonary lesions, late calcification






      •India Ink



      •Expiratory Wheezing

      •IgE mediated

      •Thickened basement membrane


      •Charcot Leyden crystals

      •Curschmann’s spirals

      Pulmonary Emboli

      •V/Q scan mismatch

      •Immobilized post op

      •Wedge-shaped infarct

      •Deep vain thrombosis

      Squamous Cell Carcinoma


      •Ectopic PTH

      •Nose and larynx, malignant

      •Men 40+


      •AKA. Non-small cell, and large cell

      •75% of all bronchiogenic carcinomas

      •Scar carcinoma

      Oat Cell Carcinoma


      •Ectopic ACTH and ADH

      •Poor prognosis

      •Chemotherapy only

      •Horner’s syndrome

      •Nail clubbing


      •Diffuse alveolar lesions

      •Hyaline membranes

      •Atelectasis and hemorrhage


      •Leukocytosis and neutrophilia

      •Increased BUN, AST and ALT

      •“Bat Wing Alveoli”

      •Gram negative sepsis, DIC, and trauma



      •Barrel chest

      •Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency


      •Hypertrophy of submucosal glands


      •Blue bloaters

      •Cor pulmonale


      •Boeck’s sarcoid

      •Elevated ACE

      •Hyper calcemia

      •Non-caseating Granulomas


      Malignant Mesothelioma

      •Poor prognosis


      •Restrictive pattern

      •Asbestos materials (Asbestos = Ferruginous body)


      Reflux Esophagitis

      •Squamous epithelium

      •Columnar metaplasia

      •Barrett’s esophagus = Adeno-carcinoma

      •Rat-tailed lower esophagus


      •Lower esophageal sphincter

      •Difficult swallowing

      •Lack of ganglions in Myenteric plexus

      Esophageal Varices

      •Nodular hepatomegaly

      •Increased alkaline phosphatase

      •Increased ALT and AST

      •Upper GI hemorrhage


      •Portal hypertension

      Mallory-Weiss Tears

      •Upper GI hemorrhage


      •Prolonged vomiting

      Menetrier’s Disease

      •Giant gastritis

      •Gastric rugal hypertrophy

      •Protein wasting

      Gastric Adenocarcinoma

      •Japanese population

      •Men 50+, blood group A

      •Linitis plastica

      Krukenberg’s Tumor

      •Bilateral ovarian metastasis

      •Gastric carcinoma

      •Signet-ring cells


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